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Posts posted by Arwen

  1. I know right, over in the cycle world we even get marketed a lube that comes with a UV light to check you got it in all the right places :drool:



    Muc-off chain lube apparently has that inbuilt UV thing. I tested it, is it barely noticeable no matter what I've light I used!

  2. Oh I rode like a complete noob for 2hrs on the paddock before I went for my mod1 test.... Both instructors were asking what had happened to me! So when the time came we went the long way to the test center, which seemed to do the trick and calmed me. Passed mod 1 no bother.

    I found if I sang a stupid song while practicing I stayed more relaxed. So I spent mod1 singing "we all live in a yellow Submarine" :lol:

  3. If you don't need a lot of storage -



    if you need lots of storage (at the cost of speed)



    Gaming, what sort of gaming? In most cases I would simply say get a desktop, but if pushed, then this isn't too bad. Possibly a bit chunky though


    This would be a whole lot better, but out of your budget...


    For casual, not intenstive games this maybe work too


    To look at laptops yourself, find the processor type - get an intel i5 or i7. the code after the i5 or i7 referes to the generation. Newest generation is 8. For laptops there was massive improvements in gen 7 and 8 so I would stick too those generations.

    If you want speed more than storage, get an SSD hard drive. Don't get a 128gb one though, it's too small. 256gb is the min i would recommend to anyone.

    For RAM, at least 8gb regardless of how you are going to use it, the more the better. However in most laptops it is pretty easy to upgrade at a later date.

    Feel free to post some links of laptops you want "evaluating" before purchase.

  4. Tyre. Tyre tyre tyre tyre

    Or at a push


    As with most things, how long it lasts depends on many factors. However generally the more weight on the tyre the quicker it will wear. 6.5k seems pretty good to me for one that's done most two up. 7-9k is about average for most bike tyres I think.

  5. It reminds me of bars in the alps where they having skiing/snowboarding on the TVs while musics playing. Don’t suppose youve got an hours worth of this stuff have you?!


    That is possibly the most "useful" reason for me taking video when out and about I've had yet! Sadly I deleted my mass of pointless videos when I filled up my hard drives and needed space to download civ 6... Thanks to buying many more hard drives I now have tons of space again. So I might take some more when I'm off in a few weeks time. I was thinking of going for a ride around the cairngorms if it was dry.

    That little commuting clip was me just testing out settings for the gopro when I first got it. I'm not a fan of the fish eye look, so that setting is the one I've stuck too. Still wide, but hardly any distortion. :)

  6. The running wide around corners is annoying, but can see that it could easily be done my "mistake". Not like one of them was truly gaining from it, they both lost places.

    For once I agree with [mention]Six30[/mention], if that was done on a road, it would/could be classed as attempted murder.

  7. I have a scala Q3. I cannot fault it, works flawlessly every time and has a pretty decent battery life.

    I've got a session 4. I use it mostly for Airsoft but occasionally on the bike if I go somewhere nice. It gives a lovely view...



    Trousers... Unless you are buying second hand, I don't think you'll get anything reputable for £40. A good pair of Kevlar jeans will be around the £80-£100 range. Similar for decent textiles.

    If you have a budget for all three, I would scrap the coms and camera and spend more on trousers.

    Have a look at RST, halvarssons/jofama/lindstrands. I would recommend both.

  8. So today was a day of much bike sitting and moving... We went to Edinburgh, with the intention of me taking a few out for a test ride. I brought most of my kit, but stupidly forgot my boots :shock:

    But in fact, it was a bit of a blessing in disguise. I ended up sitting on many more bikes than I would have, and some were ones that I had previously discounted as being too big!




    The two 1200's feel ace... No hiding that. Biggest turn off is the price. - both initial cost and upkeep/potential problems.

    The husky 401 is too tall without the blocks of 2x4 :crybaby: However you can get a lowering kit for it... Going to investigate.

    The mt03 (600cc version) is awesome looking, fits well, but the airbox digs in to my leg when I put a foot down.

    The new mt03 (300cc version) fits very well, but is very creeky... Which does not inspire confidence in the bike in my mind.

    The Honda cb300r, Harley and Mt 03 are on my test drive list.

    The most surprising bike of today? The triumph Street triple.

    I fit on a standard height bike and don't feel like it's too heavy!!!

    So it is now on my test ride list too. Once I've read up on it :D

    I didn't manage to test ride any bikes during the week... Work was too busy

  9. Put an AC Schnitzer exhaust on it and i will have to add you to my (pretend) hate list...


    Funny you should say that. The exhaust is something I dislike about the F700 (it's pretty much the eh same on the f800.

    A new one is definitely high/top of the list for add-ons. :mrgreen:

    [mention]Snod Blatter[/mention] I do like the Bonnie's. Although I've not sat on on older one. The newer ones although reasonably low, have pretty wide seats. So I'd need to shave the sides for them to be really comfortable with. Definitely a style I like though :thumb:

  10. So, I went and sat on many bikes today. I am in negative equity with the f700, so know there will be a cost evolved in swapping bikes, but I'd rather a bike I am comfortable using than one that is a trial for me and putting me off riding. To get around the negative equity without me paying a lump sum, a year or two older bike seems to keep my monthly payments the same, or lower. So that's what I am now looking at.

    So: Honda rebel 500 - completely different kind of bike, I can totally flat foot it - it feels weird. Feel I need to take it for a test ride cause it is the only bike I can "properly" fit on. Hopefully taking one out on Wednesday morning to a test.

    Also from honda, the NC750sa - It is awesome red and black. Felt nice, better to manually move around however still a little tall and cumbersome. I've also heard the engine is rather boring? May test ride it if I've time on Wednesday after the rebel.

    Kawasaki ER-6N - felt nice, although heavy with a full tank of fuel. Also on the tall side.

    Benelli Leoncino and "trial version" - rather nice looking bike. Felt well balance and reasonably easy to move around. Plus with this I could get a brand new one... however as far as I have read it is a brand new engine style for them.

    We then went to my local BMW motorrad dealer, who used to dismiss up completely. Since I've complained, and more now I have a BMW. They chat and do anything for me. So big improvement in customer service from them.

    While they were working out the maths with my finance, I sat and moved around many bikes. To my amusement/horror the R1200r with a low seat (standard suspension) fits me perfectly... It genuinely was the most comfortable bike, both sitting on it and manually moving it around. I am still rather stunned about it. The RnineT pure also fits well, but is slightly taller.

    Both however were brand new bikes, so I'd need to put down a substantial deposit to cancel out my negative equity and to get my monthly payments down to where they currently are. Also, I am really not sure about getting a 1200 right now. Both from the torque/power and from an insurance point of view!

    They did however have a very nice F800r sport in. Pre-owned however would come with a 2 year warranty. Is not even a year older than my F700 and has all the same toys as it (belly pan, centre stand, full computer, led lights, luggage rack). Most of all, it fits, and I can move it around with ease due to it's bars being lower than the f700's. Got them to do the maths on this for me, comes out at £1 more expensive on the same pcp plan I am currently on with no need for a lump sum. So, this is probably going to be my new bike. Arranging to take it out on Wednesday afternoon...

  11. Tailgaters, oh how I hate thee...

    I do get a little satisfaction when I'm in the car and a tailgater attaches themselves to me. I spray the windscreen with way to much washer fluid and watch as they have to turn their wipers on. It's the simple things I enjoy :lol:

  12. Not everyone buys a motorcycle just to 'bimble', if that's your style fine, but it isn't mine.


    Very true. Which is why there are things called track days. For those who want to go faster than the speed limits without endangering others.

  13. In over 10 years of driving I don't actively keep an eye out for speed cameras, and I have never been fined either. Most cameras will only capture you if you are going quiet a bit above the limit (I can't remember the percentages but 75+ in a 70mph limit, 35+ in a 30mph limit etc). As most speedos read higher than your real speed, staying around 30mph in a 30 limit will not see you get fined. Going 70ish in a 70mph limit will not see you get fined.

    People going 10mph+ over the speed limit are simply asking to get fined in my opinion. As for the folk who insist on doing 50mph down the recently reduced to 20mph road near me (for a reasonable reason - there are two, very big schools now on that road), well, they are plain aggressive about it and should be fined a lot more in my opinion.

    Not speeding is not hard.

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