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Posts posted by Arwen

  1. Sounds like a nightmare.

    Personally, if you cannot build a brick garage at your house then I would get a concrete floored shed and a couple of ground anchors installed in the floor.

    Maybe something like this if you have space -




    These would work so long as you have a bit of ground that the bike can access. (Ideally round the back of your flat) You can also get tents - however these are not as covert as a shed.

    Also, big chains and ground anchors from almax and/or Pragmassis if you do not yet have them. They are much more resistant to cutting than oxford. However if the thieves are using powertools.... not much will stop them.

    Alternatively.... a very big dog that lives in your garden.

  2. I'm 30 in February. Get paid a decent wage, pay into a "very decent" (so I am told) pension, don't have kids, and have been in private rent accommodation for the past 12 years.

    Pretty sure I won't actually reach retirement age (whenever that will be in 30+ years time). My current plan is to hopefully buy a house in the next few years, then withdraw as much as I possibly can from my pensions as a lump sum, as soon as I can. So I can then pay off as much of my mortgage as possible. Then if I actually reach retirement age, I'll simply make do on the state pension - or starve/freeze.

    If I hadn't been paying into a pension the past 8 years, I would have been able to save for a decent house deposit much quicker. However, because of employer contributions it made more sense to wait it out and use it to hopefully pay of the end of my mortgage, rather than start it off :?

    I hate maths at the best of times, but pensions simply depress me. I simply see it as a big pot of money I'm meant to be looking forward to enjoying. Instead I simply see it as money I could better use now to get out of a sucky financial situation.

  3. If you want to go down the route of fixing yourself. This glue is fantastic, I haven't found anything that it won't stick together! A mechanic friend recommended it as it is what they use to stick bumpers on cars back on.... As well as numberplates and anything else!


  4. I'l love a fish tank at work [mention]NeilM[/mention], unfortunately we are not allowed (same with live plants) as we do scientific research and cannot risk contamination :cry:

    Axolotls have been known to grow up to 14", although between 9 and 12" is average.

    Argonians are the lizard people of the Elder Scrolls game series. They can have Jel based names (their language) but frequently have names like Runs-In-Circles or Stays-In-Shadows. So you can end up with some funny sounding names :lol:

  5. Yea Axolotl's are completely carnivorous. They will attempt to eat anything that fits in there mouth, so no little fishy friends for mine.

    I may eventually get a 2nd axolotl for company/breeding however they appear to do fine on their own too.

    I've bought some Marimo moss balls for it to play with, which should also keep the algae at bay apparently. It's quiet nice seeing them there, bobbing around the tank :lol:

  6. Oh that's exactly what this feels like just now [mention]Stu[/mention] , I'm keeping water a pet :lol:

    A 6x2x2 tank would be awesome for multiple axolotls. That is sorta my plan for when I eventually buy a house...

    [mention]Slowlycatchymonkey[/mention], yup, they can regrow pretty much any part of their body. Truly amazing abilities, and very active and curious for an aquarium dwelling pet. They are critically endangered in the wild due to humans draining their lakes. However they are very popular lab species and are kept as pets in many countries. So hopefully these little cuties wont go completely extinct :mrgreen:

  7. Kept fish for a while, very good for lowering the blood pressure. Then added a particularly fast fish to the tank that unbalanced the whole thing.

    Never had anything as exciting as a salamander.

    Are they easy to keep?


    Once the tank is set up, they should be. I've never set up a tank before so having a bit of a learning curve and lack of patience! They live in cold water and don't like fast moving currents so pretty easy to keep in this country.

    [mention]Via[/mention] , not sure about where you are but a few of my local fish shops premake marine salt water for you now, You pay per litre (it's like 25p or something) and is meant for people with small tanks that are more difficult to keep marine things in due to their size. I find I am mesmerised by the marine corral when I visit, and the eels! They are always so curious when I approach the tank

  8. I know a lot of us already have similar interested, so does anyone here keep anything in their house in a tank with water?

    I've been toying with getting an aquarium for few years now, but the initial cost always put me off, that and the thought of having to move it when I move house. However, someone at my work was selling a rather nice 64l tank for much cheapness, so I bought it.

    Decided that I'd put one of my long time favourite animals in it, an Axolotl. (not my picture)


    I am sooooooo excited! However I'm having to cycle my tank first, which seems to be taking an age... I just want my new pet already :lol:

    What have you got in your tanks if you keep fish etc?

  9. Pretty normal to feel nervous I think, especially in the beginning. But you learn to keep it under control.

    Personally I tend not to commute so much at this time of year, mostly because my commuting times are pitch dark and the mass of lights is confusing enough in a car never mind on a bike and all the extra observations that are required to be safe on it. When the evenings start to get lighter again I end up commuting more again. :lol:

  10. RST, Halvarssons, Jofama and Lindstrands are my favourite brands, that do well made bike clothing in a range of prices and sizes. So I would say have a look at them.

    I love my kelvar jeans and leggings. They are super comfy both on and off the bike. Mine attach to my jacket using this magical thing


    Which allows you to easily attach any trousers to a halvarssons/jofama/lindstrands jacket.

  11. People say "But evolution is only a theory!", which is true, I mean it is a theory and it's good they say that, I think, because it gives you hope, doesn't it? That they feel the same way about the theory of gravity and they might just float the f**k away...

    I've been known to tailor that to fit flat-earthers...

  12. I'm on the fence about it... But I think if I was to get footage of truly awful driving (suspect drug/drink driving, GTA wannabies etc) I probably would not hesitate to sent it to the police.

    All I catch on mine is inconsiderate and oblivious drivers :roll: Which is annoying and could cause accidents, but at the end of the day, if no-one got hurt then it's not worth my effort to send it in.

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