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Everything posted by Hoggs

  1. OK I did badly (obviously) BUT WHAT A RACE!!!!
  2. ffs. I boosted Martin. Forgot Alex Marquez was out. I'm sooooooo done with this stupid stupid game
  3. the only thing that makes it bearable is knowing I haven't been watching all free practice sessions and analysing times and performance before making informed decisions like I did last year. If I'd put loads of time into it and was still last I'd be even more insufferable but I'm still gonna throw a tantrum if Rennie beats me
  4. it's a stupid game. *throws toys out pram*
  5. ugghghggghgggghhggh boosted Binder
  6. f**k it I'm just gonna pull names out a hat
  7. lol I'm now last turns out when I don't watch Friday practice and forget there's a race on I don't do as well as I did last year. tbf I'm just helping the riders I want to do well by removing them from my team
  8. are you claiming points for this? I mean... I'll obviously give them to you I'm just checking
  9. Sorry didn't see this. Was this not on last years either? Anyway take a picture and I'll give you 10 points
  10. omg I'm making terrible terrible terrible decisions
  11. top job! I had a shocker. think some big changes needed... or just cry in a corner either or lol
  12. I forgot again. although Martin took out 3 of my guys of Saturday making it all pretty pointless
  13. haaaa! the dropping occurred in Wales. Where I assure you there are hills
  14. So my dad came up and was like I'm doing this tag thing so you go somewhere and take a picture and there's a few by you so do you fancy a quick run out and I was like that sounds like a weird thing to do but sure yeah whatever Stow Hall and Avanti Grille
  15. Yeah this bracket had like totally broken by itself. Nothing to do with me stalling on an uphill gravel road. no siree.
  16. I had a crazy notion to ditch Alex marquez for Olivera... worked out OK
  17. I trust you! and 50 bonus for North and another 50 for South. they're grouped together on the map as I maxed out the number of sections in google but if they're different colours they're separate and a bonus for each
  18. tbf I wave at literally everything
  19. sorry these scores are final no updates
  20. yeeeeees you have my number right?? if no pm me
  21. with the spare change im gonna buy more petrol and actually ride places...maybe get some tags
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