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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Directions are in an earlier post guys. Would be good to see you.
  2. Good choice, that is the one I have. The only issue I had with mine is when it is windy the wind will blow under the cover and it sometimes moves the cover a bit. What i mean by this is the front of the cover will move say, half way up the front wheel so what I have done is simply put the elasticated bit between the front tyre and the kerb that the tyre is leaning against and that holds it now. Just had some heavy rain showers here the last couple of days and when I took the cover off between showers today it was bone dry. (The inside of the cover which is soft) is dry too.
  3. Wow Do you and your mates fancy meeting up at the services or on the way down?
  4. Here are the directions for you. Looks like a superb ride from Chicester up to Crawley. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&saddr=Farlington,+Portsmouth,+United+Kingdom&daddr=Pease+Pottage&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=52.211084,-1.78201&sspn=4.03237,11.623535&ie=UTF8&ll=50.939393,-0.572662&spn=0.518352,1.452942&z=10
  5. Harry you will only look like a twat on the moped if you wear a pair of trackie bottoms and some kind of hoody......!!
  6. Let's say 1130 just to be safe. It's going to be packed as others meet up there too. My mobile number is in the contacts section. Worth having if we can't see each other or something at the services. If it's raining though I will just walk down the hill here to have a look!!!!!
  7. Just found out what it is http://www.intobikes.co.uk/products?detail=product&id=001582&sg=or&search=bike%20cover&bf=0&gf=0&rg=12&sd=ASC&sf=&mn=0010&rt=0&pt=0121 Mine is a large one because of the shape of my Ducati.
  8. Another Oxford fan here. Mine has got vents in it with velcro flaps and is breathable and all that. Flourecent strips on it too for night time. No idea what it is called though.
  9. This has got to be a wind up?
  10. Caption competition number 3....... Wow.... "Does my bum look big in this!" Looks nice on you actually. Did you take it for a ride? Also, what is all that light around and above you? Could it be............ The Sun????????
  11. That is where I bought my Ducati from! Feller rides a big BMW. Bought it for his wife but she didn't have time to ride it.
  12. So is this just for London or a nationwide thing as we are not allowed in them in Brighton.
  13. CF, if you have not got your bike by then you can come on the back of mine if you like. Just let us know. If anyone wants my mobile number it is in the Contacts bit.....
  14. I will ride up to the services on the M23/A23 at Pease Pottage and ride down with you from there if you want? The services are located south of Crawley more or less where the motorway turnes into the A road. If you are heading south you just turn off to your left (obviously) and follow the signs.
  15. I have just finished work and am too tired to go for a ride. Might go out later for an hour though as I am off Sunday so can stay up late!!!!!! Might end up at Devils Dyke to watch the sun go down.
  16. Best thing for you guys coming from the West is to ride up to Horsham then cut across to Crawley then join the A23 and head south with thousands of others, you will love it.
  17. It is absolutely amazing. There are live bands on during the day and loads of stalls and groups and organisations at the sides selling stuff and things. So many bikes of all makes and sizes, something for everyone really.
  18. In a nutshell, about 30-40000 riders ride down to Brighton from London and end up along Madeira Drive on the seafront. Check out the website in the link above.
  19. Have a look here...... http://www.thisbrighton.co.uk/culture-acecafe.htm
  20. It is literally on my doorstep so I will be there. Will ride up somewhere 'down route' on the day then join the thousands coming down the A23 into Brighton. Anyone else about?
  21. Hi Vikki. I think (not 100%) that I clicked through from a link in a post on a Ducati forum......
  22. Cool. Used to cover that with my old band years and years ago. Used to play it all the time when jamming or at a practise but never played it live in front of people for some reason. Only other cover we done was Silver Machine for a laugh and the singer used to sing 'Washing Machine' instead. Anyhow, back on the subject, I am off every third Tuesday night and can possibly do the Tuesday night when I am on earlies, just depends exactly what time I am working on the Wed morning. I will see if I can get a few lads out from work too as we always go out on the Tuesday all day.
  23. Another ex-VD'er here. Stopped posting there a while back as it was getting a bit much. Went back and it had changed so much. Not what it used to be at all. I still visit but just lurk. Not posted for some time now. Can't remember how I found this place, think I was searching for something and clicked through to here. Nice forum, well balanced and no idiots really. I like the way there are lots of new riders asking for advice and being made welcome and getting sensible answers, not having to worry about being jumped on by 'experienced' riders....... The banter is good too.
  24. Wow, is that 'Radar Love' in your Myspace page? (the lyric)
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