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Everything posted by Netmeister

  1. Just another note on tyres. Road tyres are actually designed to last longer than all out track tyres, by this I mean a sports/sports touring tyre, not a super sticky barely legal road tyre. I've known people to get about 5k and about 4-5 track days out of their road tyres. Also, if you're worrying about if road tyres have enough grip, I heard a chap say he actually ran in the fast group with his (Bridgestone BT-021) so you'll be fine
  2. The fact that Hottrax have organised these road bike only track days just shows that you have nothing to worry about. I've already done a track day on my road bike and it was fine, and I plan to do a few more. If you go out there with a sensible head, go easy and build your speed gradually you have nothing to worry about. Go for it
  3. Thats true, I've seen a couple of people do that, will just be a little windier thats all
  4. Ahh Chris mate, would be a bummer if you didn't make it. Can't offer any help but you just need to call in as many favours as you can. Have you tried salvaging the broken fairings i.e. gaffa tape them up or something? lol Worst case could you just make it for one day? If blake was a true biker he would swing by and pick you up as you only live down the road from Cadders No pressure though!
  5. Thats very good for your first track day on a road bike and road tyres! Should leave me for dead then on the 29th
  6. Nice one. Just so you know, I'm also loosely planning to do another evening the week after on the 7th
  7. Yeah the days are run in 7 session from all the top track day organisers. You can get open pitlane day, but unless your confident in thefast group or top of the inters I wouldn't recommend it. From what I hear the days are ususally used for testing by racers. Anything under 1 minute for Brands Indy is a good lap time for a casual track dayer, the fast boys are pushing between 50-55 secs. I've not done any timing myself, but I'd hazard a guess I run about 1.05 based on my pace compared to others, but I'm not 100% sure. Will have the camera out with me on the 29th so can see how I get on.
  8. Hey all, Just booked myself on an evening trackday with No Limits on the 29th at Brands Indy. I'm booked in Inters/Fast group. It's been reduced to £65 from £79 and for Brands thats very good for 4 session. Anyone that doesn't want to commit to a full day should come along for a taster.
  9. I take it your booking with MSV? There are a few other track day organisers worth noting. No Limits, Focused Events, and Hottrax, and they usually come out a little cheaper than MSV too. I would choose No Limits first as their days are run brilliantly, but if I can't get the dates I want it would be FE, then MSV. Hottrax rarely do days at tracks round my way so I haven't done a day with them yet.
  10. So you got some more lined up? I've got a couple of evening sessions lined at Brands towards the end of June & beginning of July.
  11. Hey T, My first answer is to say next time your out grab yourself an instructor, I did and it worked wonders for my lines around Brands Indy. However to give you some sort of idea of what you should be aiming for I've knocked up the picture below. First thing to note is the yellow line through McLarens. From the apex of Surtees (where the yellow line starts) you can pretty much straight light it to the apex of McLaren (where the yellow line stops) from there you let the bike run out wide to left of the track (yellow dot) and cut back in for the first apex of Clearways. As you work your way around Clearways try and keep yourself just to the right of the middle of the track as the left part of the track falls away from you and pulls you out wide. You then cut back in for the second apex and from there just let the bike run wide naturally as you get the power on for the start/finish. Hope this helps mate, but as I said before seeing an instructor do it in front of you is the best way to learn lines. EDIT: A quick mention on entry speed. What group are you in? No offence but I very much doubt you're going in too fast. The most probable answer is that you're not turning the bike quick enough. It should be a quick flick into a bend to get the bike on line as quick as possible. If you haven't already, pick yourself up a copy of Keith Codes 'A Twist of the Wrist II' DVD, there's plenty on there to improve your riding, including how to get the bike turned quickly.
  12. Nice one I had a suspicion you might after yesterday
  13. Don't worry mate you'll be fine, and I guarantee you'll be back for more. The best tape to use is electricians tape like this http://www.jamestowndistributors.com/userportal/woeimages/Tape/8913.jpg It doesn't leave any glue on the headlights or body work. It's the stuff I used and the bike was clean as a whistle after. The reason for taping up the lights it's to stop people seeing them, it's if you come off it keeps the glass in one/just a few pieces. Just do a bike X across both lights and that will be enough. I'd tape up or remove your mirrors as well as you don't want to be looking behind you, just concentrate on whats going on in front.
  14. Did this last year, and I recommend it to anyone! For £50 it is an absolute steal, you learn so much about vision on the roads that is vital for us bikers. Did you have a good day?
  15. I don't need to proove owt, he'll be on a 1000 Saying that though, it will probably break down so I'll soon catch him
  16. Pull your finger out my son! I need someone to tail on the first day!
  17. Guarantee you'll be on one of the Cadwell days come July? The trackday bug always bites
  18. Did you get home ok Chris? The bike wasn't to bad from what we could tell, just fairing damage. In a way its good it went down in the gravel as its......softer? Great to meet you buddy, had a really good day, bar your mishap.
  19. Yes boss! Fast philgale - paid Cledubber (maybe) inters chris128 netty - paid blake MikeGale novice Pumilio (evening) Day 2 Fast philgale - paid Cledubber (maybe) inters chris128 netty - paid blake MikeGale novice Pumilio
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