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Everything posted by Netmeister

  1. Sorry I've already dibbed Vicki as pit girl ...saing that, I'm gonna have Martin from Lady Snoots. Maybe I'll ask him to put some PVC on.
  2. And there's me fretting about trying to sleep cramped up in my car, didn't realise you could bring tents. Phew.
  3. I suppose for a tenner it's worth the peace of mind.
  4. Wait I've got another question. Bandit has a full length scorpion end can that came with the bike, but it didn't have a baffle. You reckon I'd pass the noise test? Was thinking about buying a db killer but if I don't have to I wont. Here's a pic http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu121/Netmeister87/Bandit/3.jpg
  5. Thinking about it, being such a novice I'm not sure I would notice the differences anyway. I think I might just do the first couple of sessions to see how I get on then speak to the suspension dude if I get any problems.
  6. The other thing is with Lady Snoots if it's only minor damage they'll only take the money they need i.e. if you just snap a peg, they'll just take money for the peg.
  7. It's 180 a time plus petrol used, so about 200 per day. Done a lot of thinking about this and I think that if I'm only doing 6-8 it works out cheaper to hire once everything is factored in. I don't mind spending the money for the added security of knowing everything is sorted for me. My own track machine will come one day though, hopefully this winter when everyone is selling, if not some time next year.
  8. Change of plan, the Bandit is staying now, probably for another year. In that case I'll prob get them to take a look then, any idea on the going rate? Is it around £40.
  9. What's your take on suspension? I know they have guys there to do it, but don't want to spend £40 just to have to put it back to road settings after.
  10. For this one I'll be hiring from Lady Snoots. Fingers crossed they do a deal for two days on the trott.
  11. Pah, you know Cadwell is better than Brands anyway BLASPHEMY!
  12. Hey all, Finally going for my second TD and it will be Brands Indy on the 26th April with No Limits. Got a question though. What do I need to take? I've decided I'm gonna take the Bandit out to open her up, so I'll be riding to the track meaning limited storage space. This is what I've got so far: Electricians tape -for lights etc Spanner - to get mirrors off Foot pump (do they have pumps at MSV tracks?) Clear Visor - got tinted visor on lid Back Protector Any other tools I might need? Then just essentails like food & water etc etc. For those thinking about their first trackday (URBANMARK!!!) as I said I'll be taking my 215kg, 75bhp Bandit out so I'll be pootling around in novices so come along and we can pootle together
  13. I live 10 minutes away from brands, but I'm not rich
  14. I'm gonna start calling you Cadmeister....actually Phil can you change usernames?
  15. IT'S CRAP IT'S CRAP!!! thats it dinosaur head, bigballsmike is on his way over RAAWWRRR, I'll bite his head off if he does!
  16. Top man. If you can, get the tinted visor as well, really sets it off. Make sure you get the pinlock version though.
  17. lol mate if it was up to me I'd be on the track every week. I'm planning to do Brands Indy end of April, I've got my level 1 at CSS in May, then hopefully do another in June, so should be well up to Inters standards by then, not fast though
  18. Sounds like you've already made up your mind, but my dads got one and he swears blind by it. Paid a darn site more than £40 too
  19. Was that me? lol. I got the red one at the NEC last year and love it. Very comfortable compared to my old AGV K4, and pinlock is a god send. I was talking to the guy on the stand about the 1000 vs 1100. He said the only differences were really to do with aerodynamics and couple of features like removable pads etc. The inner shell shape is the same (and believe it of not is the same across multiple brands) so I would be very suprised if you didn't get on with the 1000 after trying the 1100.
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