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Everything posted by Bogof

  1. 125 test is generally a cheaper option, as you can practice without paying someone to chaperone you. And spending time learning by experience post-test is no bad thing.
  2. Depends. How old are you? If you're <21, take it on a 125 and put up with 33bhp for 2 years. If you're >21 stop fannying around and get on with it. Do DAS and get a loud bike so you can cause stress to motorists. Simple really
  3. Maybe. It's not been passed into local law yet has it? So it's still 'draft' as far as the UK is concerned? It does sound harsh, but at the same time they do need to do something to address the current issue of 10% of newly qualified riders becoming a KSI statistic in their first year of full licence. That figure occurs with the current system, which I would suggest needs to change urgently to save lives.
  4. The 'drill' is wrong in my view, not least because it misses out the mirror entirely! Also, you should act on the information you gather when you look in the mirror. If the mirror is not clear of approaching traffic then you should wait, signal when it's clear to move before actually moving. If you signal when something is approaching you give the impression that you're about to move, and can 'panic' the other person. Shoudler check should happen just before you move off, as any 'threat' prior to that is irrelevant.
  5. That's quite funny, and also quite sad that some people really do think that way.
  6. Any bike so long as its output is <33bhp, either by design and manufacture, or by being restricted in some way. Age is immaterial, unless you want to do Direct or Accelerated Access. Direct Access is taken on a big bike and a pass allows you to ride ANY bike. Only available to over 21s. Accelerated Access is for people that tested on a 125 and then either decide they were too hasty and want to try again on a big bike, or attain the age of 21 during the 2 year restriction period, is taken on a big bike and a pass allows you to ride ANY bike. Only available to over 21s that have already passed on a 125.
  7. Bogof

    Speed Limit

    i sometimes struggle to understand people's meanings in plain text, but just incase it needs clarification: it was the cows farting bit that i edited hang on, hang on... how did we get from speeding to cows farting again? Easy. 50% of posts on here are full of bullshit
  8. As others have said... not usually, but you could if you're prepared to risk losing the fee for Mod 2 if you fail Mod 1 And of course the test is changing again (assuming they do actually go ahead after the consultation) in October, when they dumb it down again and do the manouevres on-road so then it'll be a single riding test.
  9. And you have just discovered ONE of the benefits of accessing professional training...
  10. Basically, you need a different sized gasket ring to fit the pipe into the side of the cylinder. My son had exactly the same problem, his friend made him a gasket to fit.
  11. Dominate the lane, and show confidence! On a dual carriageway, ride in such a position that there can be no ambiguity about which lane you are in, and such that it prevents another vehicle pulling alongside in the same lane. On a single carriageway, left of centre, but not too close to the drain covers, and not so trhat cars try to overtake where it's not safe to do so. And congrats!
  12. Bogof

    Speed Limit

    I thought it was cows farting that caused it Oooh...spooky I edited my post to keep it on topic and whenb i got back you had beat me to it! I'm allowed, I started the thread so it's impossible for me to be off-topic
  13. Bogof

    Speed Limit

    I thought it was cows farting that caused it
  14. Stop, always, so long as it is safe to do so - which means knowing what is behind you and whether or not you can stop without someone rear ending you.
  15. I use the factory fitted steering lock, a £5 disc lock from Aldi and an insurance policy.
  16. That sounds about right. Best thing is to treat it as a rideout with a satnav in your ear. Enjoy it, and relax!
  17. Makes sense now, and I agree other than slow speed control when you want to drag the rear brake
  18. Erm.... slow speed control ofc! Remember U turns?
  19. Is that a direct quote, as it seems to be saying that you should use either alone, which makes little sense when read in conjunction with your next sentence!
  20. Bogof

    Speed Limit

    i tend to agree, but would worry about pushing people to drive beyond their comfort zone.
  21. Roadcraft does seem to be a marmite read... Personally I love it. I learnt a hell of a lot by reading both the car version (full licence 35 yrs) and the bike (full licence 2 yrs) versions and then applying what the book said out in the real world. The biggest impact by far though was the realisation that, as Roadcraft says, a motorcycle collision occurs when the system of motorcycle control breaks down. The underlying message is that EVERY collision between two vehicles could have been avoided if either party had taken different steps leading up to the collision. Now that's a bit utopian of course, but what it made me do was to further analyse my riding to the extent that every near miss, every "moment" on the road, every bend that runs a little wide, gets played over again in my head and I come up with a plan to avoid a repetition. And so far it's worked
  22. A bit out-dated now though,. doesn't mention Sharp testing
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