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Everything posted by Bogof

  1. The clock ticks on the theory, and you have 2 years to complete Mod 1 AND Mod 2. If the 2 years lapse, you have to start all over again, even if your Mod 1 was only last week
  2. I commute from East Kent to Croydon every day, and Croydon is just about as much non-London as you can get!
  3. Yes it can. My son did it with Mod 1 and Mod 2. Passed Mod 1 in 2 attempts and Mod 2 first time. To be honest you'd be much batter off accessing professional training which would equip you with the skills necessary to stay alive on the roads, but it's your choice, as it was his.
  4. It'll be fine so long as none of the important writing/print is missing or illegible.
  5. I have to leave room for when my brain breaths in
  6. I thought it was quite cleaver Cutting wit! And so sharp too
  7. Bogof

    refurb exhaust

    Don't use a synthetic brush, it'll melt in the tin.
  8. I have them, and one of them, and I regularly do. I'm on my 3rd helmet and never yet had a problem wearing glasses with any of them. They were Caberg, Laser and HJC, so nothing special.
  9. Relatively little used to be £250k. Insurance is a risk based business, it is simply not true that massive profits are coming from first time drivers, unless you actually mean that massive profits are being made across the whole risk portfolio. Look at the accident stats and maybe you'll understand why your premiums (rightly) get loaded.
  10. I'll see your right to choose, and raise you the fact that as a taxpayer I do not have the right to choose whether or not you get to spend my tax on repairing bits of your body that you chose to leave unprotected. If you expect me to fund your rebuild, the least you can do is take care of your body properly so someone more deserving can use the NHS instead. It's a due diligence thing, simlpe really. And, if someone far more qualified than I says that lives will be saved, and injuries avoided, by adopting a few simple improvements to aid safety, then my view is that it'd be pretty stupid to dismiss it out of hand. For pretty much the same reason that I don't run round my garden barking (I have 4 dogs) I'll not try doing the job of UK or EU based legislators with access to large groups of industry experts either. And lastly I do think it particularly sad that anything that comes out of the EU legislative machine is automatically rejected without a moments thought by large numbers of people simply because they "loathe anything to do with the EU". Not pointing a finger, just sayin'
  11. Bogof

    Suzuki GS 125

    If it's been standing a long time, the petrol may hve gone "waxy" in the tank, and in the float bowl on the carb. This will need to be flushed out. Take the carb apart and clean it with carb cleaner. Empty the tank and flush that out too. Refill with fresh petrol and try starting it again.
  12. One very big advantage of riding a V-Twin (as Stu will know only too well)... Brakes? We have BRAKES too? I often have to remind myself to apply a brake if only to show a brake light to following traffic
  13. It's also possible that they provide evidence of personal indemnity, and thus won't need an insurance policy for the car
  14. Its a more efficient method as it rotates the bike and transfers the centre of gravity to assist with speed reduction.
  15. You are legally allowed to use it on the road if you ordered online before the old one expired, but only for a few days till the new one turns up. My ISP are shit, 17kbps at the moment.... F*ck it!
  16. Bogof

    squeeky shock

    Or you could just try regreasing it as the squeak is probably due to the old grease drying out
  17. Can't find the stats right now, but the drop in bike tests was matched by the drop in car tests, due more to the economy than the test itself. Overall, the pass rate has remained steady, despite MCN/MAG claiming the 2 part test was tougher. Now of course it is quite possible that it is/was tougher, but if the pass rate is the same that suggests people were better prepared in terms of standard of training and preparation prior to taking the test. Which is a good thing, isn't it? Better trained would usually equate to better survival rate on the road, which is supported by the drop in KSI since the introduction of the test. Again, this must surely be a good thing? However, MCN/MAG want the test dumbed down and have campaigned tirelessly to get it changed back. One wonders why if it's been a success in playing its part in saving lives!
  18. Bogof

    squeeky shock

    Just in case anyone's still interested.... WD40 certainly won't hurt, and could well cure your problem with the shock. Don't use it on your chain though
  19. I'm not entirely sure they (assume you mean DSA) are having too much difficulty keeping the numbers up... According to MAG, motorcycling is in decline. I guess it's fewer licence holders all owning multiple bikes then?
  20. The answer to that is very simple. MAG and other influential motorcycling pressure groups don't, seemingly, give a stuff for safety. They pressured the DSA into putting slow speed manouevres back on an open road full of other traffic instead of a safe purpose built compound. Idiots! Of course most MAG members have already passed their test, so one wonders why they are so concerned about the test regime when there's little or no personal involvement. Maybe they just get off on flexing their 'political' muscles
  21. It's a completely different category of vehicle! Do you honestly expect them to bring in tandem licencing arrangements that simultaneously affect HGV drivers, coach drivers, horse riders, taxi drivers, caravan towing drivers.... etc etc.... Motorcycling is dangerous. They are trying to reduce the 10% KSI figure. Is it just me that thinks their efforts should be applauded?
  22. Admissions appeals all day tomorrow. Boring AND hot, not a nice combination. F*ck it!
  23. My HJC and glasses work well, but you really need to get out and go shopping at Heine Gericke or similar
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