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Everything posted by Bogof

  1. Do you live in India? I have a 46l on the back of my Storm occasionally. Doesn't look out of place any more than a small one does.
  2. It hasn't changed for motorcycles. There have been car changes, instructor asked to accompany test, instructor can interpret and later there will be questions added about independent driving no doubt, but bike remains unchanged as far as I'm aware.
  3. Check your rear sprocket. Sounds like you either stripped all the teeth off it, or destroyed the cush in some way allowing it to spin freely.
  4. The Department for Transport who, in all likelihood, are a little more "in the know" when it comes to transport related matters than you are, seem to disagree that it "makes no difference". From their annual Reported Road Casuallties publication for 2008... "Motorcyclists represent 19 per cent of fatalities and only 1 per cent of traffic – we have an on-going programme of research to look at training and testing as well as understanding the characteristics of motorcyclists." So they seem to think training is an important factor. RoSPA also place great importance on training. See my previous post just above yours for a quote. I fail to understand why people think it's OK to ride without training first. To me, its a stupid as advising someone to ride without safety gear.
  5. Bogof

    Doh :(

    Is it steam? It's got 2 chimney pots in the engine bay!
  6. Depends on the definition of "good" I guess. @Memame: Glad to hear you're looking at ERS. Good luck http://www.begin-motorcycling.co.uk/rospa5.htm
  7. As far as I know these are still current... http://www.motorcycle.co.uk/getdoc/576ed463-ff6d-452c-b0f4-dffe02c9f3e0/Motorcycle-test-questions.aspx
  8. Congrats on the pass, but.... NO TRAINING? Hate to rain on your parade, but passing without training isn't something to be proud of, in my view. Sorry, but jumping onto a 600 with NO training is madness, and its even worse that you're in Kent riding the same roads as me and my son. What a crazy test system we have that allows someone to jump on a bike and with only a few hours CBT go on to pass a test that gives full licence access to a big bike (restricted) within weeks. And yes, I know that you have a few weeks 125 experience, but I also know that you have had at LEAST 3 accidents in those few weeks! And a near miss or several, such as...
  9. Bogof

    Doh :(

    Hope that the battery recovers enough charge overnight to start the bike in the morning. Or Stick a charger on it Or Bump start the bike in the morning Or Call the AA Or Catch a bus to work
  10. Is it possible to transfer the pins to another visor? I've got pinlock on my crashed helmet, and would like to put it on my new one. Is that possible?
  11. OK, I'm now officially confused
  12. And do away with the motorcycle licence test all together? After all, there'll be little point in sitting a 3 part test that allows you to ride a 33BHP bike if you can already ride one at 25-30BHP. Haven't really thought this one through, have we? One day you will realise that speed isn't the most important attribute for a motorcycle Oh, and neither is BHP, but that'll take you a little longer to come to terms with
  13. It'll be even funnier if it works
  14. Disconnect charger from battery. Switch off charger. Leave for 5 mins. Reconnect battery to charger. Switch on charger. It's worth a try, as I have known chargers to get "locked" in one mode and a reset usually cures it.
  15. Welldone on your pass! And good luck for Mod 2, hope you can get it booked soon
  16. You're right, I didn't read the question and the preceding posts properly. The Mod 1 and Mod 2 are tied to the theory test date, which is valid for 2 years. You must pass both within 2 years of theory or take the whole lot again. The CBT date is irrelevant other than it must be valid at the time of taking both modules. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/LearnerAndNewDrivers/PracticalTest/DG_178328
  17. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/LearnerAndNewDrivers/RidingMotorcyclesAndMopeds/DG_4022430
  18. Isn't it £200 cos... ...and not just for the key problem? Or did I read that wrong?
  19. ANSI Device Numbers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_Device_Numbers
  20. 5 routes here http://www.dsa.gov.uk/Documents/TestRoutes/Halifax_Motorcycle_Routes_41-45.pdf Good luck on your test
  21. I wouldn't, I'd say fewer not less After your first couple of lessons the instructor should be able to gauge how much more time you will need.
  22. Spot on with that then, and it's nice to know that the link I provided was useful to you. Goodbye.
  23. With respect, you may confuse by posting that link, since it takes you to the original version which is dated 27.3.06 The link I posted earlier in the thread takes you to a statement from Paul Clark MP, the Sec of State for Transport, on the publication of the consultation on the 3rd directive. The statement was issued on 11.11.09 An awful lot has changed in the last 3 years, and the original document is now of little use to anybody other than historians. Agree totally on the MCN point though. They do seem to overuse the journalists maxim - Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story!
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