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Everything posted by Bogof

  1. Oh f**k, you broked it more!
  2. F**k F**k F**k F**k F**k F**k F**k F**k F**k F**k F**kitty F**k F**k Oh, and F**k! Just sayin'
  3. Wrong...kangaroo, its tougher so can be made thinner and lighter and still offer the same protection love my skippy made leathers, crashed loads in them and they should be back from the shop after being stitched back together ready for another 5 crashes I meant that little shop on the Isle of Wight, the one that uses all the kangaroo (and horse) leather
  4. He'll be on his bike before he tells you to start your engine, so he won't ever get to see it. That said, so long as it doesn't compromise safety, it's of no concern to him.
  5. No. Use theirs so when you drop it.... Only way to get it there is either ask someone that is qualified and insured to ride it to drop it there for you, or stick it on a trailer. Best bet is to do CBT on their bike.
  6. Bogof

    Project bike...

    That was me! Tempted to ask if the wheelbarrow is included next
  7. Thinking you know better than a DSA examiner isn't a very helpful attitude to be honest. You'd be better off accepting what he said and learning from it. No matter how much car and small lorry experience you have, it's a whole different world on a bike, and the examiner knows this better than you do Good luck on your test
  8. It's not hard, just different. I liken it to riding my bike through a big bowl of thick custard. Everything takes just that little bit longer. Accelerating, braking, cornering... just imagine doing it all in slo-mo... then DO IT in slo-mo for real First thing though is to make sure your pillion knows how to behave. I tell mine to imagine they're a rucsac on my back, and ask them to make sure they don't shift around on the seat when cornering, don't lean unless I lean, and not to get off until I let them know I'm ready.
  9. It has changed to make it easier. Now you don't have to get up to speed, you just have to try to (almost). Basically margin for error has been introduced to dumb down the speed requirement of 2 manouvres. In October (assuming the consultation delivers their required result) they change it to make it more dangerous. Basically the current off-road manouvres will instead be undertaken on-road, exchanging a safe enclosed environment on which to show off your ability, for a busy road with other traffic on which the emergency services will be able to show off their life-saving skills when you fall under the wheels of an artic when you screw up the swerve. The theory tests are almost the same, but you need to pass the one related to the class of vehicle you wish to test on. So car theory for car, bike theory for bike.
  10. Bogof

    Kawasaki GPZ 550

  11. Bogof

    Project bike...

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270759488506 Perfect for a weekend project. Or something!
  12. Different place, same answer. Return it to the dealer and let him sort it out
  13. Easy Ryder!!! Oh, and welcome to both of you
  14. Some rideouts take a lot of planning!
  15. Restricted, yes on both counts, since a restricted licence is i every other respect a full licence, you're just limited on power for 2 years. Check your insurance for pillion though, not all of them include pillion cover as standard.
  16. That's a good way to sharpen your mirror and life-saver skills. London bikers take no prisoners when they're filtering! And the scooters are no better...
  17. 1) No questions on Mod 1, they appear at the start of Mod 2 2) No 3) No, it's still off-road till October(ish)
  18. Bogof

    to much oil???

    Depends on the bike. Read what the manufacturer says in the Owners Handbook (online maybe) for a definitive answer for your particular bike.
  19. Oh OK, night then Fozzie, hope you sleep well
  20. Read Motorcycle Roadcraft and you will know why your premioms are high. From memory - "Collisions occur when the system of motorcycle control breaks down" The inference is, that there is ALWAYS something that the bike rider could have done to have avoided a collision. If you didn't avoid it, you failed. Simple really
  21. ULNAR NERVE NEUROPATHY (little finger and ring finger) http://www.cptips.com/handsyn.htm How do they help with that? :S that seems like its just to do with vibrations etc. Apparently it helps you maintain good "hand posture" allowing padding to be effective at minimising the strain on the little finger by coupling it with the ring finger. It also minimises finger damage on impact, as it says here for example... http://www.arc-on.co.uk/all-products/gloves/corse-gloves.html
  22. ULNAR NERVE NEUROPATHY (little finger and ring finger) http://www.cptips.com/handsyn.htm
  23. Not correct. They are wanting you to click on a developing hazard, work through the intro and listen to what is said. Manhole covers and standing water are unlikely to develop. Similarly, someone standing by the side of the road is not a developing hazard. If they step out into the road, it's now developing so.....click and score!
  24. That's a good description! Another way of looking at it is to remember that they ask you to click when you see a DEVELOPING hazard. A bus at the side of the road is a hazard. If it starts to move or indicates as you approach it, it's developing so you should click.
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