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Everything posted by Bogof

  1. Sorry, I got bored about 25% of the way through your campaigning diatribe. If you'd care to retype your questions succinctly, I'd be more than happy to try answering them. As it stands your questions seem to get lost in a whole load of misinformed scaremongering and I really can't be arsed to try to pick them out Alternatively, you might like to follow this url http://www.dft.gov.uk/press/speechesstatements/statements/thriddirective which took me all of 15 seconds to find using Google, and which appears to set out in detail the implications on licensing as far as the UK is concerned.
  2. Bogof

    General Oil Loss

    Check what your manual says about the dipstick. I believe some bikes require it screwed in to read oil level, others don't. Your manual should tell you which. 1.1 litre doesn't sound very much, but if you're right and they under-filled it by 10% then it will need topping up to maintain protection.
  3. Bogof

    General Oil Loss

    Have you made sure that you are checking it in the right way? Your users manual should tell you how to do this, but generally the bike should run for 5 mins, rest for 5 mins, level the bike and check. If you check it on the side stand or from cold, for example, it would look too low. Sorry if you already know this, but thought it worth a mention just in case
  4. No, my Gran is dead, and gone to heaven.
  5. Isn't that a flower? My Gran used to have them on her dining table in a great big vase.
  6. In a word, No. Sorry, but a pass on the theory is required before you can take Mod 1, and a pass on Mod 1 is required before you can take Mod 2. Have you tried any of the free to use online practice tests?
  7. I don't have a spare tyre, Colin.. but good thinking.. might have to get hold of one.. Maybe Colin has a spare spare tyre?
  8. Yes I do, every time. I assume you would nod to him when he's out on a Sunday afternoon rideout on his own bike, so why would there be a need to be rude when he's working?
  9. But how else can you keep your chips warm as you ride?
  10. then your current helmet needs changing as its a poor fit and will add to injuries in the event of an accident. I ride with a neck tube, prefer it to a balaclava... EEEK! Unless its a VERY thin hoody!
  11. Serious point: It's questions like this that make the statement "Lessons aren't necessary" the biggest load of bollocks ever! Whilst it is possible to pass the test without professional training, I strongly advise you to get yourself some lessons. They may just teach you how to stay alive on a bike, something that you don't necessarily get just by passing a test Would you let a doctor perform open heart surgery on you if he had learnt his skill from Google, or fly on a commercial flight where the pilot learnt to fly from reading lots of forums? Further reading for those who think you can skip professional training and simply self-train by reading... http://www.begin-motorcycling.co.uk/rospa5.htm Oh, and you should also consider a sex change, since men account for 93% of motorcyclist deaths and 88% of total motorcyclist casualties. It's safer to be a woman on a bike
  12. £15.50 for the test fee. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/LearnerAndNewDrivers/LearningToDriveOrRide/DG_4022530
  13. Lifesavers - only one thing to think about, one thing to remember, one thing to dictate when/where you throw in a lifesaver... where is the threat likely to be coming from? It really IS that simple
  14. Grats and well done!!! Now get on the phone and order the SV/Bandit
  15. Well done!!!! Now go and enjoy the SV I had same, was convinced I had failed! Quite shocked when he said "Passed"
  16. Bogof

    Dead Indicator

    So do as I suggested and swap the indicators from left and right. That way you narrow down the faulty area.
  17. Is this it? http://www.scooterinvasion.com/tgb2.htm http://www.scooterinvasion.com/images/tgb2_1.jpg
  18. Bogof

    Dead Indicator

    I would swap the left/right bulbs. If the fault moves, its the bulb. If the fault stays, its wiring.
  19. First: Not compulsory, but highly recommended. Without professional training you miss out on a lot of the staying alive on the roads tips Second: Yes, but restricted to 33bhp for 2 years. See http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/LearnerAndNewDrivers/RidingMotorcyclesAndMopeds/DG_4022568
  20. Scores the max 5 stars on the Sharp test http://sharp.direct.gov.uk/search/results/?sort=manufacturer&dir=asc&manufacturer=28&model=a729965cfe73fa0a7b4c1fcc32aed706&type=0&rating=0&size=0&price=0&x=25&y=2 So it should be safe enough. http://www.youtube.com/marushintv
  21. My parents were in their mid-70s when I got my first bike, so they were way too old to be bothered with worrying about anything other than what time is Corrie on?
  22. Son completed his CBT today He got home and went straight out on the bike I watched him wobble off down the road and nearly shouted "OY FECKING CAR DRIVER WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!" 'cos a car came within 15m of him. I know I really shouldn't, but I am a little worried right now And I really wish I could ride out with him... so I can protect him from all those nutty cagers!
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