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Everything posted by Bogof

  1. You've got absolutely nothing to lose (apart from £10) so go for it! Should you not pass you only have to wait 3 working days before you can retake. There is no limit on the number of times you can retake the test.
  2. This was enough to get me 48/50 a couple of weeks back And it's free... http://www.all4bikers.com/theory/
  3. Wouldn't Velcro fastening strips do a better job, and be a lot cheaper?
  4. Source: http://www.dsa.gov.uk/Category.asp?cat=551 Yeh thats what i thought but then i watched the DSA video on youtube: And it talks about the safety quesitons right before it goes on to the module 1 stuff The video could be wrong I guess... Source: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/LearnerAndNewDrivers/PracticalTest/DG_178328
  5. No just some bits and bobs i got told when doing my cbt. I was under the impression that safety quesiton/ quesitons about the bike were part of module 2? Source: http://www.dsa.gov.uk/Category.asp?cat=551
  6. It doesn't need a nut that side, the hole is to slip something through it to assist in pulling the axle out once the nut the other side has been removed. You would also need to slacken off the clamp buts at the base of the fork. Take a look at http://www.sportbikers.net/forums/showthread.php?t=7711 which may not be exactly the same removal technique on your bike, but Step 4 shows what I think you are talking about?
  7. Just read this, then went back to the referring webpage which says... Does that mean its a clockwork visor?
  8. http://www.themcdonalds.net/richard/bik ... C_3595.jpg
  9. B - Motor vehicles with a MAM not exceeding 3500kg having not more than 8 passenger seats with a trailer up to 750kg. Combinations of towing vehicles in category B and a trailer, where the MAM of the combination does not exceed 3500kg and the MAM of the trailer does not exceed the unladen mass of the towing vehicle. Automatic cars B1 - Motor tricycles / quad cycles, 3 or 4 wheeled vehicles with an un-laden weight not exceeding 550kg. f - Agricultural tractors k - Mowing machine or vehicle controlled by a pedestrian p - Mopeds http://www.licencecheck.co.uk/category_codes.php
  10. Bogof

    Escalating costs

    Can you cite a reference please, since that is contrary to advice that I have been given and is not in accordance with my understanding of how the MOT Scheme works. I have already searched the VOSA and DSA websites and all relevant references to expiry dates suggest that early expiration does not happen under any circumstances.
  11. Bogof

    Escalating costs

    http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/Mot/DG_4022108 It is generally an offence to use on a public road, a vehicle of testable age that doesn’t have a current test certificate, except when: taking it to a test station for a test booked in advance bringing it away from a test station after it has failed the test, to a place of repair taking it to or bringing it away from a place where, by previous arrangement, repairs are to be made or have been made to fix the problems that caused the vehicle to fail its test Even in the above circumstances you may still be prosecuted for driving an unroadworthy vehicle if it doesn’t comply with various regulations affecting its construction and use. Also, the insurance may not be valid. On that basis, if your home is the place of repair, you can drive it home
  12. Not to be recommended at all. Not ever! Refer to the specific manufacturer for guidance. Use of any solvent based product can compromise the integrity of the helmet.
  13. Get someone else to sell them for you
  14. Bogof

    traffic laws

    Not at work, but I do. And I have to in about 6 hours, so night all
  15. Bogof

    traffic laws

    Hmmm... Do I take that as a compliment or an insult? Stop thinking job, you're way off mark with that one
  16. Bogof

    traffic laws

    Nice guess, but no
  17. Bogof

    traffic laws

    I read to check which way round sections 2 and 3 are, as I can never remember without checking. Why do you assume that I would not know this?
  18. Bogof

    traffic laws

    Undertaking itself is not illegal as such (in that there exists no specific offence relating to undertaking), but the manoeuvre could be held to be contrary to Section 3 (Careless Driving) of the RTA 1988 (or in extreme cases Section 2 (Dangerous Driving) of the same act). Depends very much on the type of road, the position and relative road speed of other vehicles at the time of the manoeuvre, and what other infringements are enacted at the time.
  19. Bogof

    traffic laws

    Nope! As listed in the Highway Code - if it isn't listed you don't overtake unless it's stationary. What if someones pushing it Then it's not stationary
  20. They cheat! They put their foot down when they u-turn
  21. I'm going for DAS so it's not an option for me, but if I were taking a 125 test I wouldn't consider using my RS as a 4 stroke is way easier to control for slow manoeuvres. Couple that with the crap turning circle at slow speed and for me there's no contest. Pay the extra and use their 4 stroke.
  22. Bogof

    traffic laws

    From http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/TravelAndTransport/Highwaycode/DG_070306 So overtaking a car/lorry/motorbike is not permitted.
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