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Everything posted by Bogof

  1. Bogof

    what oil ?/?

  2. Bogof

    turn-table info

    or this if you're a real cheap skate
  3. Excellent article! Thanks for posting it, there's some sound advice in it.
  4. Me. The others all just copy me
  5. Bogof

    turn-table info

    or this http://www.driveawaymat.co.uk/7.html or even this http://www.cyclespinner.com/
  6. Don't get leathers. Textiles are more waterproof, warmer, easier to look after, generally cheaper, and you definitely won't look a nob No contest
  7. I nod to everything motorised on 2 wheels, including scoots and peds. I also nod to car drivers who have been courteous and have acknowledged my presence by giving way to me or whatever. Hopefully it makes them smile and makes them more biker friendly in future. Every little helps
  8. Well done, and good luck on the last step! Have you booked Mod 2 yet?
  9. If you have no experience on the road at all, you will more than likely need a few months. I would also strongly recommend that you get professional training. Not only will it help you pass the test, but it will help you stay alive on the road
  10. Yes. You need to do a CBT to validate moped entitlement. CBT lasts for 2 years so when you reach 17 you can go straight onto a 125cc bike on L plates, and then on to take A2 if you wish which would allow you to ride any bike so long as its output is less than 33bhp either by design or through the fitting of a restrictor.
  11. £50 Caberg 5 stars £340 Arai 2 stars "Forking out as much as I could" will not necessarily buy you the best lid you could find, if best is determined by safety rating
  12. Take a look at this http://www.dsa.coionline.tv/newbiketestvideo/
  13. It's a level playing field though. All helmets are tested on the same basis and all could be modified to fare well in the test if the manufacturers could be arsed. That some apparently choose not to modify their helmets in order to increase protection in vulnerable areas worries me, and as a result of this and many other considerations I will generally steer clear of any helmet that achieves fewer than 4 stars... so that's most of the "poser" ranges out then The test areas were not chosen at random by the way. The reasoning behind testing the side of the helmet seems to me to be quite sound.... This next quote is interesting as it seems to conflict with what you have been told about the little bit of padding added in a specific area to affect the outcome of the test. Maybe the information related to you is slightly wrong as it seems that the test will not allow "helmet optimisation" to affect the outcome? http://sharp.direct.gov.uk/about-sharp/ In answer to your question, in terms of safety alone, I would choose the helmet with the 5 star rating. If you factor in other considerations such as comfort, noise reduction, venting system, visor availability, pose value and price, then my decision may well be different. What I would not do however, is choose a helmet on the basis that it says "Arai" and costs in excess of £300 so therefore must be good.
  14. On a slightly more serious note... if you combine the gold sticker from that link, with... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/s2-Vinyl-sticker-ARAI-helmet-b/w-x-2_W0QQitemZ300353765342QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=&rvr_id=&cguid=3ae817711200a0e2051541c5fffcec6a#ht_500wt_837 ...and a Tesco Value helmet, along with a very naiive and unsuspecting member of the public (believe me, they DO exist) buying via a link on Ebay... Or if you prefer... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Genuine-SHOEI-helmet-sticker-_W0QQitemZ160369812349QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxq20091015?IMSfp=TL091015193004r15424#ht_500wt_1063 Scary innit?
  15. It's hallowe'en time, so all you need is a hollowed out pumpkin and... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GENUINE-ACU-GOLD-STICKER-FOR-MOTOCYCLE-HELMET_W0QQitemZ180418969135QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxq20091013?IMSfp=TL091013153004r13399#ht_500wt_1063 Sorted!
  16. For the same reason they don't quote test fees in pre-decimal sterling (£sd), or dates using the Julian calendar. It's use has been superseded
  17. Most of the civilised world use SI measurements. Its regrettable that EU bashing has become such a futile exercise that you have to hijack threads in a motorbike forum to get your weak point across. Maybe you should bear in mind that the DSA website is there for everyone's benefit, not just UKIP supporters Oh, and since you're so keen to avoid SI units, surely you should measure your electricity in mega-joules and not kilowatts?
  18. Battery is flat? Turn the headlight on and then try to start it. Has the clunk gone a lot quieter and does the light go out when you press the starter button?
  19. Sorry, but I know the engine won't start... Will the engine turn over by using the starter... does it make whirring noises as if its going to start but just fail to start properly? Or when you press the starter button does it just go "clonk" and thats it? Probably. The valves would fail to open and close if the engine was seized, so chances are that your piston is OK
  20. So... does the electric start turn the engine over? If so, the engine cannot be seized.
  21. What year is your bike? IS it like this one? http://www.bikez.com/motorcycles/ajs_cr3-125_2008.php
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