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Everything posted by Bogof

  1. That's not a given yet. Some elements are still out for consultation as far as I'm aware, and the 14 yr moped riding is one element that is unlikely to be introduced here. http://wiki.motorcycle.co.uk/index.php?n=Training.3rdDrivingLicenceDirective
  2. Ducati SP4, yum. Blackbird is so wide it almost needs 2 more wheels.
  3. uktriggersm50 has said no such thing
  4. As a road user, a parent, and a responsible member of society, I care. I care that both you and he are riding around on illegally modified machines, without a valid licence, and without insurance. The law restricts the type of machine that 16 yr olds can ride for a reason. It increases their chances of reaching 17. Talk to your parents. Chances are they might care too.
  5. He's still only 16. Scary innit?
  6. Just a quick 63 miles today, with No 2 son on pillion. The idea was to visit a place called Harty Ferry, which interestingly exists both sides of the Swale Estuary. So we decided that we should take photographs from the South shore looking north, and from the north looking south. Map Here Less than 3 miles from home and we reach Harty Ferry south shore, which is a part of the Oare Marshes nature reserve. So the area is full of twitchers. Or twitterers. Or just twits maybe http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020314.jpg http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020315.jpg The view across the Swale towards the Inn that we will visit a little later. http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020317.jpg J decides to try a quick paddle. I point out that if he gets his boots covered in stinky smelly mud, he isn't likely to get back on my nice shiny bike and could well face a 2.9 mile walk back home. J decides not to try a quick paddle. http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020319.jpg http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020321.jpg http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020322.jpg Local rumours tell the tale of how this "road" used to extend straight across the estuary. Nobody can quite explain exactly how this remarkable feat was ever managed given that the estuary is 100ft or so deep in the centre, but maybe that explains why it's just a rumour! http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020323.jpg And so on to Sheppey. Now I've not been to Sheppey for erm... many years. With good reason. It's not a nice place. It's flat. It's depressing. And it's full of sheep. Still, at least we get to try out the new bridge... http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020324.jpg http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020325.jpg As we near the bridge there is a sign that says "Warning. Cross winds on bridge." I wonder who annoyed them? And why doesn't someone do something to calm them down a bit. They just need to chill. And so eventually we arrive at The Ferry House Inn, on the north shore of the Swale Estuary. http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020329.jpg http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020328.jpg http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020330.jpg Approaching the shoreline http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020332.jpg http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020334.jpg http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020335.jpg I could be wrong, but I really don't think the ferry will be running this week... http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020336.jpg J again threatened to paddle. I reminded him that we had now travelled a far greater distance. He thought a while. A very short while. He paddled not. http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020337.jpg View south across to where we started earlier today http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020335.jpg http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020342.jpg The obligatory bike shot... http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020344.jpg Came across this on the way back, and yes we did view a raptor http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020345.jpg Finally, no visit to Sheppey would be complete without a visit to one of its most notorious establishments http://i559.photobucket.com/albums/ss31/Bogof-pics/Harty%20Ferry%20130909/P1020347.jpg Further trips are already being planned. Further ride reports are a possibility too Look out for the forthcoming trip to Southend to view Herne Bay across an expanse of water (probably the best way to view Herne Bay) and the Dover to view France trip (and that's about as close as I intend to get to France)
  7. If he actually believes he can be successful in his mythical bid, he needs to hurry up. He's leaving the force this month to become the new chief executive of drug and alcohol charity CAIS.
  8. Bogof

    Spark Plugs

    Yes, in the same way that a loose wire will periodically make and break a connection, same will happen with your HT lead and plug.
  9. It may or may not help, but I saw yesterday a small tail-tidy that was basically a number plate bracket but with an anchor point for bungees at either end. I think it was made by R&G.
  10. Most (some) that I have seen have pockets for armour to be inserted. I have seen a few with armour already in place.
  11. Both. The examiner chooses at the start of the test which way he intends to send you round the circuit. You cannot influence his choice and he will not (usually) tell you which he has chosen until he sends you off to the curve when it becomes fairly obvious. Although you may spot him walk over to the speed test equipment ahead of the test starting and switch it on, which gives you a pretty good idea
  12. Wherever you may have read that, the author is wrong! At 16 you can ONLY ride a moped, once you have validated your licence by doing CBT. At 17 you can ride a scooter/bike up to 125cc. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/DriverLicensing/WhatCanYouDriveAndYourObligations/DG_4022547 Sorry
  13. From around £1,300 according to Biketrader
  14. You don't use heelies or a skateboard?
  15. Bogof


    Not washing up liquid, it damages the paint finish http://www.eforecourt.com/carcare.htm On a brighter note, the best polish I ever found for car (works equally well on a bike) is Mer. Halfords now sell it and it's really easy to use, even when the vehicle is wet! http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stor ... &langId=-1
  16. I've had more grief from other bikers than cars when filtering
  17. That is correct. The CBT certificate covers you for any moped or a bike/scooter up to 125cc, geared and automatic.
  18. You can't ride your brother's Bandit till you get a full licence, which would be restricted to 33bhp or lower as you're under 21. The Bandit could be modified to fit under the 33bhp limit but you'd still need to do your test. To ride now, you need to do CBT and get yourself a moped, or up to a 125 bike or scooter. If you test before April, you will be restricted for 2 years at 33bhp (unless you retake the test - Accelerated Access). Maybe your better option would be to ride a 125 till April, then do the DAS test which would allow you to ride any bike without a restriction. Confused? For further confusion take a look at the http://www.dsa.gov.uk website, where they say pretty much the same as I have but with rather more words.
  19. Bogof

    Rear Wheel Trouble

    Put the nut back on a turn or two to protect the thread, then use a socket extension bar and a hammer. Would that give you enough clearance? Failing that, does the nut on the other side have a hole running through it? If so, utilise that to give you lateral force (pull) while turning the nut from side to side. If no hole, I would just try wiggling the nut while pulling gently in the hope that it'd eventually free enough to pull it out completely.
  20. Unless they are electronic, and not electro-mechanical. If it is electronic, it'll look something like this... http://www.instructables.com/files/deriv/F27/PSVZ/FTY4CNCR/F27PSVZFTY4CNCR.MEDIUM.jpg I'll let Stu explain how that works, cos I haven't a clue
  21. And the Arai Condor at £240 gets 2 stars, the Schubert S1 Pro at £450 also gets 2 stars, whereas the Lazer LZ6 at £70 gets 5 stars as does the Caberg Trip at £90. Different levels of protection are available at different prices it seems, but they ALL exceed the EC22/05 minimum standards. So the moral is, make sure you pay for the helmet, and not the name (unless you're a brand snob)
  22. Yes. Had 3 pairs now. 1st were stolen (along with the bike) but up to that point they were fine. 2nd went back to the shop as the cuff stitching had started to come undone after using them for a couple of months. They exchanged them with no hassle for... 3rd are now a month old and seem fine. Generally they fit well, seem to keep their shape, and are easy to get on and off. The protection seems to be in all the right places and I have confidence in them, which to me is important. I like to feel that gear will do it's job properly when the time comes! Only slight niggle is that they seem to like transferring colour from the leather to your hands in warm weather What I like most about them is the price.
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