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Timmy Tiger

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Everything posted by Timmy Tiger

  1. Respect to the guy, but what a pain in the ass that would be having to dismount all the time.
  2. Brilliant! I've always been confused why cyclists ride on the road whens there is a effing cycle lane.
  3. Fozzie, if you understood what this guy teaches then you would never write a sentence like that. If you really think that this guy just teaches confidence, then you have got it all wrong my friend. Anyway, please do not forget this thread is for Igloo who asked for tips, and after reading David DeAngelo my online dating went from 3 to 4 replies in 12 months to 3 to 4 a day, and this wasn't even messaging any women, this was just women contacting me out of the blue! So anyone can tell me that this guy has it all wrong, but from my own experience, and all the women that write to him asking if he "can teach their boyfriend some tips", then I'll be assuming you don't know what your talking about.
  4. I see what your sayin but its more about a guy getting into the right frame of mind, rather than a step by step guide. Also like I said 99% of love guru's are totally useless, and Tom Cruise in Magnolia is a perfect example, so no wonder you have a heavily tarnished opinion of these people. I also 100% agree that all women are not the same, some like Red bikes too!
  5. Does he talk about green bikes? But in seriousness I have read some of the blog posts and basically he seems to say "don't be a dick". Which is good advice. I dunno how you can string that over a whole books worth of pages but maybe some of the sweeping generalisations make up some of the filler. Lol, no he doesn't talk about green bikes. He's never going to tell everything on his webpage when he can charge for it, after all that's how he makes a living. All I know is I've read articles from other so called guru's, and 99% of them say the complete opposite of what a guy should really do. This is the only one who actually hits the nail on the head. Must admit I have not been on his website for many years, and after briefly looking at it today, unfortunately it looks like the forum part is now members only. Having said that there is still some very useful information on his site for free. It makes me smile that your initial comment was negative, and now you've briefly looked at his website you've actually said "good advice", imagine what you'd be saying if you read his two page book of sweeping generalisations!
  6. You've not been on his forum have you? You should, lots of women do, because they love what he has to say.
  7. It was the same for me until I discovered David DeAngelo. I went from 2-3 replies in 12 months to about 2-3 replies a day! I know you've probably seen or heard of dating guru's before, and believe me, most of them talk out of their backside, but this guy is a genius. He does have a website, and it used to have a forum which if you read regular you'll get the jist of what women really want (He also explains in plain english why women can't actually tell you what they want!). If you want his website address then message me, but just type his name into google and you'll find it really easy. Obviously now I'm married etc.. I don't go there anymore, so I don't know if things have changed but I seriously doubt it. Also you don't actually need to spend any money with him to find out where you are going wrong. Good luck!
  8. I'd rather have a heavy pillion that knows what they are doing as opposed to a light rider that does everything wrong.
  9. Ok then, I'm assuming that you would notice quite easily if something was wrong with the rear sprocket/wheel so my only other idea is maybe swing arm bushes. Is there any sideways play in the swing arm?
  10. Just my two pence worth, but could the drive shaft (not sure what its called, but the bit that the front sprocket is attached to) be bent? It's the only way I can see you having a tight spot on a new chain and sprockets, especially if everything is okay at the rear.
  11. This may help or it may not but I had a bike do a similar thing once. Couldn't work out what it was. Some days it was worse than others. Always seemed to tick over fine and on a little bit of throttle say below 30 it didn't seem to bad. Anyway because I couldn't get it sorted I sold it to a shop. They had it standing for a while and when it did eventually get sold on the test ride it broke down. Turns out it was the fuel pump on its way out, and when it actually broke for good it made it easy to spot.
  12. Lol, wait to you try and watch it on telly, or try and get a tv schedule of what time its shown, I think there's going to be a lot of upset people! Even with BT sport? No you'll be fine with BT Sport
  13. Lol, wait to you try and watch it on telly, or try and get a tv schedule of what time its shown, I think there's going to be a lot of upset people!
  14. I had a brand new battery plugged in for about 12months with my optimate and it knackered it.
  15. TC - 01 Littlecat - 02 Mealexme - 03 iWannaGoFast - 04 Augustburnsred - 05 Stu - 06 mojo - 07 iiisecondcreep - 08 Susieque - 09 techno - 10 Bogof - 11 rennie - 12 yorbandit - 13 Keith565 - 14 whitedevil - 15 Silverspring - 16 nman1 -17 Rebel Rach - 18 Green - 19 GOG - 20 Bonniebird - 21 Throttled - 22 Tango - 24 Nellie - 25 Byangoma - 40 Voodoo - 46 Decor58 - 58 Timmy Tiger - 69 Boothy - 93 Polecat - 101 pinki-88 - 666 Jota - 888
  16. Just out of interest, which campsite are you staying at?
  17. Hmmmmmm, I've just found this which is quite interesting. http://www.gl1800.org.uk/goldwing-ownership/legal-responsibilities-of-a-group-ride-leader/ Brings in another question, are you insured to be a lead rider? Soon your going to need to be insured to get insurance!
  18. Thats in court tomorrow, my thoughts are the biker who was uninsured will get hung drawn and quartered, but I still can't see the others getting anything, unless the police could prove they were speeding. Anyway we all should know tomorrow.
  19. Timmy Tiger

    YR help

    Helmet lock probably
  20. I've owned quite a few different boots over the years including Alpinestars, but out of all them the Sidi boots were by far the best in terms of comfort, fit and easy of putting on. The only thing they weren't the best at was price, but then again the cheapest are very rarely the best.
  21. By putting a wider tyre on your wheels it can reduce the size of the footprint and not as you would like increase it. Do as Rennie said, try a stickier tyre.
  22. Timmy Tiger

    socket set

    If your working on a bike then 8, 10, 12, 14 are the common sort of sizes required plus one for your spindle nut which could be between 18 - 24.
  23. Autosol is the only thing worth using in my opinion, I've tried Silvo and AutoGlym and if you like using lots of elbow grease for very little payoff then try them first, but once you've tried Autosol you'll never go back. Also theres a rip off make called Auto "something" (probably from Halfords) but thats rubbish too.
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