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Everything posted by Dana_leigh

  1. Ah yes my instructor has realised that by giving me a break, and changing the focus of the problem I can crack it!! I often do two hours then an hour break then another hour. I'm nearly through it. I'm doing it a bit at a time, so tomorrow I'm working on figure of 8, emergency stop, U turns and observations - depending on what I get done in the two hours I have tomorrow. It might be all of it, or it might be less of it. Then my next day is thursday, to do the hours talk or anything I havent done, then it might not be until the next week that I get the min 2 hour road ride, we will have to see. My theory test is on the 8th, which I'm not too worried about. I know I'm ticking things off the CBT list now and know that, like you, once I have got it, it will be there for life and I will know how to do it well. My instructor said I will probably be a better rider in the long run than some of the 17 yr olds that pass it quickly.
  2. yeah thanks it's funny that doing the slalom (and I did it tighter than the module 1 requires) sorted out my corners!! how odd!
  3. Well, I went again today, and came off once, nearly twice!!! Sorted the clutch control on the straights but had trouble turning corners!!! Something I was ok with yesterday!! It was also windy too which didn't help. In the end, my instructor got out some cones and made me do a Slalom, and hey presto......corners sorted and clutch control sorted.....probably because I was having to work it out for myself instead of listening to him....although he is a great instructor im just that kind of learner. After 3 hours (with an hour break in between) I aches and my clutch hand was sore, leading to me losing concentration, so it was time to stop, more time tomorrow Still I feel a bit of progress coming on.
  4. Well I'm doing my CBT right now......not failed it, but am having to take it over several days because I've never been on a bike before and it's not coming very naturally!!!! Still I'm sure I will get it eventually
  5. Thanks guys, i feel a bit better about it. I decided not to go out the evening as I ache and half the problem was my clutch hand was seizing up so I'm sure it wouldn't help now that everything is aching!! Also I do know something I was shy of was the throttle, not making clutch control any easier....Even though I've been sat on the back of an extremely loud Ducati for a year, the noise still surprised me and I applied car logic to it I think...too much noise =too many revs / wrong gear/ need less gas etc etc It might be worth just concentrating on getting the CBT and being happy with a 125 on Ls to start with, after all I have got my eye on an Aprilia 125.....tho my step dad has already done the whole 'you would be better on something without the sports fairings' and 'it's a 2 stroke....might not be the best Idea' I always like the unsuitable stuff!!! I have my theory test booked next sat, so I guess it wont do any harm to pass that and the CBT in preparation for the next level. Guess sometimes all the best things come to those who wait.
  6. I thought that too, but just been speaking to someone who did CBT on a scooter and is now riding a 125, though he says he wish he hadn't because he then found riding a geared 125 really hard as he hadn't learned any clutch control
  7. A twist and go is a 'scooter' right.....I did see one of those but I also wanted to go straight onto direct access and want to really do it before my holiday ends in 3 weeks time so I'm figuring I'm going to have to do it sooner or later....but best laid plans eh... and I guess a CBT is better than none, so will ask tomorrow, thanks
  8. Yeah we did a lot of clutch control. The last part I got to was slow clutch control following behind him then turning a corner. We did that for about an hour an a half. Before that we had done an hour or so if just pulling up to a line. It's fun but very frustrating that it's taking soooooo long. I guess I felt I should have been able to get it faster. After an hour and a half my instructor said I was getting tired and less co-ordinated so we would call it a day. He did say I could go back this evening to practice on the bike while he was taking some lads through their module 1 test. My step dad would come with me so that i can practice just going up and down on my own. Do you think like this sounds like a good idea? I do ache fairly but am really keen to break that problem.
  9. So I started my CBT today (and I'm sure many of you will laugh at me right now!!) I tried to go in all positive and with a 'can do' attitude but omg how hard!!! I'm clearly not a natural on a bike, and am having to do another half day tomorrow and possible sunday to get it done properly. That hardest things I have found seems to be the clutch control and I'm really disappointed that I can't do it in one day, although I guess I would rather pass it over a few days than fail it in one day. Just disappointing....any tips?
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