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Everything posted by YamahaWolf

  1. Well done on passing your CBT and theory. Remain calm and focused, remember what you have taught. Keep easy on the throttle and you should be fine. All the best
  2. Panniers are mounted on the Givi Rack, not sure how though, I get the guys at the dealer to fit it all for me
  3. This is my Yamaha Diversion F. Some changes to be made, I have ordered a Black Double bubble screen and also the Givi v46 panniers will be added soon. I really like this bike, but I am interested in what you guys think?
  4. I am surprised that Yamaha don't make hard luggage for the XJ6, all they offer is some crappy topbox at an extortionate price I may add! So, I invested in a Givi v46 topbox, I have the panniers on hold at the moment but will be added soon. I don't like some of the topboxes around but saw this one and really liked it. I think the biggest reason is that there are no big red reflectors. Just thought I'd share the V46 with you in case any of you are looking for hard luggage.
  5. There is a great route from Melton to Market Harborough. I normally ride from Melton Cafe to the road side burger bar near the centre of Mkt H. Let me know if you would be interested.
  6. The ERS should be £160 but the Leicester City Council are funding it so I only had to pay £60. I just want to learn more about riding, the instructor I am having is really good, he taught me how to ride when I was 17. I want to be an instructor myself so I need to get as much advanced training as possible so I can feel confident to pass the motorcycle instructors assessment.
  7. Good luck mate. it all be alright on the day
  8. On my Diversion I have ridden about 200 miles before stopping for a break and I was absolutely fine.
  9. Well done, I have the new XJ6 Diversion, great bike, Highly recommend this bike if you are looking at commuting and using a motorbike as your primary form of transport. Great for weekend fun as well.
  10. I have just this minute booked myself onto the Enhanced Rider Scheme. It is a 6hour course one to one. Ill report back on Wednesday as to what it was like. Has anyone done any advanced training? Any tips on advanced riding would be appreciated. Would be nice to go into the test knowing some advanced skills already.
  11. Hey Great Stuff, if you like I could meet you at the Wilton Park Café. (pavilion café). On Tuesday 30th July?
  12. I have one of these helmets. The Visor will open properly with the peak on or off. The Visor is on a pinlock so very simple. There are a few video reviews of the Arai Tour X. I personally dont like it but each to their own.
  13. R.I.P Andrea Antonelli who died today whilst racing in the Superbike championships in Moscow. Thoughts are with his friends and family. I watched the race and having seen the crash I was expecting bad news. A sad day. :'(
  14. Looks like a great day, too good to miss, Ill be there.
  15. It would be ideal. they diversion has some serious torque and can surprise you at times. However it is very nice to ride and you can do many miles in comfort. The bike is also quite forgiving so you make newbie mistakes and still stay shiny side up. I went from a Yamaha Thundercat to the Diversion and I do not regret it one bit, The diversion is such a great bike
  16. There is a free bike meet at Sthe Six Hills Hotel every Tuesday, depending on the weather there is usually around 40 to 50 bikes. There is a burger bar and the hotel bar is open. I though this would be a good place to meet some of you as I have not met anyone from the forum yet. Six hills hotel, The Fosseway (a46), Six Hills, Leicestershire, LE14 3PD
  17. There is a free bike meet at Sthe Six Hills Hotel every Tuesday, depending on the weather there is usually around 40 to 50 bikes. There is a burger bar and the hotel bar is open. I though this would be a good place to meet some of you as I have not met anyone from the forum yet. Six hills hotel, The Fosseway (a46), Six Hills, Leicestershire, LE14 3PD
  18. I'll pm you my mobile number on Saturday and we can then talk if thats ok? Ive just been looking at the prices, bit too steep for me this month. Ive had to spend a fortune on new biking gear not going to be able to make this. im so poor
  19. I am definitely interested in this AS. So count me in
  20. Well I have now reached 550 miles on my Yamaha xj6 Diversion. It was a nice day after work so I decided to take a longer route home. A few winding country roads later I ended up at the Watermead country park. I thought that this was a golden photo opportunity and I wanted to share the results with you. I hope you like it. Thanks
  21. Just signed up for the rally, short notice I know, excited now, look forward to meeting you all.
  22. http://www.cyprusdriving.net/learner/Cy ... e_Test.php maybe that will help?
  23. My award for nob of the day goes to the silly old woman who pulled out on me resulting in me having to apply my brakes pretty sharpish. Not even a sorry or any acknowledgement!
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