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Posts posted by NearOn

  1. Bought my carberg trip nearly 2 years ago online for 80 quid, maybe I got lucky but I followed the measurement method, and touch wood, has done me extremely well.

    Will be getting an AGV one next and probs will try one in local store first to make sure as be over 200 quid, and need to make sure fits first.

    But overall I have had the carberg from the net and got my misses a box helmet, and both fitted exactly right.

    If under 100 quid id risk buying online, anything more id check fits perfectly first in a store before ordering online.

  2. I have a pair of black kevlar cargo trousers from Draggin Jeans, bought at MCN show, half price!, and although ,touch wood, havent had a spill with them on, they do seem great and very comfy. Also got a pair of kevlar jeans to from Bulletproof. Again cant fault them. Much happier wearing either of them instead of normal jeans or the big heavy textile trousers.

    Go for it and get some :-)

  3. I dont see how can spend amounts of 150 or 200 on a pair of gloves. Unless you really have lots of money going spare. And I wonder how much better when it comes down to it they are compared to say a 40 pound pair. My first ones cost me 12 quid and lasted me nearly 2 years, and recently bought some winter ones for 20 and summer ones for 14.99 and extremely happy with them. But each to their own :-)

  4. Hi, I have a Givi one with the fitting plates on my varadero 08. And I do not use it, I would be interested in selling it, with everything included etc. It is good condition, the colour black of the box is slightly faded from the weather but nothing back to black couldent sort. Comes with one key.

    Was used for around a year and then around 6 months ago took it off and been in cupboard.

    Willing to sell as be changing my bike in the summer.

    PM or leave message on this thread if interested.


  5. Hello mate, does sound a bit odd. Mine is an 08 plate and I have had it from new. Nearly 2 years now. Only problems have had with it is battery dying due to cold. But never had problem like you have described. Did you get it from a dealers? If so, ask them what they think. I doubt the cold should be having that affect.

    p.s mine does as you described,fast idle when cold by itself and then calm down to normal revs once warmed up.

  6. Na no u turns in MOD 2, that is whole idea of MOD 1 to do all of that stuff off road. When did my MOD 2 in November, was purely how you ride on the road. Cant remember doing any hill starts either but maybe I just got lucky.

    In regards to lane thing, at one point at some lights which joined a dual carriageway, I was in outside lane and my examiner was in inside lane, as we would be taking first exit as he told me. But I just corrected it by doing checks, indicating and moving back into correct lane. Long as use common sense and what you already know, should be fine.

    Good Luck mate!

  7. Well been to the show today, having been first bike show ever been to,was impressed. Enjoyed looking at all the bikes and the live event show was very good. Whilst looking at BMW Bikes, I was looking around one of them, and turned around to see Charley Boorman just chatting away. Was odd as used to watching him on the bike trips on tv he has done.

    I personally thought Yamaha was one of the better dealers there. Honda were a bit un-interested, and heard one of the representatives saying Honda arent bothered about doing the shows. There were loads of bike gear stalls too. I decided to part my cash with Draggin Jeans for me and the misses in the end. Was 80 quid cheaper than buying from a shop or even online retailer. Very happy with them! In all highly reccomend the show, was a good day out!


    Charley Boorman

  8. Wow, thanks for all replys, just finished work again and tonight key turned no problems in ignition. However as been at work all day, didnt see replys. So I kind of earlier before went to work, I decided to use WD40 as only thing I had, and wasnt turning.

    After used that, it turned fine but now I know isnt long term solution. Ill try this graphite method as like someone said WD40 isnt the right cure to it. Also i did try spare key before used WD40 and didnt make a difference so key isnt the problem.

    Thanks again.

    oo new post, conducts electricity? blimey dont wanna cause more problems, lol, I might just drop it off at dealers if keeps happening and let them sort it, after all might as well make most of honda warranty white its there.

  9. Ta for quick reply

    Ive tried wiggling bars, and pushing down the key and mixture of both, and doesnt work. Basically keep doing that and eventually just seems to work. But should not take like 15 minutes to turn an ignition key.

    Whats 3-1 oil? Guessing just type of oil would lubricate key with?

    Like you said mate if doesnt work, i wont hesitate in taking it down dealers, I just know though if I take it, it will start working fine for them lol

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