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Posts posted by NearOn

  1. I havent been riding my bike since bad weather but last two days been using it more and using it for work again, However when steering lock is on, am putting key in and cant unlock it, takes like 15 minutes and eventually just suddenly unlocks and I can switch bike on. Am guessing something wrong with ignition barrel? Is such a pain, just finished work and last thing I wanted was freezing my ass off in a car park trying to simply turn ignition on. Will try WD40 tomorrow but any other ideas before i call dealer? (Still under warrenty)


  2. If you have done your CBT and theory, you do not have to have any further training to do MOD 1 and 2 on a 125, and then restricted up to 33BHP for 2 years. If however you want to ride a bigger CC bike, you have to be accompanied at all times by a trainer. Most schools will assess you and tell you if need any training before test which is likely as they will want to make some money out of you. They will then accompany you to the MOD tests. I personally took the restriction route as not in hurry to get bigger cc bike.

  3. Hmmm I would give it a miss putting a pic up of hot neighbour, now we know they are a male. lol.........I know im just as bad but if you havent checked oil in 6 months and you ride fairly regulary, I would check it straight away. After all they do suggest to check it weekly if you ride often on it.

  4. Mine went flat the other week, i borrowed a mates 12v charger, blimey it was mega old. Was made in West Germany! But good old reliable germans forfilled my needs and the battery was brought back to life by the morning, might have to get myself one of these oxford ones though.

  5. Yeah im thinking being over sensitive, only topped up oil a month ago and have used it probs around 3 times to go somewhere local so that should be fine. Will take it out for a good ride once snow goes away, cheers for help anyway!

  6. Hi, well i took my battery out yesterday and recharged it, put it back in bike, bike starts good as new, put panel back on after screwing everything back in place. Now i swear i can hear a slight knocking sound from around the area where the twin cylinders are. Could I of disturbed something by such a simple task? I dont know much about bike mechanics.

    Thanks for any advice


  7. Just after some advice, obviously has been very cold and snowing. My bike lives outside in this covered up, 08 Honda vaardero 125. Used it about a week ago, maybe bit longer. Thought id start it up today, but wont start. The lights come on the instrument panel when turn the key and as always neutral light stays on. However when ignition switch is pressed, bike just makes a loud unpleasent clicking sound from under the seat, which i think is start motor. The bike has no kick start or choke and has fuel in it.

    Im no mechanic, and know very little, my only guess is the battery is flat but wouldent that mean no lights etc? Any other help be great, as dont fancy calling out honda breakdown service if something i can fix.


  8. Nice one on passing test, i also did all of my tests without any official training as could not afford it, but did have over a years riding on a 125 and spent alot of time reading up on how to ride, and other peoples experiences. Also had over 5 years car driving too.

    I too have thought about taking further training once i p/x my vara 125 for also a hornet 600, restricted. Only one thing I would say is, the guy is right about no point getting involved with wreckless drivers, as you explained about the BMW driver. I think by passing him on kerbside would of just pissed him off further, just let them speed off, isnt worth losing life over.

    Anyway enjoy the hornet when it comes, dont forget the pics!

  9. I imagine its 12bhp restricted, and unrestricted like comment above it will be 33bhp meaning cant ride it just on a CBT. I know alot of people do de-restrict RS 125s and such like but are risking it if dont hold the correct A2 licence for 33bhp.

  10. I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY!! Passed with 4 minors on my varadero 125, so restricted for 2 years but not too fussed as love it and 2 years left of finance yet lol. One thing that did annoy me was when passed, tried to get rear L plate off at test centre but I had screwed it on so tight, couldent do it without a screw driver, sods law lol, is off now im home though.

    Might as well share experience of MOD 2 test. Night before rear L plate snapped off when put bike cover on, unbelieveable! So i ducked tape it back together with white duck tape, worked a treat. So test was at 11am today. Usual eye test, which did not seem anywhere near 20 meters, more like 10-15, but anyway. Had 2 questions, one about rear tyre, and other about front brake fluid level, and then tell how carrying a passenger affects riding. So before knew it, he was on his bike and waiting for me to leave test centre. Wont go through whole route, the things i can remember that made me think I had failed was

    1.Approaching lights,they suddenly changed,and i had to stop fast, and back tyre slightly skidded. So then i thought I had failed.

    2. At a give way onto slip road to dual carriage way, it was clear but as got to it lights changed and they began coming towards me but i still went, I assumed i must of caused the car to brake suddenly, and the examiner could not go, so i lost him for about 5 minutes on dual carriageway.

    Well there the two major things i thought i would of been failed on, but when i asked after i knew i passed he said, both are debateable, but def not a fail as says didnt cause any problems for other road users.

    Best advice I read somewhere on a post about MOD2, that treat it as sat nav in your ear, thats what i tried to do. Also if have the money to do training, obviously good idea, but if dont like me, trust yourself to gain expereince on L plates for a while before putting on for test, i did all mine with just use of Learn to ride book, which is a excellant book.

    Anyway enough writing, TIME TO ENJOY BIKING MINUS THE L PLATES :-) :-)

  11. Hi, did you pass? Got my MOD 2 on friday with my vara. So be glad of any tips, had no training, but been riding for around 4 years altogether on l plates on and off. Thinking of putting a big X on back of helmet as appears alot of people have been told they didnt move their head much, but maybe cos plain helmet. And mine is black so could be an idea.

    p.s Nice to meet everyone, am 25 and ride a 08 125 varadero, and love it!

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