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Posts posted by cypek

  1. Gratulacje kolego :)


    Congrats :cheers: hope I can put up a thread like this one day! :D


    Me too. I've only been riding 125 for few weeks but I love it so much that I can't image what it's gonna be like on a "real" bike :D


    I got my Ninja insured yesterday and on the evening I went for my first proper ride. I can honestly say that I am speechless :shock: The acceleration is so...... damn, I can't find a proper word..... I used to drive a 250bhp Subaru Impreza. It was brilliant fun but compared to sports bike its like Cinquecento.... Yep, something like this... (And bear in mind I'm scared to go over 8-9k rpm when his peak power is at 12k and red line at 14k :shock: :shock: ) So this morning I was riding to work in a pouring rain grinning like an idiot :mrgreen:

  2. Best one is Yamaha YZF-R125. CBR125 may be a bit too small for you. I ride a copy of it and it is very uncomfortable (I'm 6'1). RS125 is great bike but it need to be treated in very special way lol. Need to be properly warmed up / cooled down, needs expensive 2-stroke oil and needs engine rebuilds every 10k miles or so. If you can afford it go for R125 :wink: Another option is Derbi GPR125. Its as good as R125 but about £1000 cheaper new. Its just a wee bit smaller and in time will loose slightly more value than Yammy :thumb:

  3. Unfortunately, in my experience, there is less choice for us ladies in the lower end of the price range!

    It may have something to do with fashion I guess :wink: My gf for example still didn't buy herself kevlar jeans even after she had an off 3 weeks ago :roll: She says they won't look good on her but I will get her to buy them :twisted:

    My initial budget was very low. Paid £60 for a helmet, £20 for boots from Lidl, £20 for textile trousers from Aldi, £10 for leather jacket from ebay and £10 for cheap gloves. Now I'm buying new bits when I can. Got RST jacket for £100, kevlar jeans, better gloves and nice boots :) So do like others said, buy best you can afford :thumb:

  4. I have ordered and got delivered today an Almax Immobiliser series III chain 2.5m with Squire SS65CS lock and Hardy ground anchor. F**k me that chain is massive :shock: I'm not 100% happy with the anchor to be honest. It is being hold by 1 bolt only although pretty thick one. I'll live with that :roll: Also received 2 bike covers from ebay, £9.99 each and they seems to be pretty good quality :thumb: I'll put some pics tomorrow :mrgreen:

  5. I had my first day of DAS training today and I must say it was brilliant. I wasn't convinced to spend so much money but it is totally worth it. I got a LOT of great advice and I found out my slow riding was completely wrong. But now I'm all better lol also riding on a 500cc really IS easier :P Now I'm looking forward to my tests with much more confidence than before 8-) Bring it on!!! :twisted:

  6. I had that on my bike and it was caused by incorrect spark plug. Gap was twice as big as it should be. When I changed the plug I adjusted mixture on carb and no problems since then :) I don't have video of it anymore but I had to try to accelerate VERY gently. If I twisted grip too fast it was choking and dying instantly. Did you check gap on this new plug?

  7. well i watched the intro and i must have misunderstood what it wanted... i clicked on anything i thought may be a hazard and yet it only seems to want th eones which directly effect your travel is that right?... also do u only click once when u see the hazard or is it twice. once when the hazard starts and once when it finishes?...

    You're right on the first part. And about clicking... I also tried to click only once in perfect moment and that was my problem. Thanks to TMBF advice I've tried different way. 1st click when you first spot the hazard and then 2-3 clicks (one by one , not 3 at a time) for every 0.5-1 sec. That is because you should click as hazard develops. For example:

    You see pushbike in front of you riding slightly wobbly (now you would start paying extra attention to him) - click #1

    He is starting to wobble even more, now hes all over the road (now you would take your hand off the throttle - engine braking) - click #2

    He falls off his bike (now you would brake) - click #3

    Of course that is slightly exaggerated situation lol but you get the idea :wink: See the hazard - click, something changes - click again :thumb:

  8. I was struggling with it as well. It was so annoying as I very often clicked too early or I just thought that was not a real hazard. I did a lot of training (bought DVD TestSuccess off Amazon for £5) and I still think I was lucky to pass. 1 point less and I would fail lol. It was very close :roll: Don't worry. Do some more training and you'll be fine :thumb:

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