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Posts posted by Horseynat30101

  1. Doesn't look like ill make it tbh :( going the farmyard which is going to cost £££and going to scotland with a friends family. Then i have to save up to go to france in August : and with not having a job atm it doesn't look like im going to save up much for them nevermind anouther rally :( maybe there's hope you never know.

    Ill keep you.posted but im a no atm :(

  2. Depending on where and.how big the hole it leaves is, you could get it repaired and still use it. Without having to replace the tyre.

    There will be some coming along saying it'd best to replace blah blah but for £200+ i would rather plug it, as they'll only do it if its safe to anyway! And i had a plug in mine which was fine :D

  3. Ive seen a pic as there is one in the ad, to me it looks like surface rust, as there are patches on the disc where you can see the shiny disc lol :D

    anyway made him an offer and we'll go from there :D thanks for all your advice :)

  4. Depends if they are corroded or just have a surface rust on them.

    Wire wool and wd40 will clear most of the surface rust and then have another look at them.

    Also lay them on a flat surface to check if they haven't warped.

    Its always worth trying to salvage them if you can (They are not cheap)

    But Remember SAFETY FIRST


    yeh, i looked for replacements and theyre like £80 each!!! :shock: so i would like to salvage them :)

    wouldnt wirewool cause damage to the discs? as this is what i was worrying about. also if i squirted WD40 on them how would i clean it off? would normal brake cleaner suffice? :D


  5. its not my bike so not possible, i ask because im thinking about buying a bike and both front discs are rusted although there are some spaces on it where it is brake disc and not rust. been standing for a while i think lol!

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