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Everything posted by yorbandit

  1. Tried it on me own link and site not working at mo mate so wait till tomoz
  2. did U APPLY TO JOIN OUR LEAGUE AND DID YOU GET AN E MAIL TO VERIFY At the moment can not access the site
  3. ROY HAS 1 TEAM ME LAD HAS A TEAM AND SO DOES ME DAUGHTER WE now have 17 teams in the league so we should be getting some more peeps where are you get a team in
  4. Done mate nice pics yu got there IF YA WANT TO LOOSE THAT IS
  5. U accepted mate hey we may give ya some tips half way through the season LOL
  6. Ok peeps we up to 5 teams now tech and voodo have accepted both of you the other 3 teams is me and the kids hahahaha got to win somehow hahahaha IF you entered on mcn then click on private league and pin number is 23 this will then send me a rquest to add you
  7. Have just read a report that WSBK is going to adopt the same flag to flag rule that moto gp uses and from this year it will be up to riders to decide wether to come in and change there bikes and tyres as per the rule ran in moto GP
  8. gay....dont be so soft this is turning into a right little meet now, even though its only me on track i reckon im gonna bin it now with everyone watching and it being my first track day What lap do ya reckon phill i will see if i can get some bets on it LOL
  9. Done me thinks i may tinker with it a bit more yet
  10. Oh phill was gonna, but it me transport home as well
  11. Hello all right i have set up a private league on the MCN fantasy game out league pin number is 23 For those who have not played before you need to go to the MCN fantasy league site all rules and regs of game are explained and then how to play. Having selected your team you then have the option of joining a league this is when you will need the pin number above. You have until the 28th FEB to register and before this date you cam change your team as many times as you like, however after this date you will only be allowed to change your team on certain dates so keep and eye out peeps. After each race meet i will post a copy of the TMBF league onto this thread. http://mcn.fantasyleague.com/FriendsLeague.aspx?p=23
  12. So phil which one of ya doing the first session then ?????????????????? Oh and i may well blat up there to watch any excuse LOL
  13. YES peeps as soon as iregistered me team i will set up a TMBF league same as last year
  14. Well chaps the brave dan is on his way to mine and me and pete are poss ready to ride ish after some brekkie so the run is ON PEEPS
  16. Me , pete , mojo, and dan i think
  17. No worries Phill will arrange again when warmer mate
  18. Go faster so rain blows of arms and not roll down into gloves, my gloves always go over me leathers i not have this prob
  19. Yes korben all instructions on mcn site i will then get a league set up on the mcn site tell ya all the leauge number so you can all join in, then post on here our leauge and standings
  20. Not until the 4th of feb and i will stick up a TMBF league again so you oiks can try to beat last years winner who was OH YES ME
  21. Good idea There is a pub on the roundabout just next to the A1 as we come off the B645 we be there at approx 11.15
  22. First post has been edited with route
  24. Prob 12.30 till 2 peeps got to go back to manchester etc locals poss longer paul
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