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Everything posted by yorbandit

  1. yorbandit

    new tyre advice

    I belive you better off with the same front and rear , as a front will norn do approx 2 rears you should change both to what ever tyre you want when the front needs changing
  2. Do not fear peeps as currrent TMBF fantasy motorbike league world champion i will set us up a league adain nexxt year then once again we can see how good our pedictions are
  3. Rossi is in better shape this year than ever before.... He proper put his self through a more tougher fitness regime to regain the title..... Yamaha also did the Bizness for him by giving him the best bike on the grid.... Credit there to Burgess and ALL the guy's who did any kind of testing at the end of 2007. it would however.... be very interesting to see how Rossi would fare with a different enginneer other than Burgess..... Alot of credit MUST be given to him..... I have to agree again nas me thinks the man behind the scenes has a lot of input into that bike
  4. Leave the liners in your trousers and i would have at least jeans on underneath and under jacket layers upon layers mate sat will be well cold gloves winter only and even then you might want some gloves under them as well#
  5. I still think rossi will win it , i just think he will have to try a tad harder than previous years and we will get better racing because of this and yes nastro my dosh would be on rossi
  6. I think the MFN will be doing there gp weekend again so last year was camp for a tenner get to meet all the idiots of here and watch racing on big screen in bar on the sunday, was great fun last year camp was fri to sun morn and we were all sober the whole weekend HONEST
  7. Will it sit there ticking over with out any choke ???
  8. What was his number before ????? i mean when he ran in 250s
  9. Well a good day was had by all me thinks me and crossie back home safe yes we did go in the car and yes the roads round here were well iced so we went on 4 wheels crossie won the who spent the most with akey a nd dino a wayward 2and 3 rd me spent the princely sum of 25 quid on HEATED GRIPS so next year pudsey will have warm fingers LOL
  10. Well i think ya all wrong 2 horse race my arse rossi, stoner, lorenzo, pedrosa and dovizozo by the start of the season hayden will be up to pace and be taking points of all of them as well, then depending on tracks etc there will be others in there as well, should be an exciting season far better than the last 2 any way
  11. Me thinks that could be a good shout there evs and techno
  12. Camier/ ellison will both be at the front the big q is who of the young uns can run with em, me thinks there will be a few more riding heros by the end of the season
  13. You will never experience anything like it awesome 2 weeks, i went 2007 was brill so want to go again but will have to wait and see
  14. Akey have pmd crossie will post on here if i work tue night otherwise i should be coming, oh and crossia lives in same town as me LOL small world eh
  15. Well if i not working me thinking of going on the wednesday so might see a few of you up there
  16. is that the fit sister???? TUT TUT pg we all know willow is the fit sister
  17. dam knew i would get some nut to look for me hahahahahah techno
  18. so assuming xmas day is lovely warm dry etc what time are you all going to meet at matlock TC santa outfit you missed it mate do me bike up as the sleigh and everything funny thing though nobody ever got a pic of it, bit like nobody got a pic of the real santa ???????????????????????????????
  19. I know daffers got her lasses lid done and a top job it was, i think the fella who did it for her was in yorkshire area
  20. you have got a ghain link or 2 that have rusted mate hence a knock feeling i bet, get som lube on ya chain before it knotches ya sprockets
  21. If i start mine on choke i push i half way as soon as it has started and then all the way in at end of road, when bike warm never use choke at all even if getting bike out of garage on a warm day will not use choke. After stall are ya giving it lods of throttle to try and hurry it up ????
  22. nope think hayden will be way down the road in front of him
  23. Cant think why he could not beat rossi before and he def wont this time either, all hype bottled it every time rossi was near him same as stoner dumb errors when they had points in the bag
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