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Everything posted by yorbandit

  1. Is me b/day on the 15 so will not be in any state to ride
  2. What the matter wales that small ya can ride it in a morn anyway
  3. Right then peeps assuming i can do this , the suit and i http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s116/yorbandit/pudsey%20run/willowcatandfiddle009.jpg praying this works[/img][/url]
  4. GOG can i stay round yours then ???????? Ya will all get to ride up a1 with a knackered pudsey Oh and 2 collection buckets sorted
  5. OOOHHHH yes pisses down wid rain i get fecking waterlogged in me furry out fit and you lot will have to lift me off bike and then wring me out HAPPY DAYS OR WHAT see ya at the weekend
  6. Take me daughter most weekend adjusted me suspension and have just left it where it is
  7. as above me thinks the company makes it all the better, Thanks for the hospitality willow and akey see ya on thursday for that other short ride we doing (it seemed such a good idea when i put me name down )
  8. Have pm ya me number boot Me and lad should be up there in time for ride out at 11 so see you at fishponds akey/ willow etc on ride out
  9. Mark how can we print of directions mate cant find it on that link ????
  10. Well come up with us to matlock and do the ride out up there
  11. the matlock run goes off at 11 from fishponds me and lad will be l;eaving mine at 9.30 if ya want to come up with us, akey doing a ride up there from 11
  12. All depends on weather akey if it is good then me and lad will be up for the ride and lights, otherwise in car and will be up later
  13. Neil next sat me and lad going to matlock for the lights and stuff so if it nice will be on our way up there in the morning mate
  14. rossi doviozo ish spellig dont care both riders in my mcn team and i am getting caught
  15. Me and lad should be going at the mo as long as it not pissing down
  16. Sunday most likely going to mallory park last club race meet neil if ya interested
  17. I take it we do have some money collecting buckets for the meet up points or shall i go see if i can find some , yellow would be best me thinks, now where is the nearest sand castle biulding tools shop ???????????
  18. Last meet this year a day of good old club racing any one else planning on going at all ?????????????????????????
  19. Was there by 10.30 we was jive went and sat on bank opp grandstands and did not move catching the sun all day
  20. Top day mate well warm eventually action was good as well
  21. if weather ok fri night sat i busy wid the lad sun mallory park club races
  22. Me got a full pudsey outfit being made including me lid Sounds good mate.... You having the lid spray painted? nope she gonna cover it in the same fur as suit
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