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Everything posted by yorbandit

  1. No dukes next year bsb alleged so would honda still be factory ride in bsb, the others may not have been offering so he only 1 who knows what options he had ?
  2. Only found out tonite at marina so gonna thread it in general
  3. Richard sorry mate no but did ya know foggy is at taz in peterborough this weekend sat and sun plus load of other stuff.
  4. Sorry peeps cant get kids looked after so see ya another time
  5. Rose which 1 that ? is that the pub in kettering ?
  6. Busy tonite mate see ya next week poss
  7. Camera you will need it waterproofing and loads of wet gear and loads of hot drinks oh and a snorkel, flippers and a scuba gear might be handy
  8. Sorry chaps weather no good plus me daughter did not come home when she should a done so hope to see ya another time
  9. Plus the weather looks not to good either wake up and see
  10. You not including squires in rideout as its along way to go for a brew
  11. Just after or before depending which way you coming a pedestrian crossing, small car park in and out small tea/burger hut in left hand corner as you pull in.
  12. Sorry to hear that para get it fixed quick oh and kick who ever fitted it. Voodoo you know where we on about ?
  13. unlucky faf but then shit happens to those who try dangerous things.
  14. Nman poss going sat see philgale etc post if interested on ( saturday) sunday busy viewtopic.php?t=4465&highlight= Added the link to phil's post for you (Gary)
  15. PROB SAME PLACE 11 ya say will poss be up silver bandit with stickers on
  16. Sorry nman had to get car to garage to get it mended plus weather did not look good over this way, see ya next week if ok
  17. Now if my geography was any good i might be able to help you there. Me i always think you dont know until ya tried it so you can get anywhere nearly in this country in a few hours
  18. That link still showing blank have googled mapped it 128 miles now thats a ride for a coffee and snack
  19. got some pics in gallery now as well
  20. Sorry mate love the area but already out that day
  21. Is the link working me just getting blank page ???????????? need some directions ??
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