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Posts posted by iiisecondcreep

  1. Not sure I agree with this.

    Oh, wait.... the instructions are in reverse?? :/

    Don't understand 'full reach around check, grabbing handrail'?

    Re 'inching out'. Avoid if possible, if behind something big then maybe not possible but if behind a car you should be stopped far enough back that you don't need to inch out. If you do need to 'inch out', you shouldn't be signalling yet.

    I agree with not signalling until you are ready, I was also taught not to signal until you know its clear as causing another approaching vehicle to slow down you can be marked down.

    I was taught same as Vicki, mirror-signal-lifesaver-manoevre.

  2. Just tried to withdraw some cash to be told insufficiant funds.

    Instant bad feeling, as I know the funds were there.

    Got back to hotel checked bank balance and one of the fraudulent transactions that was refunded to me (£888.42) has been reversed by the fraud department putting me £200 over my overdraft limit. Called the bank, they can't tell me why so I need to speak to fraud department who don't open til 8am (midnight here).

    I feel sick.

  3. I heart Half Man Half Biscuit :D

    I'm all for hi-vis, but is it the best way to be visible?

    I read recently that if you and your bike are one solid colour then you are more visible to other road users.

    I dont know the answer, my bike is black and red and my car is bright yellow. I have little experience on the bike ( :roll: ) but in the car, despite being bright yellow, I have an average of 2-3 drivers pull out on me a day. Frighteningly close. At least on the bike I have the accelaration and agility to get out the way, but not necessarily the confidence! Anyway, I will use high vis on the bike if only at night and in poor visibility and as far as I feel it benefits me. However, I feel that given the standard of driving in the uk I no longer feel that hi vis will provide me with any additional visability or protection. I may be be alone in feeling this, and I hope that I am, but it seems to be the way that things are going :(

  4. Was just about to head out and quickly logged onto online banking to make sure the payments i mde to my credit card had been recieved to find that my credit card it no longer on my online banking.

    now the credit card people had already called me this morning to do a check on my recent transactions, so that phone calls probably cost me about £5.

    so i had to call them again about the card details missing and apparently this is because they had put a hold on my card until they had confirmed the recent transactions and it would take a few hours for the card details to reappear so I asked her to check my available balance- £0. So I asked why the money hadn't been received and she said it takes 4working days, the first payment I made was friday so that won't be received til tomo at the earliest.

    As per previous post, my debit card has been cancelled due to fraud so my credit card is my only source of money. I have a grand total of $7 cash on me.

    They're looking to see if they can increase my credit limit but can't guarantee anything. I'm waiting on them calling me back.

    Edit: they called back and can increase my credit limit until october and I should be able to use my card within an hour.

    shame it took about £20 in phone calls to sort out :(

  5. Surely your bank will be able to sort something out with a bank that is near to where you are ?

    Is your credit card with the same bank ? Will they get a new card to your house before your OH leaves to come out to meet you ?

    Can you increase your credit card limit for a short while ?

    Think you need a couple of rabbit feet, some clover, black cat and a trusty leprechaun.

    Hope you get it sorted Gayle.


    Yeah the credit card is the same bank, I called the credit card line yesterday and checked that I can use it as a debit card eg pay it off as soon as I've used it and I can (for a while there you had to wait til your bill was actually due with my bank) so shouldn't need to increase my limit.

    I found out pretty quickly that every time I was using my debit card I was being charged £1.25 + a % fee, so I've just been taking out a few hundreed dollars everytime I need money and paying cash for everything so I'm only having to pay the fees once. Fees on my credit card are a bit higher, but using it this way means it shouldn't make too much difference.

    The bigger of the two fraudulent transactions was showing on my account last night (£888.71 to a jewellery shop in india), felt a mix of sick and raging. *boak* RBS text this morning to say the money is being refunded today though :)

  6. you won't be marked down if you barley use the back brake but you could fail for going to fast. its aimed at doing it at walking pace or just above


    Since when? All they're interested in is whether you do it under full control at all times. Speed is largely irrelevant other than if it becomes a safety issue.


    This, my instructor actually told me that it is easier to go slightly faster as the bike would be more stable and less wobbly. I was not marked down for going faster.

  7. Ok Owen I really need you to send that rabbits foot ASAP.

    Went to get some money out the bank this morning to pay for my hotel tonight, said 'insufficiant funds'

    I thought, thats odd seeing as I transferred £1k only 2 days ago.

    So come back, check the online banking to find that RBS have cancelled my f*cking overdraft with no warning.

    I spoke to them a few months back as I was graduating in the near future and discussed account changeover and suchlike. They said they'd call again nearer the time. I got a letter less than a week ago (oh told me) saying the account changeover would be in September. This isn't f*cking september. So here I am, many thousands of miles away from home and suddenly £1200 down with no warning.


    Update. Overdraft wasn't cancelled, there were 2 pending transactions on my account to a jewellery shop in India to the value of £1200.

    Spoke to bank and bank fraudline and money has been refunded, but now my card has been cancelled so I will have to now use my credit card for everything :(

  8. Ok Owen I really need you to send that rabbits foot ASAP.

    Went to get some money out the bank this morning to pay for my hotel tonight, said 'insufficiant funds'

    I thought, thats odd seeing as I transferred £1k only 2 days ago.

    So come back, check the online banking to find that RBS have cancelled my f*cking overdraft with no warning.

    I spoke to them a few months back as I was graduating in the near future and discussed account changeover and suchlike. They said they'd call again nearer the time. I got a letter less than a week ago (oh told me) saying the account changeover would be in September. This isn't f*cking september. So here I am, many thousands of miles away from home and suddenly £1200 down with no warning.

  9. Good luck Gayle, sounds like your having a right time of it out there.


    thanks. so far really been more hassle than its worth (and so far that 'worth' has been several thousand pounds).

    Keep trying to convince myself 'it'll get great', but I've been here 2 weeks past on wednesday, and its just not. At all.

    So yeah, f*ck it. I'm going to end up having spent my entire savings and probably the last chance in my life I will have to do this. So far I am half way through my time alone here and it has been a complete disappointment.

  10. Gayle, I have a spare rabbits foot and clover that I think you should carry around with you at all times.


    I think you might be right :(

    made the 130miles last night and now havenew laptop no 3, fingers crossed for third time lucky :shock:

  11. FFS! So I had to buy a new laptop because my old one died. Two days later I had to return it to the store because the wifi was constantly dropping out (hadn't done at all on my old laptop on the same connection) and the touchpad was temperamental. So they swapped it over, and now not even 2 weeks later the screen has freaked out and went all fuzzy/liney and the laptop has completely crashed and I've had to force it to shut down twice. So it needs to go back again. And this time the nearest best buy is 65miles away. F*CK IT :evil:

  12. Woken up by a text from o2 at 3am telling me my phone bill this month is £163.

    They sent me a text with roaming rates when I stopped in Amsterdam for my connecting flight which I never got til I arrived in the US, and never got another one telling me US roaming rates so didn't even think that the one I'd just received would have been for Europe not US (it only says calls to uk/eu does not mention where calling from). Which it turns out are absolutely extortionate. Even still, according to the rates on the website the charge for making calls is 85ppm inc vat, I've been charged over £1pm, and they should notify you once you have spent £20 on data which they did not and I have been billed £33.

    Now meant to be getting up in 3hrs and not even had 3hrs sleep, head pounding and must have slept funny on my neck. Hope I can get some sleep soon :(

  13. F*CK IT

    spent about the last 2-3 hours trying to book flights (inc 37minutes from a mobile to a premium rate line), finally go to book and get told "service not available" try again, same.

    Go back to start, same flights no longer available and next closest are £500 more.

    absolutely f*cking raging.

  14. My oh had a hole in the radiator of his Speed Four after a slow speed drop, he ended up getting it welded by a local guy for £15 (he is a business but its not his main job) and has had no problems since, the only reason you can even tell which bit has been welded is because there is a bit of paint missing.

    Another place he tried quoted £60-70 for having it welded.

    Hope you manage to get it sorted!

  15. Nothing new, no (for the most part, quite far from it)!

    Since going to see Barenaked Ladies last year we've been rediscovering their older albums although their most recent has to be one of my top for recent years.


    Madness! Their '09 album 'The Liberty of Norton Folgate' is brilliant. Can not get enough.


    Loudon Wainwright III, only recently rediscovered (my dads been a fan forever)


    Other than that, can go wrong with a bit of electro :D


    Daft Punk

  16. I was a nervous wreck when doing both my tests. Saw me fail my mod 1 3 times! While I was sitting in the waiting room at the test centre for my mod 2 I felt like I was going to be sick! Like Remy though, once I got moving the nerves just faded away. I guess its because when you are out on the road there is so much you need to be paying attention to- there was no room left for nerves!

  17. ffs bike finally back on the road after 4months to find out brakes need more work than I can afford to pay for right now

    f*ck it. wish I had never bought the f*cking thing. Only had it since november, excluding the month it was off the road because of the snow, its spent 5 months of the 8 i've had it off the road. So in 8months, its had 2months use. even when the damn thing is working i can still barely ride it because of my back.

  18. FFS after having someone drive into the back of my car at a red light on friday, I've just got in from work to find some ******* ******* at work has driven into my car and taken two chunks of paint out the bumper (def wasn't there last night and it couldn't have happened anywhere else). They're not huge but down to the plastic which is dark and so stand out a mile on my yellow car.

    F*CK IT.

  19. Above pretty much says it all.. I was taught to only crawl forward if behind a van or 4x4 with limited visibility, otherwise you should be pulling out from behind the car when its clear in one motion from parked at side of kerb


    Agree with Bogof as well, I was taught to only move forward if your view was otherwise obstructed.

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