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Posts posted by iiisecondcreep

  1. "Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th March 2012

    Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston, Edinburgh

    Top-class live action as well as displays of the latest bikes from the major manufacturers, classics and heavily modified custom machines can all be found at MCN Scotland. There’s something for anyone who loves motorcycles including an extensive retail village with everything from leather and helmets, parts and spares to motorcycling memorabilia from biking legends. Expect to see some famous faces too! A great day out for all the family!"

    Opening Times

    Saturday 10th March 2012: 9am - 5pm

    Sunday 11th March 2012: 9am - 5pm

    Venue Address

    Royal Highland Centre



    EH28 8NB

    Car Parking

    £4 per car, chargeable by the showground.

    Bikes - free of charge

    Cash Machines

    Unfortunately, there are no cash machines available on site.

  2. My little point and shoot camera that I got for my birthday (sept) is faulty and has to be returned :(

    Amazon have already said they'll send a replacement, however my main gripe here is that with the exception of my dslr, nearly everything electrical/mechanical I have had has been faulty (car, bike, last laptop, current laptop, wii, mobile phone, last mobile phone, tomtom, last camera, dvd player...).

    F*CK IT >:[

  3. I sprayed some in a small container and used a paintbrush to apply it to my bike, only spraying the areas I couldn't reach with the brush because as TC says, a little goes a long way and its easier to get a thin coating that way.

  4. 1/ about my second lesson, still on the 125, had just put some petrol on and was moving off when my instructor tells me the sidestand it still down, my brain did not compute 'stop, stand up, continue' and I dropped it

    2/ out on a lesson on the 500, told to pull over and stop, noticed the lack of kerb but not the several inch drop onto the soft ground at the edge of the tarmac. Put my foot down off the edge, bike was then at too steep an angle for me to keep it upright and I dropped it (not before trying with all my might to keep it upright, every muscle down my right side was aching for a few days after that!)

    3/ my own bike :shock: had just reversed it out of the garage I was keeping it in at the time and was doing a many point turn to turn it round in the driveway (from the ground because I am not tall enough to paddle it) which had the roughcast house wall on one side and a 6'fence with 2' wall in front on the other. Somehow managed to drop it against the fence, fortunately the handlebar stopped it and the fairing missed hitting the top of the wall by about 1cm :shock:


    The only one I have ever dropped (excluding when someone hit me) was when I was stood stock still on my DAS talking to my instructor. He said in 20 years of training he had never seen someone who was sitting comfortably just drop it. To this day I have no idea how I did it. :roll: :oops:


    A guy on one of my mod 1 lessons did this! Just sitting there chatting, next thing it was on the floor!

  5. I concur!

    My OH has a black '06 Speed Four and its a great bike, really nice looking IMO and I find the riding position ideal as someone who likes the sports bike position but struggles with it due to back problems.

    Have also been on it as a pillion (with grab rail fitted) many times and find it quite comfortable for a couple of hours at a time, bike seems quite happy 2 up as well :)

  6. I would like to do some advanced training, I had planned on this summer and also signed up to do a bikesafe course.

    Unfortunately due to bike problems I never managed to get many miles under my belt, and it was still off the road when the guy called me to book the bikesafe course. Probably wouldn't have been able to do it on my bike anyway because of my back :/

    Maybe next year! :D

  7. Hello :wave:

    I am near Stirling and have the same problem of not knowing any good garages!

    My oh got his speed four at Two Wheels in Edinburgh and will continue to get it serviced there as it has a full triumph service history. He recently had it MOT'd and new chain and sprockets fitted at Honda Phoenix in Grangemouth. I just had brakes fitted at a wee local garage in Bonnybridge and will be getting my bike MOT'd there this week. So far these places seem good! :)

    With regards to the chain and clutch needing adjusted, could you do these things yourself? Still get it serviced at a garage but means they'd check it and it'd be ok rather than having to pay them to adjust it as well. Also its pretty useful being able to do these things yourself for regular maintenance.

    Having never done it before, my OH and I have replaced the clutch cable and replaced the chain and sprockets on my bike using the Haynes manual (and advice from interwebby peoples!). :)

  8. A few months back I was suffering from extreme tiredness for no apparent reason, this was accompanied by a twitch in my left eye. The tiredness left but I'm apparently stuck with the eye twitch. Extremely annoying but tends only to last for ten mins then goes away.

    This evening my right eyebrow started twitching. It is also EXTREMELY annoying and has now been going for about half an hour.


  9. Totally up to you. Personally I went down the DAS route.

    I did mine as lessons and didn't do my theory/hazard until I'd had a few lessons, no reason other than I'm quite lazy when it comes to getting things booked!


    What do you mean by these "lessons"? Ok I will go down the DAS route as it's more for what I'd prefer to do.


    Most people seem to only mention DAS as an intensive course, but I did mine as lessons ie 1x2hr lesson a week :)


    Right just to work out now in order.

    Go to one of these free events where they let you ride in an open space for an hour

    Do my CBT (On a school bike)

    Maybe have a few lessons first? :? then book my Theory / Hazzard

    Jump into a DAS on a school bike and do my Mod 1 and Mod 2 succesfully (hopefully on my first attempt)

    buy a bigger 600cc bike and away you go


    Yes :)

    You could do your theory whenever you want, I bought a practice disk on ebay and just practiced til I was consistently passing.

    Don't leave it too late to do it though, you can't book your mod 1/2 until you have your theory certificate and there could be a bit of a wait for a test space so you don't want to hold yourself up too much if you are making good progress :)


    And all this will come to an average price of say....?

    Price is important because I want to have enough to get everything done. Cause what I don't want to do is pass my DAS and not be able to buy my own bike for a few months.

    Totally depends, the place I did mine was cheap compared with everywhere else I saw but I was really nervous and took ages to be confident so I had lots of lessons, I was also delayed in booking my mod 1 due to waiting ages to do my theory (didn't anticipate how long a wait it would be to get a test).


    What time period would you say is reasonable for getting all this done? A couple of months maybe?

    Again, depends on how confident you are and how well you take to it. It is do-able in a couple of months although the waiting time for/between tests could extend that (it can be as much as 6 weeks although you can get cancellations).


    Then I buy my gear around the time I buy my first bike? (Maybe buy helmet / gloves first for the free ride / CBT)


    The place I went with provided helmet and gloves for CBT/Lessons, if wherever you go provides these then I'd probably recommend getting a jacket while you can borrow helmet/gloves. It can get veeeeeeery cold on a motorbike, and a proper bike jacket will provide much better weather protection than a non bike jacket. After my CBT I bought: helmet, gloves, boots, jacket at the Scottish Bike Show for cheaps! :D

    I bought trousers shortly before doing my mod 2.

    The advantage of already having the gear and used it for agesmeant I was already used to wearing it when i got my own bike, so i only had the bike to get used to. Although it did turn out my trousers aren't that great on my bike (I have a gsxr, my trousers aren't very comfortable when crouched up on a sports bike).

  10. Totally up to you. Personally I went down the DAS route.

    I did mine as lessons and didn't do my theory/hazard until I'd had a few lessons, no reason other than I'm quite lazy when it comes to getting things booked!

    If you do DAS then you could still buy a 125 if you wanted. Also if you do your restricted license you can still buy a big bike and have it restricted to 33bhp for 2yrs.

    Also re the wr125x, I was on a mod 1 lesson with a guy on a similar bike and although I was never interested in that style of bike, at that moment I was very jealous of how easy he made everything look, that bike went round the cones absolutely effortlessly! :o

    Edit: yes, whichever route you choose CBT always comes first

  11. f*cking o2!!!!!!

    After wrongly charging me for calls I never made (I had recieved them) I had to spend hours on the phone to them trying to sort it out. Eventually managed, they said just pay the amount due and the outstanding amount would show as in dispute but would be credited on my next bill.

    Fine. Then last week I stopped being able to send texts or make calls, not too big an issue as I was still in America. Called o2 when I got back and they told me it was because there was £30 outstanding, so I explained and she removed the bar and that was fine.

    Today I am unable make calls/send texts again. Just get a message saying I can't make calls while call barring is on. Try calling customer services- can't even call them!!

    So reluctantly use their online chat service, to be told its because there is an outstanding amount of almost £70 on my account. Ie- my next months bill which isn't even due til the 20th!!!!

    They've removed the bar and sorted the credit (for the THIRD time) but couldn't tell me why I was barred from making calls for a bill not even due!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

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