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Posts posted by iiisecondcreep

  1. Oh OK, thanks. Next time I'll just stay behind them until there's a straight clear bit of road :)


    If you do this stay quite far back especially if you have a noisey bike, horses are naturally nervous and if you are too close behind it may cause them to get worried or spook. Generally the rider will signal and let you know what they want you to do depending on how the horse will react (at least they should, however I have noticed recently the manners of horse riders has been going downhill, much like most other road users!).

  2. Do you park a car in the space as well? If not I;d probably recommend parking the bike longways in the space. 2 winters ago when there was all that snow we just had one bike parked in our space it was parked like that, came home to find someone else had parked their car in our space- despite my bike being in it!!!!- the car was there for 2 days.

  3. Hope your pooch is ok Jo.

    My charming downstairs neighbours, while they are not banging and clattering about for 14hrs a day and having screaming abusive arguments waking everyone up, are using the communal area outside their flat as a giant ashtray.


  4. We didn't make it. There was an accident outside Cameron House @ Loch Lomond, guy came off his bike and was lying in the middle of the road. 2 other people from our group (we were at the tail end, the front lot were probably miles ahead) stopped also, people were saying needed to get him water so Ed and I went into Cameron House to get a bottle of water. By the time we got back the ambulance had arrived and the other people from our group had left (we were only away for 5 minute). So we went to McDs got a cola and came home. Hope everyone had a good time.

  5. Took the bikes out for a spin today seeing as we both had the day off, went up to Callander then Aberfoyle via the Dukes Pass. Hoped the roads would be quiet seeing as its a weekday but sadly not. Roads were very busy with the usual sorts that think that that white circle with the big black line means 40mph max (some even seemed to think it means 20mph). Ride back over the Dukes Pass we didn't get stuck behind anyone but that was the only time we didn't. Very frustrating ride. :|

  6. Had the bike at work today so decided to take the slightly longer route home from Edinburgh, so came off at the newbridge roundabout and back via kirklistin, linlithgow etc...

    So probably half of those roads are 30/40mph, of the ones that are nationals most of them have road works and are down to 30/40. Got stuck in start/stop traffic in one little town with no opportunity to squeeze through for 20mins. Finally got onto a road that WAS a national and as I was approaching noticed it was a bit wet. Then realised not just a bit wet, absolutely soaked as was everything else around from some serious downpour!! lots of surface water, huge puddles in every dip and rivers running down both sides. WTF?! 20+ and glorious sunshine everywhere- except the one road I decide to take home! >:[

  7. Loving my new ER6F(KAW) however totalling taken aback by the amount of buffetting you take when riding on the motorway.

    An tips on reducing this buffeting - Could it be helmet related as it feels as though on occassion my helmet is going to be pulled off my head!! My helmet too big ? (Ahem...apologies for this poorly worded chosen question)

    Note, I am not doing any crazy speeds, proabaly about 80 tops.

    Any advice welcome.



    Double bubble screen? :

  8. I have never ridden a cruiser so can't offer any specific advice but as a starting point make sure you are looking where you want to go and the bike will follow. Chances are if the bike isn't going where you want to go you will start looking where the bike is actually going, especially if you think it is going to hit something (known as target fixation). It can difficult to concentrate on looking where the bike is going particularly if you are stressed or worried.

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