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Posts posted by iiisecondcreep

  1. Is it worth upgrading the rear line? there is nothing wrong with the one thats on it (standard), just the guy fitting the front quoted me for fitting front only or front and rear and there is not much in it. £24 for a new rear line :/

  2. So I've recently discovered that my VFR needs new brake lines so I've had a look to see what is available and I am just wondering what would be best or at least what to avoid?

    This is what I have found so far:

    Goodridge stainless steel front brake line race kit £45.98

    BTR Race front brake line kit £50

    Hel race layout brake lines £59.24

    Galfer stainless braided front brake lines £45.95

    Wezmoto brake line kit stainless steel £63

    I've only heard of Goodridge and Hel so input/advice appreciated!

  3. Quite fancied going up another hill, but weather looks to be foiling that plan :roll:

    MAY go to bike show on Sunday if the saturday reports are decent (possibly in the market for a new lid as I am not happy at all with my AGV I got last year), was a waste of time last year and pretty poor the year before.

    Other than that maybe go and see about buying some booties for hillwalking :)

  4. I thought Gayle said the forks felt alright at the top , but 20mm movement at the bottom? This could be fork bushes at the bottom of the stanchions. There was movement of the wheel? If so, remove calipers and spin the wheel , see if it is silent. If not sure,remove wheel and stick yer thumb in the bearing to feel for notchiness. :mrgreen:

    If still not sure Gayle, gimme a bell.

    Thats right, didn't feel any movement whilst holding the forks at the top of the lower half :)

    Also agree with what Ed said, it was probably only about 10mm movement

    Wheel removing will need to wait until the weekend, not enough daylight in the evenings yet :/

  5. If you have that much movement then something is deffinately wrong, you need to get it checked out properly :thumb:


    Do you mean for all the things?


    OK Gayle....sounds like the head bearings could do with adjusting....and maybe new wheel bearing time too.... :(


    Ok, Ed thinks wheel bearings are easy as he has done them previously. He is less confident about the steering head bearings due to worrying about over tightening but we have a torque wrench so should be safe with that?

  6. Right, just been out and tried some of those things.

    Turning the bars from side to side is fine, nice and smooth. If I grab the forks at the bottom there is definite movement (maybe about 20mm?) but no clicking. If I try to move them at the top (slider? Eds suggestion) there is no movement.

    Checking the wheel was tricker but there seems to be side-side movement, very little (5mm?) but it does seem to be moving.

    Also as per above the stanchions are going in by 85mm under normal riding.

  7. Thanks Steve :)

    Alan, how do I check the oil level and is it easy to put more in? It was Honda that did the forks in June and they do have a 12 months parts warranty but not labour. How long should I reasonably expect the fork repairs (new seals, new bushes and new oil) to have lasted? (if that is the problem). Thanks! :)

  8. I took the VFR out today for the first time since September. When I was going along I went over a few small holes in the road (1.5" deep, nothing major) and the front end was clunking loudly every time.

    I seem to recall the bike was much the same before it had the fork seals done in June.

    I put a cable tie on one of the forks and took it out again, when I brought the bike back the cable tie had been pushed up 85mm- this was easy going riding and only a mile along the road and back (and going over a couple of those shallow holes). I don't know how much the suspension is meant to travel but that seems quite a lot when I wasn't really doing much. The maximum fork travel for my bike is 120mm.

    First question - are the forks doing too much travelling for normal riding? If so what do I do about it?

    Second question - is this likely to be the cause of the clunking or could it be something else? If so, would there be any other symptoms? (the clunking whilst going over bumps is the only symptom atm).



  9. :x :x :x

    Spent all day yesterday working on this pricing document I have to do for this building we may be using as a temporary office.

    Came in to work this morning to find it missing. It was not in the folder I had saved it in. Checked my recent files, nothing. Checked temporary files for the autosaves, nothing. Its gone. Vanished without a trace. A days work lost. I also noticed that about ten of the photos I had taken of the building were missing, again without a trace, fortunately I have them saved on my laptop as well.

    I had started it a few days previously just noting down a few details in the spreadsheet, but not put in any measurements or anything so I started again using that (I had started it at home so just forwarded it again from my personal emails).

    Worked on it all morning and was about half way through re doing everything I had lost. Come lunch time I hit save, locked my PC (leaving the spreadsheet open), went out and got some lunch. Came back, unlocked my pc and looked at my spreadsheet only to be faced with exactly what I had re started with that morning. Everything I had re done, gone. Again checked the autosaves and recent docs and they were the same.

    1.5days worth of work gone without a trace on something that needs done 'yesterday'. F*ck it.

  10. 20 April 2013

    St Mary's Loch

    BMW Motorrad Central will be taking a selection of demonstrator bikes down to the Glen Café at St Mary's Loch, on the A708 between Moffat and Selkirk on a regular basis.

    Come and enjoy the new BMW Motorrad range on some of Scotland's most stunning roads here in the borders.

    Make sure you bring both parts of your licence with you on the day.

    If you can't make this one, a couple more demo days are to be held on Sat 11th May and Sat 8th June.

  11. sorry for the essay, but I'm feeling the most drained I have felt since being jobless, and my boss doesnt really seem to care, so f**k it, f**k it all.

    i am going to work tonight, but my boss can suck it. If he asks me to do something i hate (which he most probably will), then I'mm just going to keep my mouth shut and go as slow as I can :/



    I hope your mum feels better soon, and that your boss gets a personality transplant :(

  12. F*cking burglar alarm on the joinery unit over the road been going off since 10pm last night, its much louder than the alarm I use to wake me up in the morning so had hardly any sleep.

    It starts going off every other day or so and this has been happening for a month, often in the early hours :evil:

    On looking online to find an alternative contact number for them (units closed at weekends) I found the company details inc owner/directors home address which happens to only be 2 minutes up the road so if its still going off this evening we'll go round to there door and let them know. We've spoke to them on the phone previously and they were apparently not aware it had been going off. The police have been out at least once about it when someone called but apparently it is not a monitored alarm as they are not notified when it goes off. Hopefully the owners will sort it out for good.

  13. I don't warn others.

    I'd consider it in a national, depending on the situation. I would never even consider it in a 30. Round here more people speed in 30's than don't (plenty of those won't think twice about over taking you even in built up areas with schools/kids play areas... don't get me started on the amount of them that have 'kids on board stickers' in the windows :evil: ), not that they need to be warned anyway as there is never ever anyone there to catch them.

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