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Posts posted by iiisecondcreep

  1. Bear in mind that there are not many sub 500cc bikes around these days, people either tend to ride 125's or 500cc plus due to our laws, so if you want a zxr250 you are left looking for 12yr plus old bikes on ebay.


    He probably means the new ninja 250 ie zx250r (I saw new, they are current but been around a few yrs). Although maybe not! Kawasaki have also just released the ninja 300 which looks very nice :)


    I think I am just behind the times! But even so, they are not a prolific market over here.


    Probably because of the price tag! Honda have the cbr250 as well which I think is a few less ££ than the ninja.

  2. Bear in mind that there are not many sub 500cc bikes around these days, people either tend to ride 125's or 500cc plus due to our laws, so if you want a zxr250 you are left looking for 12yr plus old bikes on ebay.


    He probably means the new ninja 250 ie zx250r (I saw new, they are current but been around a few yrs). Although maybe not! Kawasaki have also just released the ninja 300 which looks very nice :)

  3. I think he means as opposed to having regular lessons.

    Personally, I went down the lessons route. Suited me better at the time, also I had no previous experience and after how stressful I found the CBT there is no way I could have done an intensive course! But thats just me :) lots of people go down the intensive course as well :)

    I'd say the main advantage is you will generally get your license quicker, I was learning from feb-nov. Due to: not booking my theory early enough, having a 4month or so break due to work commitments, failing my mod 1 3 times ( :roll: ).

    If you mean as opposed to buying a 125 to ride around on, well then once you pass you can ride a (restricted) big bike so more options for bikes and as long as you pass before jan or whenever it is you won't be subject to the new rules and your restriction will be lifted automatically after 2yrs. if you wait until after the rules change then you'd have to sit another test when you are 24 to ride any size of bike (I think) :)

  4. Managed to get a few more on holiday, though not nearly as many as we could. Unfortunately journeys didn't go very well so wasn't much spare time for getting tags.

    We almost managed to get the Kirkstone Pass Inn on the way down, bikes parked outside and camera in hand... but we didn't have our numbers or a pen/paper to make new ones :(


  5. Tintern Abbey


    Lands End


    Cheddar Gorge


    Severn Bridge


    Edited to add:

    Kirkstone Pass Inn (thanks TC :D )


  6. CBT lasts 2 years unless you pass your full bike test (not car test) within that time frame, then it will last the duration of the license.

    Car test only comes into it if you are only wanting to ride a 50cc moped, so in order to do your DAS you will need to re-do your CBT.

    From DSA:

    How long your certificate lasts

    Your CBT certificate allows you to ride on the road displaying L plates (or L or D plates in Wales) for two years.

    If you haven't passed a full motorcycle theory and practical test by the end of the two years, you must take another CBT course. This is so you can continue riding on the road as a learner.

    If your CBT certificate runs out before you pass module two of the motorcycle test, you need to take another CBT course. However, you don't need to take your theory and module one test again if you have already passed them, unless they have run out.

    Riding a moped if you have a car driving licence

    If you already have a CBT certificate when you pass your car test, your full moped rights will be confirmed straight away. A moped has:

    a top design speed of no more than around 31 miles per hour (50 kilometres per hour)

    an engine up to 50 cubic centimetres (cc)

    A CBT certificate confirming full moped rights on a full car licence lasts for the life of the licence. So, it's important that you keep your CBT certificate in a safe place.

  7. I have really narrow ear canals and as such really struggle to get ear plugs as the simply won't fit in my lugs!

    I do actually have custom plugs but to be honest I prefer these, especially after getting my new lid which is quite tight around the ears and makes my custom plugs uncomfortable.

    They are £4.99 for a pack of three, one set lasts for ages and if they get dirty they can be washed in hot water. I don't know how long they will last as I have not yet used a pair until they are no longer effective.

    Before use you roll them into a ball with your hands and then just squish them over (not into!) your ear hole, they can be used to swimming so they form a complete seal.

    Good points:

    Suitable for people with awkward lug holes like myself.

    Value for money, £5 seems expensive for just 3 pairs but they are re-usable and can be washed.

    Provide at least as much protection as my custom plugs (can't comment on any other types of plugs as I can't use them!)


    Bit of a faff squishing them into place, and you don't always know if you have managed to get a good seal until you are on the move.

    They are sticky so hairs get stuck on them easily (which doesn't help with the getting a good seal!)

    They get dirty quite quickly due to them being sticky.


    none :)

  8. As we are planning on taking the bikes down to Cornwall I decided to invest in some panniers. Following the review in Ride magazine in which they were awarded "Best Buy" I decided to get the Cameron Barker panniers from Bering.

    First impressions were good- plenty of space in them and felt well made.

    Their first test was a ride down to the borders for an overnight stay. They were around 1/3-1/2 filled. They were a bit of a pain to fit as there aren't many points to attach them too on the VFR. After having done around 200miles I took them off the bike so we could go and get some lunch (no way of locking them closed), at which point I noticed that the material had worn through completely where a bungee cord from my tailpack had been and that the stitching had burst in 2 places, each about 1" long.

    As soon as I got home I contacted the retailer, arranged to return the panniers and had them replaced very quickly.

    Due to the weather and my bike being in the garage the replacement only had their first test yesterday. They had less in them than our borders trip and as I never had my tail pack there were no bungee cords going over them. Our first stop was after 70miles, at which point I checked the panniers and they were already wearing through where the edge was resting against the bike.

    Its not that obvious from the picture but you can still see a bit that it is wearing through (it wasn't resting against the bungee cord, only against the fairing).


    By the time we got home both panniers had holes where they had been resting against the fairing



    Good points:

    Waterproof without covers

    Easy enough to fit to bike

    Good size

    Medium points:

    No way of securing them closed with a padlock or anything so risky leaving them on the bike if its out of site.

    Bad points:

    They are rubbish! I've had 2 sets and both have had holes in with less than 200miles use.

    Would I recommend? Absolutely not.

  9. Decided to ignore the weather forecast for yesterday of 'Heavy Showers' and head out for a long run for some practice for our run down to Cornwall at the start of September.

    277.5miles later and I am absolutely shattered. Was a really good run, I'd give it 8/10. Things that let it down: getting caught in an absolutely torrential downpour for around 45mins on the way home whilst also being stuck in a queue of traffic with a lorry at the front averaging about 35mph. As my new lid had to go back to the shop I had my old one which leaks water so no amount of wiping could clear my visor and as it was wet on the inside it was misting up constantly. Could hardly see a damn thing

    Coming into a 30 I nearly had a bmw go into the back of me because his brakes failed (I could hear the scraping of stuffed ABS), fortunately he managed to stop with about 2' to spare. There was absolutely nothing I could have done, there was a car in front of me and cars coming the other way.

    Being harrassed by a car on the way home sitting about 1m from my back wheel, he obviously knew he couldn't overtake at that point as he did as soon as we got into the straight- why tailgait in the mean time?

    Saw some mental overtakes by 2 pick ups as well, both of them overtaking when they had no where near enough room. A van that the 2nd one was overtaking had to slam on the brakes and swerve off the road because the idiot in the pickup was about to plough head on into an oncoming car.

    We still had about 200 dry miles and the first 120 ish was blue skies, sunshine and absolutely roasting :shock:

    The A85 from Tyndrum to Oban we have done a couple of time before and its a great bit of road. We worried worried it would be busy yesterday as the Green Welly was heaving (also ran into the policeman I did my bikesafe with last weekend there!) but there was hardly any traffic until we got near Oban. Had never done the road down to Lochgilphead or the A83 to Loch Lomond, so glad we did it was a lovely ride with some equally lovely views!

    The route:


    My bike in Oban


    Eds bike in Oban


    About to leave Loch Fyne


  10. I'm a size 12 and have found that size 12 jackets generally fit :)

    Obviously better if you can try buy before you buy, but also know that dealers don't often have much in teh way of ladies clothing! (might be worth trying some on even if they are out of budget- just to give you an idea of how different brands fit you) If you have a J&S anywhere near you they usually have a good range of ladies clothing.

    Have a look on ebay, you can often find used stuff in really good nick for cheaps :)

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