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Posts posted by littlecat

  1. my nob of the day is actually a nob of the week award and goes to the driver of the blue van who spectacularly pulled out straight across cotmanhay road on me yesterday evening , when id skipped out of work early to do my mum and stepdad a favour.

    my stepdad ( who has never been impressed by anything ive done my entire life) couldn't stop saying how amazed he was that I managed to stop....to be honest the only thought going therough my mind was 'I cant hit him , i'm not supposed to be here'.

    that said... it took considerable effort not to get out of the car and give him what for, as all I coulsd think after was if id been on the bike , he'd have been wearing an R6

  2. no think outlon on Tuesday would be pushing it a bit....im at donniington on Monday for a focused events track day, with a load of mates who race ...omg...lol. not sure what that'll be like be im sure it'll be a helluva lot of fun :)


    Wow littlecat, I am jealous of how many trackdays you've been able to get under you belt. Must be a good few?

    I take it your completely under the influence of trackday addiction :lol:


    actually this will only be my second full day, have done cadwell on performance plus ( which is half a day on track) one session at castle combe as part of a bikesafe day ( xmas pressie from my lovely man),#one full day at cadwell on a reclaim your tracks day ( birthday pressie from my best mate)

    and now donnington coming up, paid for by my bestie because he fancied doing it with his racer buddies and I think he secretly( or not so secretly as it happens) wants to coach me, and its my local track .

    am I addicted ...possibly...I find it much more exhilarating than riding on the road...the perfect environment in which to see what you are capable of ( and also what the bike is ) without the usual hazards or unknowns

  3. I should be fine on the general hazard perception as i've been driving for around 9 years. I think i just got a bit 'relaxed' as i don't see a parked car or a pedestrian on the path as a hazard anymore, whereas in the test or if you're new to being on the road EVERYTHING should be a hazard.

    well start seeing them as a hazard again when you get on a bike, something that can cause an annoying minor bump in a car can spit you off or even kill you on a bike

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