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Posts posted by littlecat

  1. ok , have ticked 4 of the boxes, and yes all accidentally...popped a totally unintended clutch wheelie on my 125 marauder ( lol, yes really)...

    slid the back more times than i care to remember , on both the tcat, and then once or twice on the r6( mostly novice gear change mistakes on the tcat,,, on the r6 it was stamping on the rear brake in the wet... one of which was while heading for the hairpin at cadwell , lots of giggling followed hehehe)

    left the ground briefly over a hump somewhere on the way to tan hill following the lovelyTC , whilst also avoiding a multitude of sheep...oh, and also had full luggage on at the time

    and skidmarks on the road... ermmm , yeah,,, following my mate john ( a not quite right in the head road racer) round the north circular for the first time...95 in a 40 zone( made that up, if theres any lovely policemen reading this), then noticed a red light far too late ...ooops... very proud of the fact i actually stopped with only a very small part of the bike over the line... tho i was hyperventilating quite well, and very impressed that the bike was still upright, tho less impressed that i'd stalled it and was at a standstill with the bike still in gear, which then means a very ungainly shuffle across the bike to change feet and sort it out!!!

  2. , ok, heres 2 i got over the weekend.. didnt have my number with me, but did have TC there to adjudicate... ( he can be seen making my number 2 sign in the first pic , lol) so i'm claiming them

    ribblehead viaduct


    tan hill


  3. just b ecause ive had a marauder i will reply... tho as already said , you seem to ask then ignore... but here goes... having had a marauder ... i loved it, its a big 125 and looks and feels like a bigger bike, BUT.. if you are tall it may not work, as the seat is very very low( im 5 foot nothing and could flat foot confortably) also as it has quite long forks, and wheelbase, it isnt the easiest for manouvering.

    chinese bikes are cheap for a reason.. a good jap bike will hold its value, while the chinese slowly rust away ( or not so slowly)

  4. yes I do! Intersection, or obvious landmark please!

    Tanky you!


    Matty Just park up in the town centre (Even you can't miss it :wink: )

    Meet me in the cafe next door to The naked man pub. Then if the weather is good we can head up to Tan Hill for some dinner and cracking roads.

    If its raining we can just gat a bite to eat in Settle and head off to Keswick.


    see you there then mate.. will probably aim to leave here around 10, will text to let you know if were on time

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