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Everything posted by rushwind

  1. I'm not a pendant usually, but... No they're not (necessarily). Major roads are maintained by the Highways Agency, minor roads by local authority (usually) acting on behalf of, and as agents of, the Highways Agency. pedant pedant, roads are managed by highways agency, maintained by council
  2. , so its maybe a break in the wiring from the front switch to the rear unit( or bad connection), test back from the rear???
  3. i think it should be dvla u ringin too???
  4. steam cleaning???, if u havent got one, i bet you know someone who has!
  5. ask these guys http://www.burtonbikebits.net/rear_shocks.htm
  6. tbh, after reading your responses to replies, i would take the offending item to a local engineer, are you capable of a top end strip???
  7. Hi Al, i doubt gel seat will help with your back, but should ease the hip discomfort, ii've got 3 discs which dance, and hips ache with lack of circulation when riding, so i have raised bars, and lowered footpegs on the bird i decided for my tootle around europe that my 'custom' seat wasnt comfortable enough, even tho it was sold as a 'gel' seat, so decided i'd do it myself now can say it much improves riding time here's the steps i took, not just adding gel, but making more "cradle" to the seat, i forgot to picture step 7 , adding memory foam onto gelpad(its a must for spreading weight points and keeping high temp away) http://s1226.photobucket.com/user/mrrushwind/slideshow/reform%20seat if thats not viable then i can recommend the service from Tony Archer top bloke for seats, will do your own same day if you pre-arrange a nd take it
  8. heres the reason that i wasnt at Lumb farm
  9. emley moor transmitter http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/SSA51200_zpsca28b58f.jpg
  10. seems yerv picked the weather, now dont foirget bealacch na bah!!!
  11. managed 3 tags darn sarf on my way bak from europe,,,, maybe its time for ACTION
  12. old lighthouse http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/_DSC0508_zps00ec7e7f.jpg eastbourne pier http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/_DSC0511_zpsa595faa1.jpg brighton pavilion http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/_DSC0514_zpsceddd2d5.jpg
  13. rhuddlan http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/SSA51077_zps6c97848f.jpg
  14. a good 'old school' cobbler would do that for you, theres still some up here, but sadly i cant direct you to any in the plush south , maybe mister google can bre your friend?
  15. its nice to see more ppl actually goin for it! to Throttled and Priest..............i,m interested to see who does most( i hav an inkling ) i'll head for wales a bit more now, must be a bit more organised, bit stoopid doing 230 mls just for rhayader clock!( no it wasnt!, funtastic roads)
  16. rhayaderererer http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/SSA51045_zpsc8712f98.jpg
  17. T.C......oi done da midlands!
  18. Broadway tower http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/2013-06-08154436_zps2640a3b6.jpg sudbury gatehouse http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/2013-06-08161221_zps89b06752.jpg
  19. +1 lifesavers are to check where another road user may be, that you cannot see in your mirrors
  20. newark air museum http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/_DSC0373_zps7d4ea6ca.jpg sibsey trader http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/_DSC0380_zpscfd8b711.jpg house of correction http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/_DSC0385_zps75aee59a.jpg
  21. rushwind

    Exhaust repair

    gun gum, or 'exhaust repair putty', is often avaiilable in local petrol stations or such like?
  22. i was in wales yesterday, thinking, is there a tag on this ride????, wasnt til i got home that i realised, stopped for a cuppa at Bala, doh! , still, today , once south of brum, the roads were 'very pleasant'
  23. motorcycle museum http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/_DSC0355_zps32921df8.jpg triumph factory http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/_DSC0368_zpsb01e9883.jpg chesterton mill http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/_DSC0360_zpsb40b31b1.jpg
  24. uttoxeter racecourse http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/_DSC0348_zps3e1778c3.jpg lumb farm http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/_DSC0346_zps48fa60bb.jpg chatsworth http://i1226.photobucket.com/albums/ee412/mrrushwind/tmbf/_DSC0342_zps51e7ffab.jpg
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