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Giving the nod - do you?


<t>Do you give the nod to other bikers?</t>  

116 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you give the nod to other bikers?

    • Yes
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Yeah another nodding thread ;-)


not this again :bang:


Sorry, I didn't know this thread had been done before - I did do a search! Hope it hasn't peeved anyone, was just curious since it's like how if you're walking your dog and see another dog owner, they tend to smile or stop and chat, and thought it was a nice little reminder than people do still stick together for whatever similarities.


lol dog walkers never smile at me, although thats usuraly because my dogs just tried to savage theirs :D . i cant say as i dont ride yet but im looking forwards to nodding at everyone :D and can someoone explain what 'power rangers' are? i presume they are people with black leathers and tinted helmets ;)

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and can someoone explain what 'power rangers' are?


bikers on GSXR1000's that spend thousands on making sure the colour scheme of their lid and leather suite match the bikes colour scheme, and ride about 500 miles a year in August (200 if its a rainy August) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found myself dangerously distracted by the excitement of getting a nod from a real biker when I was on L's :D I still feel a noob because I only got a few months experience, but I'll nod at most bikes that I see (not spides on scooters though.. there's too many of them wearing t-shirts and tracksuits buzzing around at 40 where I live, it's a heavily built up 20 zone with parked cars and kids everywhere...) and often get a nod in return. I'll feel a bit better about nodding at proper bikers once I get my first big bike though!

Is a great feeling though, like you're part of a community and that there's some friendly faces on the road that ain't trying to kill you.

Speaking of waving to kids - first time a wee kid waved at me from the inside of a car stopped at the lights I just stared dumbly, thinking "but, but, I'm a noob on L's - I'm not some kind of cool motorbike person". Next time it happened though I gave a wave and the kid was jumping up and down with excitement :D I kinda like to think they'd remember that and then get into bikes one day.. you know how things can stick with you when you're younger lol

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Who first thought of nodding????

:?: :|

to other motorbikes that is




That program was brilliant! I only just remember it though tbh.

I always nod if I see the bike in time and always give people on Ls a wave as I pass them, just to encourage them to carry on riding and do their test!

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and can someoone explain what 'power rangers' are?


bikers on GSXR1000's that spend thousands on making sure the colour scheme of their lid and leather suite match the bikes colour scheme, and ride about 500 miles a year in August (200 if its a rainy August) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



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I generally nod at most bikers, although its more of a look at them nod (i should stop doing that lol)

Generally people on L's ill nod at if its like a YBR or something worth as a 125, 50cc scoots no and anything 2 stroke i generally dont nod at....

then again saying that i was nodded at by a 2stroke not on l's though... so i nodded back :D

I so get alot more nods now im on the SV 8-)

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I give a lil nod to (I hate it when people do massive nods or whatever it just looks silly, I mean with the head, waves etc are fine) anyone on geared motorcycle pretty much. Besides chavs on their two stroke whatevers. So long as they look the business I guess.

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Heres a question;

Do we nod at police riders?

I saw one today and wasn't sure whether to or not... I've had some bad luck with the police in the past, have been VERY unfairly treated twice for tiny crimes. I heard of someone once having his bike confiscated because the exhaust was like 6db over the legal level. Crazy!

He didn't nod at me anyway, so balls to it :P

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Do we nod at police riders?



Yes I do, every time.

I assume you would nod to him when he's out on a Sunday afternoon rideout on his own bike, so why would there be a need to be rude when he's working? :)

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would you nod at the pizza boy, the bike instructor out with his students, or a motorcycle paramedic..

I would, (well maybe not the pizza boy...)

so coppers are in there too, if they wanted to pull me, it wouldn't be over a nod...

unlike everything else there is one thing that we have a common interest in, 2 wheels.. and the freedom it brings.

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would you nod at the pizza boy, the bike instructor out with his students, or a motorcycle paramedic..

I would, (well maybe not the pizza boy...)

so coppers are in there too, if they wanted to pull me, it wouldn't be over a nod...

unlike everything else there is one thing that we have a common interest in, 2 wheels.. and the freedom it brings.



And with pizza boys, Wave.. It really confuses them :lol:

And Cruise control!! Such Luxuries.. :love:

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Ok i'll follow suit and nod at police riders :P

I refuse to nod at scooters/pizza boys/chavs... If the pizza boy was on a proper bike, not a scooter then i would nod lol. I wouldn't mind doing some pizza delivery!

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I nod at everyone who's on a bike, bollocks to the Harley rider who gave me a thumbs down for my bike!! (A '98 Hornet's not that bad!!)


Pffft, its a great bike!! Not gonna win any GPs, but its a great looking bike imo! Well, im sure that Harley rider is one of those "anyone who isn't riding a harley is stupid" kinda people. Like BMW drivers :P

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