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Install a scottoiler V system: easy or best to have it done?


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I need a Scottoiler V system and quick because my bike only have 900miles on the clock and the chain look very bad :(

I have to leave the bike under a bike cover as I need to attach it to a massive tree where there are way too many birds cheating down... :( Anyway, it looks like the cover creates condensation and get the bike to rust!

So I looked at chain oiler and decided to go with a Scottoiler V system.

The system cost 69.99GBP but my Yamaha dealership ask 60GBP for the fitting, which seems to be a lot.

Looking at the instructions it does not seems overly difficult to install but I am not sure I would feel confident doing it as I never really done any mechanic on a bike before.

So did you already install a Scottoiler V system? If so, did you find it easy to do and how long it take you to do?

Do you reckon that 60GBP for fitting is too much or does it sound like a fair price?

Thanks in advance.


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If the chain is looking bad, then you have very poor maintenance. A clean and oil ever few hundred miles is what you are supposed to do! (or atleast, recommended)

A chain oiler is the lazy way, and only really needed if you commute alot in all weather or tour :/

IF you do, then i do believe they are quite easy setup. Another alternative is loobman! (cheaper too...google it)

Have fun, and clean / oil that chain :lol:

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If the cover is causing rust, i wouldn't just be worried about the chain! Look into buying like a marquee or a tent or something instead....

Well, since it is a home job that can be done by your average DIY kinda person, i'd say 60 quid is quite a lot too much! Seen as it doesn't require any special knowledge or tools (which is what you pay for from dealers). See if theres a local bike garage near you (something small) that might do it for, say, £20? You never know!

If not, try having a bash yourself :) Worst thing that could happen is you can't work it out or can't do it right, in which case you get someone else to do it anyway :)

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If the chain is looking bad, then you have very poor maintenance. A clean and oil ever few hundred miles is what you are supposed to do! (or atleast, recommended)

A chain oiler is the lazy way, and only really needed if you commute alot in all weather or tour :/

IF you do, then i do believe they are quite easy setup. Another alternative is loobman! (cheaper too...google it)

Have fun, and clean / oil that chain :lol:


I am planning to commute almost daily on it. I use it even if it rains but in winter, I was avoiding sub-7C temperature as it is when my winter gloves seems to stop working :)


If the cover is causing rust, i wouldn't just be worried about the chain! Look into buying like a marquee or a tent or something instead....

I wished I could byut that's a shared carpark and they would not allow that :( They are already pissed off as I take a bike + car spaces :)

The problem with the cover is that since the bike has no center stand, water get stuck inside the cover (where the chain is) and while I had to go abroad for 2-3 weeks, no one removed/emptied the water and it is what really damaged the chain :(

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Don't get bast*rd yamaha dealerships to do anything, or any other dealership unless you're buying brand new or trying to keep a service book looking smart. I know several very good local garages, who all charge atleast half what a dealership would, and any decent mechanic could fit a scotoiler.

Maintaining your chain isn't that hard tbh, if its a communal carpark and you're doing it out there make sure you put something down to catch the oil/parafin or whatever you're using to clean it off, because it does stain.

And get a breathable cover! Mine's got vents in the top corners that go over the mirrors that holds the whole thing open and makes sure condensation can escape.

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I ride in all weather, every day, and often leave and return in the dark. I don't manage to maintain the chain as well as I need to (I also do 2000 miles a month right now). For these reasons I got a Scottoiler.

I had mine fitted by the dealer when I bought the bike new. I didn't get charged for it because they fitted all the extras for me FOC when I purchased a brand new bike (as they bloody well should ;)). They did a bang up job and it's super neatly done, if a bit of a pain to get to to refill (it's just so well hidden in the seat fairing).

That said, having now seen it on there, I could easily have done it myself. I wouldn't waste money on the eSystem, but the old one works a treat. Highly recommended and simple to fit (though the instructions are a little confusing IMO).

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