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Taking Up My Dream (Riding!)

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Yes you do need both parts of your licence

DC Motorcycles is on Alder street in Fartown Spacedeck and BMTC do DAS id highly recommend them for training, they make you feel at ease and some of the instructors have a wicked sense of humour lol plus i got a decent discount on kit for my daughter from DC's after id passed lol

Heres a link to the site http://www.dcmotorcycles.co.uk/ although they do close Sundays and Wednesdays

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Always meant to check that bike shop out as I used to live not far (Sheepridge) but never got around to going. Ill look into getting the DAS as that place. Do they also include the CBT as part of the DAS or will I need to do them seperately?

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Most people have advised DAS and if that is what you want to do fine :) . From another point of view I passed my CBT on a YBR 125 (my own) and then practised on it for the next six months. Many instructors have YBRs as school bikes so it wouldn't have mattered if I had done the CBT on one of theirs, if insurance was a problem (I got my hubby to ride mine to the training centre for me). Then did my Mod 1&2 and got a restricted Gladius, which I love - it has loads of power for a restricted bike and I don't feel I am missing out on anything! :mrgreen:

For me this was the best way, I preferred to take my time practising and gaining confidence on the roads in my own time, rather than going through a DAS quickly and perhaps 'overbiking' myself too soon. By the time I was ready for the test I felt I had enough road experience to cope with riding a bigger bike. The YBR was a fab little bike for learning, very easy to ride and manoeuvre, and I used to get over 70mph easily, but I am female and probably lighter than most male riders. However there were two big lads well over 6ft who also learned on them, and they didn't look too big for the bikes.

I wouldn't spend too much on a first bike - I made the mistake of buying new (although it was a pretty good price) and dropped it three times (you WILL drop it!). Luckily for me it was hardly damaged. You'd be much better off buying s/h and won't lose much if you keep it in good nick.

And once you've passed and have ridden a bigger bike you won't want to get on a 125 again :wink:

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Well ill still be booking that free test once I get my provisional back. Yeah I do want to take the DAS route. Ok it doesn't give a lot of experience but you gain that the more you ride anyhow and plus I could always get advanced training (as mentioned in the main bike chat forum) which would also help me improve.

Plus soon as I get a bike I'm hoping to meet people to do bike rides with (start locally).

You said you passed your Mod 1 and Mod 2 but you had a restricted bike? Why was this the case? Couldn't you just have the bike derestricted and ride as normal?

One thing I'm wanting to do while learning my theory / hazzard is to learn the techincals of a bike. Like how it runs, what makes it run, how things on the bike work / were things are placed on a bike. This should make life easier when taking the test.

Overall though I plan on getting going as soon as possible / I pass my tests. Ive been waiting years upon years to be able to do something like this. I never did the CBT thing when I was 16/17 is because I had no confidewnce and was scared.

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You said you passed your Mod 1 and Mod 2 but you had a restricted bike? Why was this the case? Couldn't you just have the bike derestricted and ride as normal?


Because I took the test on my 125.

Good luck with the DAS :)

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Ok after a little advice. Payday is upon us so we know what time that is :D

On Saturday I plan on going to a bike shop (DC Motorcycles) and while I'm there I will enquire about if they include the CBT as part of the DAS. If they do then I have no need to book it and I can get straight into buying the protective gear and Theory test this month.

Now if they don't do the CBT as part of the DAs then I'll book the CBT and ofcourse Theory.

Now the part I need help is protective gear. I have averaged about £350 in total spare to buy protective gear. Now I can do this one of two ways.

Buy the full lot while I'm shopping. Or buy it in parts.

Like this month I could buy:




then following month get the rest.

Now the problem I have with this is that I want to ride in my own gear when doing the CBT and DAS. And mainly it would be Helmet, Gloves, Jacket, Trousers and Boots.

But then I think if I buy it in stages I could get better gear over two months for double the price.

Unsure what to go with. As I don't exactly have anything what would be biker friendly. The type of jeans I wear are the baggy type (the ones what drop over your shoes). And unsure what type of shoes/trainers would be allowed.

If when I go down on Saturday I can get kitted out for around the £350 mark with decent gear then I will.

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Well yesterday I went to Earnshaws instead. Spent £310 on a Jacket, Boots and Gloves. Will get the rest next month once I've been paid again.

In the meantime it will give me time to practice for my Theory.

These are what I bought. I went down the waterproof route (but the gloves arn't waterproof)..




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  • 6 months later...

Ok I sort of gave up this, I don't remember what happened but stuff happened and I just couldn't get any of it done. On the other hand I'm back and I'm going to this time make it happen. Normally I say ill do things, buy a few things for it then give up. But I know am properly learning how to snowboard and its one of them things I just won't give up on.

I deeply miss not doing all this the first time around so I want to give it a second go, I walk to work everyday (around 1hr 10 mins each way) and I see bikers go past me often, the more they pass me the more I can't take my eyes away from them. Yet if I see a big expensive car drive past I don't even give it a second look in.

I fear now I may have left it too late. I know laws are changing but I don't know when? I am 22 in September so would be waiting 2 years before even being considered for the DAS UNLESS its still possible to compplete it this year.

If its still a possibility I want to complete my practical/theory and then find a DAS course which inccludes the CBT apart of it.

Then ill try get a bike out from a store on 0% intrest so I can make it affordable.

I've no idea if any or what rules have currently changed so any person able to fill me in would be great.

I know back then I never felt good for the road but I've grown older and feel more confident with myself and I now feel like I'm ready to take on the roads.

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If I was in your position I'd get a push bike and stop walking to work.. :wink:

Then I'd do the CBT and get a cheap 125 to run around on. Do the theory test between now and September and then when you are 22 do the DAS and get your full licence. The law changes in January iirc so plenty of time. Also use the time to save some cash to buy yourself an older 600 for when you pass. No need to go buying a brand new bike straight away, especially on finance! Chances are you'll drop/crash it anyway and it will cost a bomb to repair.


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lol, its my choice to walk. I like the exercisee, plus its give me time to observe traffic.

How much could you get a 125cc for now? I guess you mean, get it second hand? How much are CBT's?

Well doing it that way does give me the required learning time before the DAS. Although one worry I have would be the limitation to 30Mph(I think?). The road i live on is pretty long and a large amount of the road has a speed limit of 40, not 30. But would that be an issue do you think?

Also just a note, I know this is majorly NOT important but the bikes I'm intrested in is sportsbikes (full body).

Would doing the CBT and ride for a bit help me with the Theory test?

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lol, its my choice to walk. I like the exercisee, plus its give me time to observe traffic.

How much could you get a 125cc for now? I guess you mean, get it second hand? How much are CBT's?

As with anything ,you get what you pay for, but you should be able to pick something decent up for about £12-1500. CBT - expect about £100 ish.

Well doing it that way does give me the required learning time before the DAS. Although one worry I have would be the limitation to 30Mph(I think?). The road i live on is pretty long and a large amount of the road has a speed limit of 40, not 30. But would that be an issue do you think?

a 125cc will easily do 60 odd mph, some will go over 70mph. Are you sure you arent thinking of the little 50cc mopeds you see knocking around? They're the ones limited to 30mph. a 125 has to be able to reach 62.mph so that they qualify for people to do their mod 1 tests on if they can't/ decide not to do it on a big bike.

Also just a note, I know this is majorly NOT important but the bikes I'm intrested in is sportsbikes (full body).

pretty and quicker than a non sporty 125, but also thief magnets, higher on insurance and expensive to replace the plastics if you drop it. Maybe something to keep that in mind if you do go for something like a baby R1 or cbr125r.

Would doing the CBT and ride for a bit help me with the Theory test?

Possibly, it should help to reinforce your learning at the very least I would have thought.

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An hour each way to work? Is there no one can lift share with? You have the majority of the gear, and obviously like learning new things with the snowboarding, just save a grand from wages as you said can afford to put away each month, 6 months down the line could have a grand saved and get any decent second hand 125, which will not only give you plenty of practice but will give you the majority of those 2 hours spent walking to work back! :)

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Nah I choose to walk. Could buss it but other than snowboarding, it's the only excercise I get :P

So going by that would it be better to not do my CBT yet and rather just save up enough money to buy a bike? Cause I guess if you passed your CBT and then haved to wait months before you can get a bike then you could have forgot a good bit of what you learned?

Nell, so have any examples to what maybe you would reccomend?

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Nah I choose to walk. Could buss it but other than snowboarding, it's the only excercise I get :P

So going by that would it be better to not do my CBT yet and rather just save up enough money to buy a bike? Cause I guess if you passed your CBT and then haved to wait months before you can get a bike then you could have forgot a good bit of what you learned?

Nell, so have any examples to what maybe you would reccomend?


I went down route of buying a 125 from dealership. they threw CBT in free, whizzed around on that for just over a year or so, did my MOD 1 and 2 on it, passed, sold it, paid off finance (luckily bloke I sold it too happy to pay the finance company the remaining amount and me the rest), and then used that for a 600cc bike, and have gone from there.

A mate of mine has saved up a grand over a year or so, is now about to do CBT and buy a 125 and get plenty of practice on that before doing tests. A lot of people do it, not all go through DAS route.

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I went down route of buying a 125 from dealership. they threw CBT in free, whizzed around on that for just over a year or so, did my MOD 1 and 2 on it, passed, sold it, paid off finance (luckily bloke I sold it too happy to pay the finance company the remaining amount and me the rest), and then used that for a 600cc bike, and have gone from there.

A mate of mine has saved up a grand over a year or so, is now about to do CBT and buy a 125 and get plenty of practice on that before doing tests. A lot of people do it, not all go through DAS route.


What bike did you get? How much was the bike and how much was you paying the bike back over how long? I guess you took it over a year?

It sounds more like something I would be able to do. I think I would rather get riding sooner rather than later. But if you do your test on a 125 then doesn't that limit you for 2 years?

EDIT: If I did go down that road then I could still do my test on the 125 before it all changes couldn't I? Or do it on their bike (if it limits me on a 125) and then sell on the 125 and buy a bigger bike?

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I went down route of buying a 125 from dealership. they threw CBT in free, whizzed around on that for just over a year or so, did my MOD 1 and 2 on it, passed, sold it, paid off finance (luckily bloke I sold it too happy to pay the finance company the remaining amount and me the rest), and then used that for a 600cc bike, and have gone from there.

A mate of mine has saved up a grand over a year or so, is now about to do CBT and buy a 125 and get plenty of practice on that before doing tests. A lot of people do it, not all go through DAS route.


What bike did you get? How much was the bike and how much was you paying the bike back over how long? I guess you took it over a year?

I had a Honda Varadero 125, cost £3400 at the time, now think they 4k. Paid £110 a month over 3 years, but paid it off after a year or so when sold it for £2.7

It sounds more like something I would be able to do. I think I would rather get riding sooner rather than later. But if you do your test on a 125 then doesn't that limit you for 2 years?

Yes currently restricts you to 33bhp for 2 years, pretty much any bike can be restricted to that, some restrict better than others.

EDIT: If I did go down that road then I could still do my test on the 125 before it all changes couldn't I? Or do it on their bike (if it limits me on a 125) and then sell on the 125 and buy a bigger bike?


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Alright, well I'm going to having a chat with somebody from a training centre in town about the CBT. Still undecided if I should wait and save up or get my CBT done and just get a bike the way you have. I have a feeling if I just left it then I would end up giving up again because believe me I am terrible when it comes to saving money.

So maybe the CBT, get a bike hopefully on the day and pay it back monthly, use that for a while. Work out how much I've paid and how much I've to pay off and then see about selling it then getting a bigger bike once I pass everything else?

So many options it confuses me :( but I would much rather be riding sooner rather than later. I've waited and put this off for too long and I want to make sure it happens before all the new laws come in.

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The quickest way to get it all done in my opinion is an intense course (do theory before hand, but cbt, mod1 and mod2 in one week).

I went from never having sat on a motorbike to having an a restricted license in 5 days can't really get quicker then that!

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The quickest way to get it all done in my opinion is an intense course (do theory before hand, but cbt, mod1 and mod2 in one week).

I went from never having sat on a motorbike to having an a restricted license in 5 days can't really get quicker then that!


wow, speedy service. How much did it all cost you and what bike / price was it?

Ofcourse I want to get riding quicker but I don't want to rush it, I still want to go at my own pace.

EDIT: Just spoke to the guy from the training centre. They limit each instructor to 2 students for the course so it wouldn't be too bad. On a weekday they use a big car park (Huddersfield Town FC's car park) and it will cost about £110.

He said to do the CBT, get a few months road experience before tackling the D.A.S. Mod 1 will cost £15.50 and then Mod 2 will cost £75.

When/if you fail to feel confident about going on the road or the instructor isn't very confident they will send you away to think about it and then return another day to continue. If it runs over the allocated hours then it will charge by the hour but cost half the price.

He did reccomend that when I do pass my CBT then to get a bike for a run around in the range of 500-1000£ and I asked him what % of people pass the CBT on the first go and he said it's probably around 80%.

He sounded like a nice chap and once next month comes I'm going to get my CBT done.

When I pass my CBT I have no idea no where i'll find money for the bike but it will come from somewhere.

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If you get paid monthly then on your payday pay a deposit of around three hundred pounds towards the price of a full package (CBT, Theory, DAS) I didn't do it but there was a lad there who did his training and mod 1 with me and he paid £700 for the lot. Can be finished in about a week iirc. Book the test for the next month you get paid. Pay the remaining 400 off and pass your test.

Funny the amount of my mates who ask me about passing the test, when I tell em to do that they claim to not be able to afford it but can happily spend £7 a day on fags and god knows how much on ale. I'm not saying you do, but if you can make sacrifices 2 months from now you could be swinging your leg over a 600cc bike instead of walking to work...

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How does it cost him so much though? As from what the guy told me, £110(CBT) + £30(Theory) + £15.50(Mod 1) + £75(Mod 2) = £230.50. A lot smaller then the £700 he payed or have I missjudged everything?

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Also the CBT is not a test, its training, there is technically no pass or fail, you just will be asked back for further training if they don't feel you are quite up to being on the road on your own and then issued with a certificate to say you have completed basic training.

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