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Some form of leakage,


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I feel so stupid these last few day's had problems and his one is my fault and i feel so depressed at my self for letting it happen.

I mijudged a small ramp i made while pushing the bike up it, the rear wheel didn't get on and it benched, i managed to get it off, but its started leaking something at the bottom where a wire is, i think it's oil but it only leaks when the bike is started, which it won't do now!

Not sure what to do at all, had to book ANOTHER day off work to try fix it :c

Not really sure if its oil or petrol...

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It's hard to know without looking at it but it sounds likely that it is related to the oil sump/filter. The filter is a cylindrical thing around 6cm in in diameter, usually black that is under the engine block and held in place by a nut. It could be that you have knocked this an it is leaking.

You should also be able to tell if it's oil or petrol. Oil doesn't smell much and it's thicker. Petrol smells like......petrol.

I need to go to work soon but try and take a look under it and get some pics to post and hopefully someone's around to help.

DON'T try to run your engine if you don't have enough oil - it will damage the engine. Does your bike have a dipstick or sight glass to check the oil?

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Thank you bonnie for replying, as you can see in the image below its the wire around 3inch long, connection to what you descried above. i think it could be oil as it seem's to be black, my noes is not very good this morning thanks to wear i work, but yes it seems a little thicker than petrol and seems to be black.


Edit: Incase cannot see the problem posted a new one with a redline around the problem.

Edited by Abraxix92
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You cannot catch a break! :(

Can you put a red circle around the leak? I can't spot it. Not that I can help anyway, but yaknow, it might help someone else identify the problem :)

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That looks like the wire to the side stand cut off switch

The only oil that will be near that will be excess spray from when you oil your chain.

The pipe to the right of it is an overflow pipe, which might leak something, but that's what its there for.

Edited by Voodoo
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It's hard to tell but that looks more like the insulation casing around the electrical connection going to the side-stand switch - so could be a red herring - are you sure the oil is coming from there and not just collecting there and running from somewhere else.

Anyway, if it's black and thick then it's oil so don't attempt to start it until you've replaced whatever is broken and put more oil in.

Don't be hard on yourself - these things happen.

Could you take a few more pics from different angles?

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It's hard to tell but that looks more like the insulation casing around the electrical connection going to the side-stand switch - so could be a red herring - are you sure the oil is coming from there and not just collecting there and running from somewhere else.

Anyway, if it's black and thick then it's oil so don't attempt to start it until you've replaced whatever is broken and put more oil in.

Don't be hard on yourself - these things happen.

Could you take a few more pics from different angles?


Possibly i'm not really sure.

More pictures as request awkward angle to get shots differently.



The bike is new last weekend, well new for me, its second hand with a fair bit of miles on it, as its under 7 days old in my name it should be covert by warranty from the dealer? its on finance though, emailed then to ring me when they open and included in the message it will need picking up from one of there vans.

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That definitely looks like an electrical connection to the side-stand switch. There also doesn't seem to be much sign of an oil leak there - grubby maybe but not wet.

Anyway, sorry I have to go out now.

Good luck with it :D

I'll connect later from the office :wink:

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Alright thank you bonnie, i had to book today off thanks to this aha, it could be that then, or it might not be that as i diden't really look down there before hand, just wondering where this oil is coming from then, will phone dealer as soon as they open, thank you for your help.

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Morning, I don't think warranty normally covers damage from you beaching it.

From your pics, no big deal, the wire as has already been said is the sideswitch cut off stand, I expect it has been crushed. Is it in gear? if it is, it won't start or run with the wire broken as when you put it in gear it will cut the engine. Just needs the wire repairing and as it's a crush, it should be either obviously damaged where the wire is broken, or it has pulled the plug hard and that's why it's not working. If it's got a damaged bit of the outer plastic shield , I would be cutting the plastic outer tube off there and checking the wire, first though, try pushing the plug where the wire joins the stand back in really hard, it could just be dislodged.

It does sound like you have just noticed a small amount of oil because you are looking in that area, I regularly oil my chain and it drips down the sidestand as it gets flung off at the front sprocket.

Just check your oil level, if it's normal, don't worry about it.

It is worth phoning dealer, but don't go in demanding this and that as you have damaged it yourself, just be nice and hopefully they will help as it's something simple.

If you are not happy mending a wire break PROPERLY (if you bodge it, it will go again while you are on the road and you will be stranded) get someone who knows cars or bikes to do it with proper connectors or soldering. It doesn't have to be a bike specialist, just someone who knows how to join auto wiring. We all know someone like that! ;)

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Hello Matty, i understand this, I've just had quite a few problems with the bike

This is the dealer who sold it with a bubbled tire which i didn't notice until 2 days later, and also a fu**ed battery which they said they will replace soon.

The oil leak seemed to be quite large and is all over the back decking, currently charging the battery again as its died again.

I will give pushing the wire back in as soon as i have typed this.

Thank you!

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Did not know about any other previous issues!

Take a pic of the 'leak'. One persons leak is another persons 'normal'. If you are expecting it to be bone dry throughout, it might look like a leak to you but not be, or it could be a leak. can't tell without pics, but bikes that are ridden and don't live in garages most of the time do tend to be oily dirty things.

Did you check if it's in gear? also try starting it with the clutch held in. Some different bikes have different combinations of safety cutout switches that require different things.

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Hello matty, she lives in my dinning room where my eyes feast on her nightly,

Edit: picture added http://imageshack.us/a/img199/4024/20130503091547.jpg

I turn her chock on in the back fenced garden while i make a coffee and have a smoke hence why i start her here, wouldn't leave her on my street or non fenced area unattended, and while having a coffe i can look at her through the window.

They happily picked her up just now, rolled her into the van and the mechanic was kinda disappointed with finding the battery was pretty fu**ed and said the owner should of changed it or let him know what the problem was as the mechanic would of put it in if i just told him and not the owner of the store.

Also the bike wont show neutral green light on the dash although i think this is battery related which the mechanic who picked her up said he will change it regardless as that isn't my fault and apologized about the bubbled Tyre when i purchased her.

I showed him my daily thing were i roll it etc showed him were i suspected the oil spill and he thinks it is a spill, showed him the electric wire to the kick stand were it acts as a kill switch (this bike has no red panic button) and he said its looks like its doing its job fine.

Then showed him my gears as it feels a little clunky than normal maybe that's because im not riding it but it felt a little different he said that seems fine, (although it did seem a little lose on the (bolt? there wasn't one so unsure what to call it)

The oil level of the engine seems fine also as i checked that but forgot to post that in the prevouis reply.

He did credit be however for getting my hands a little dirty and looking for possible problems but i still personally think (with no experience) that its the electric kill switch as pointed out by bonnie, or the gear shifter.

Thank you all for your much needed help

Will keep you updated, still feel extremely clumsy :3

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Dealer has just phoned me up, apparently its a certain chain lube they use which builds up, but this diden't seem like it would happen spitting oil up, and took them from 9am to 4:40pm to say its just this, also they blamed the shitty battery which was reading 8,9, they have fitted a new one (which they should of done when i told them about the error) its reading a stable 13.4

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Glad it looks like things are sorted :D

Can't say I'm too impressed with this dealer but hopefully things will be OK now.

This ramp access sounds like it needs some work or possibly just practice. The plastic sleeve around the side-stand switch is there to protect it, particularly from water off the roads. It would be a good idea to wrap the split in some insulating tape when you get the chance

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Indeed, they said they put alot of oil on because i was a new rider, wish this was explained to me, either way i will double the ramps togther only takes a extra mintue to do and seems its much safer as i have 2 but use for one steps if i make any sence, had to also cable tie the fairings going under the bike, took it to my uncles who used to bike and tour around the world on his bike, he noticed the fairings had come loose from it been a older model and not much care has been done, (wish the dealer told me about the fairings been loose -.-)

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