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Hi everybody

I've just been trawling through the forum and carn't find any rideouts planned this weekend.

Are any of you midlanders interested in a rideout sometime this weekend?

Suggestions for day, meeting place and route apprieciated, although looking at the weather forecast saturday will probably be best.

Come on lets get something planned!



Was thinking about a ride up to The Cat and then do the Cat and Fiddle Run. Never done it before so would like to pootle round it and see what all the fuss is about.


Hi korben mate.

Good on ya. Did the cat and fiddle last weekend with MBF ( first time ) so i know where it is now. Would be well up for going again.

I'll have to check with the other half first - but are you free Sat?

Are you derby? if so could meet you in derby as i'm coming up from birmingham way.


I should be free mate yes, although I will need to be setting off home for about 3pm, as I have plans for Saturday night. I am in Derby as well mate.

Not sure what kinda rider you are mate, but if you are a fast un, it might be best to meet at the cat, as I am a slower rider.


don't worry about how fast you are mate, we can take a nice cruise up from derby.

What about meeting at the petrol station by the big A38 island? hope you know which one i mean - i think there might be a mcdonalds there?

When we do the fiddle run i'll probably have a bit of a blast but can just wait for you at the end ( all one road ) turn back round and do it again.


forgot to add - got plans for evening too - missuses 30th so gotta badysit on evening - getting back to Derby for 3 is perfect.


Sounds good mate.

The Roundabout you are on about is called Markeaton Roundabout by the locals of the area. Would be best to meet in the MacD's carpark.

What time do you want to meet up mate?


let me check with the missus - carn't get hold of her at the moment.

hopefully be able to confirm and arrange time later today.

will get back to you as soon as I've spoken to her.

ps. anybody else fancy meeting us either in Derby, Matlock or up at the fiddle?


Hi korb

I'm good to go - what about meeting on mcdonalds car park Sat at 10.30?


So... any idea what time you boys would make matlock/the cat? Borile and I were looking at going out on saturday too :)

We're happy with slow, and need to head off at some point to make it home, so happy with an early end too.


Hi Bundle

The more the merrier - be good to put more names to faces.

We could meet you at the duck pond in matlock around 11.15-11.30?


only got e-mail at work, and I'm sciving of home early today ( i'm so dedicated ) so i can go out and have a blast while its dry.

catch up with you all tomorrow and we can finalise plans.


Will do mate - its such a bummer. The missus got made redundant last week so there goes her company car. She's got to use my car now and I've got to take the bike to work every day - oh well every cloud has a silver lining :lol:


Only I thing I was thinking is that it'd take us a good couple of hours to make it to Matlock, so could possibly meet at Cat then ride back with you, to turn tail and come home.


Cat on sat what time does someone want to put a thread up in North west meets aswell with a time.

Which way you coming from chic


coming from Mansefield, not sure of the roads down there and will be 2up on the Pan (Bandit is being naughty) so won't be hammering it. Got to take a moggy to the vet for a jag so not sure time we'll be heading off yet.


well if were not meeting anybody in matlock should be at the Cat sometime between 11.30 - 12.00.

who's meeting us at the cat then?


Nice one TC - see you tomorrow.

Bundle - are you meeting us at the Cat?

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