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I had a read on this subject last night and it make me so mad. It's just another example of how people who get in to management positions seem to know very little but earn a lot.

Dorna spoke to the press and mentioned that the reason they were offering the TV rights to national broadcasters is because they want to get MotoGP out to a wider audience and not for the money, if it was about money then Eurosport would have a contract. Which I believe.

The point with that is, that in the UK at the moment, people have the choice to watch the BBC's coverage or Eurosports coverage. My main point here being that people who want to watch the BBC's coverage already do.

Management type people probably will justify the switch by producing lots of flashy graphs saying "look this is the BBC's 2008 viewing figures for motogp and as you can see the 2009 figures are a lot higher."

Of course the viewing figures will be higher, they will have all the Eurosport fans, apart from that though they won't actually gain not even 1 more single fan. So to be honest with you what is the point. MotoGP will not gain one more single fan in the UK from it just being on the BBC.

The only real reason I can see that Eurosport lost the coverage is because BBC negotiated in their new contract that they were to be the lone broadcaster in the UK.

We all know what the BBC does when it has a monopoly, I wonder how long it is before they screw over the fans and bump MotoGP for Eastender omnibus or something else just as rubbish.

I predict that a lot of the coverage will be on the red button feature. News flash BBC some people still don't have digital and don't have to until 2010 or 2011 I think. So how will you provide these people with coverage.

While I get BBC 1, 2, 3 and 4 over here, i don't have a red button :cry:


The red button flicks you to a certain channel, so you can probably just go to that channel instead, its something like channel 304 on freeview.

As for people who dont have digital yet in their area, well they obviously haven't got SKY/Virgin or any other service either and so they already can't watch Eurosport, but they can definately watch BBC.

:lol: Do you work for the BBC?


Pmsl :lol:

I just can't stand adverts, I was watching WSB the other day on Eurosport and I was watching 2 or 3 riders really going for it, an advert comes on and as soon as the race came back on again the riders were in completely different positions. I've seen it happen time and time again and sometimes you don't get a replay or the commentators don't even mention it. Sometimes even worse happens like someone will bin it etc....


What they should do is pause it at their end whilst the adverts are on, granted by the end of the race it wouldn't be live but at least we'd get to see the whole race.


Like I've said before, I totally agree with Voodoo. I understand Eurosport needs advertising revenue but to put the ad breaks without warning right in the middle of a race is infuriating to the point of insanity...

To reiterate the point, you do not necessarily need the mythical red button, you can also access BBCi live streaming and interactive services via channels 301, 302, 303 and 304 on Freeview so I'm assuming there are channels on Sky and Virgin for this also. This means you can programme to record these services too just as you would any other channel...

I've watched every round of motoGP on BBC this year and I can assure you no live coverage has been 'bumped' for other programming. That's the beauty of digital live streaming. It runs alongside their existing programming without disrupting any schedules. At the moment the BBC have 4 streams but next year they plan to have 12 primarily for sports and the arts. There's some blurb about it on their website...

Obviously analogue viewers will need a digital box which cost from £20. You will not need to subscribe to Sky, Virgin or any other pay-TV service. It's all covered in the price of the licence fee, which I believe is considerably cheaper and you have to buy if you have a TV anyway...

Happy viewing. RIP Eurosport...


£20 on top of already paying for a license fee, thats too much I refuse to pay :lol:

I have Virgin (formerly ntl) and the channel 301, 302 thing doesn't work. :( but thanks for the info.


i don't really mind as long as they show it all, practice, quilifying and then races and keep the presenters.

i don't really mind as long as they show it all, practice, quilifying and then races and keep the presenters.


so you willl mind then!

Guest nastro azzurro
i don't really mind as long as they show it all, practice, quilifying and then races and keep the presenters.


so you willl mind then!



Cos it will no where near be as good a coverage as Eurosport...... Yes the main race coversge is ok on BBC but the insight and knowledge from Moody and Mamola et al cannot and will not be matched..... :cry:


Moody/Ryder and Mamola keep you up to date with all the latest gossip/news/rumours around the paddock. Whereas BBC always seems to be 1 to 2 races behind when it comes to news like riders moving.


I can answer that one too. BBC, due to the nature of the organisation simply aren't allowed to report any paddock 'news' until it's a done deal, so pit lane gossip and speculation is not included like it might be on commercial channels...

Used to do a bit of work for the BBC in the past so I know this stuff...

Rest assured people, you will still get all the race and qualifying coverage, you'll just have to get used to different presenters (I admit that Oz chap is a bit of a clampet, but Steve Parrish and Suzi Perry are OK) and enjoy advert-free racing...


The presenters on BBC are soooo crap its untrue , I think the whole thing stinks personally.

I hope im proved wrong but I can see us getting to watch qualifying at 2 in the morning after all the other crap that seems to take pride of place at the Beeb.


I find it so hard to believe that some of you are moaning because its going to be free, but I guess theres no pleasing some people. As for all the arguments about they won't show the practice laps and the news isn't upto date, well dip your hand in your pockets and pay a subscription to this site http://www.motogp.com where you'll be able to get the latest news and hi-resolution video of all the practice and qualifying laps as well as the race.

Personally I like the choice of it being free.


A lot of people moan about the quality on motogp.com!

A lot of us pay for eurosport/sky regardless and are moaning as such as even with the ads which you can turn over for eurosports coverage and commentary is far superior to auntie beeb...which we also pay for!

If the beeb did ads then it truly could become free!

I find it so hard to believe that some of you are moaning because its going to be free, but I guess theres no pleasing some people. As for all the arguments about they won't show the practice laps and the news isn't upto date, well dip your hand in your pockets and pay a subscription to this site http://www.motogp.com where you'll be able to get the latest news and hi-resolution video of all the practice and qualifying laps as well as the race.

Personally I like the choice of it being free.


while I do agree in part with you Voodoo, I also part disagree.

what I mean to say is that although you are correct, we could pay for MotoGP.com coverage. If the Beeb hadn't been a pain about it and demanded exclusive rights to the coverage effectively eliminating any choice we had then there would be no need for us to purchase further subscription.

Thanks to the Beeb there is no choice any more, it's their way or no way at all. As mentioned before the BBC already had a contract with MotoGP. All they have done with the new one is demand exclusive rights.

Some people love the BBC's coverage and some aren't so fond of it. I'm sure this debate will rage on over the remainder of the season until the Eurosport mics get turned off at Valencia and we all have to admit defeat for a couple of seasons until they lose the rights in 2010/2011

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