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Really sorry to hear your news Ash :(..

Me and Andy(MonkeyK) Are still aiming to go, will be turning up in the car though as he didnt want to come up by bike :P and no point in me wasting petrol.. So Not a grand entrance (Rover metro..) But entrance non the less..

What time are you all aiming for now?

Jin x

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well i got there about 12ish and as most bikers had left for the excel,is was fairly quite,the cafe was heaving,so i had a cup of tea and a fag and had a great ride on the way home

the sun was shining nearly all the time,i got a bit of

sleet but nothing major,and an R6 nearly dropped it turning on to the 406 at hanger lane ,give him his dues,he did very well to hold it up,and bounce off the kerb

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Was that due to the weather conditions or him taking it too fast?
i think there was something on the road,thats why i used the middle lane as the part of the road he was on was very dark compared to the rest,it could have been diesel, he wasnt going that fast,but it helps to look ahead ,he rode straight for it.
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Well that wasn't so bad.........

Definate chill in the air, layered up with thermals 3 jumpers and all weather jacket so thought I would be toasty. Looked out clear sky, pulled outside my mates and it started to snow! Typical! We both agreed we would give it a go and set off to meet the rest of them at St Neots. Roads were very good considering the artic conditions and the sun soon shone. Arrived to see Neil (Nman1) dressed as Kung Fu Panda! Well his fleece looked like it :mrgreen:

Roy, Pete & Dan then arrived were we the hardcore of foolhardy bikers you can answer that, we all decided we were hardcore and decided to set out for the ACE. Of we set again in brilliant sunshine and headed down the A1 before turning off towards the A10. Over the brow of a hill we went straight into a blizzard, Fantastic! Neil decided this wasn't for him and headed A10 north whilst I was thinking he had the right idea we could see blue skies ahead through the blizzard.

Anyway we made good haste as I became tailend Charlie for the group with the words from Roy echoing round my brain Wembley, then park something? Then you'll see the Ace. We hit the North circular at about 12:30pm in heavy traffice, nearly knocked off twice by some white van man clown, but kept looking out for the Wembley sign but somehow we los Pete & Dan in the gridlocked traffic.

Arrived at the Ace and settled down for a hot cuppa and big breakfast. Roy pointed out a couple of forum members as we sat there like a couple of spare parts lol before Penny came and introduced herself and made us feel very welcome, chatting away still no Dan & Pete? By now (an hour on) we were getting concerned as no word from them. Finally Roys phone rang and they were in Acton. A hastily map reading session ensued to guide themin before Dan realised he had a sat nav.One postcode later they arrived just as we were ready to leave!

Knowing the snow forecast it was decided A1 blat home where my mate Darren started to splutter, low on fuel right in a blizzard,wonderful. We stopped off at Baldock services whilst Roy head down carried on North. Making use of the exhaust to defrost my hands Daren & I set off with ominous snow clouds and bang on cue in St Neots another blizzard, and my bl**dy fuel light came up. We stopped at Caxton just for the snow to stop and head off to Ely.

A most enjoyable rideout, the cold was not as bad as I feared but it was nippy. Roads were actually good much to our general agreement. Thanks goes to Roy for leading us, losing two riders and taking us through umpteen blizzards and being our navigator. Good to meet Akey, Willow, Dan and Jin.

I look forward to our next ride & the warmer weather!

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Good right up m8 :D

In my defence... i never forgot i had a sat nav... we just didn't have the address! Pete managed to find it on his phone and we just put in the closest road. In this manner we kept getting to within a mile or so of the Ace before getting lost again :mrgreen:

Done this about 4 or 5 times.. I spoke to numerous people on the street, none of which were English, i even ran across the road to ask a biker for directions, he just shook his head and drove off.... :shock:

Do i look that bad? (rhetorical question peeps..)

Anyways, missed most of the snow, until I hit Northampton on the M1, light snow til I hit The Coventry turn off, then it was the blanketing stuff, not so bad cos I was only 15 mins from home.

Gave the bike a quick hose down with hot water...the salt was growing on it I'm sure :D

Great to meet everyone!! Looking forward to the next one!! Hopefully won't get lost.....


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Just got back to Portsmouth after spending the weekend in London with Jin & Skittles. Was nice to meet you all, hopefully I'll see you all again soon. :D

And sorry Jin and I were a bit late....my jeans ripped all the way up the back so you could see my underwear through them, so Jin very kindly offered to sew them up before we left. So it's my fault we weren't there very long. :lol:

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:lol: To be honest I have no idea how they got ripped. It must have happened in the night somehow. It Jin hadn't sewn them together then I would have had to hold them together by hand which would have looked a bit dodgy. :lol:


Careful Andy! Just to throw in.. Seperate Sofas! I still think Darcy decided to join you in the night..

Good to meet you all :D, familiar faces and New ones.. Well done to the lot that still braved it regaurdless of the weather, your lucky your not staying over *peers out of window* Yup Still snowing thick and fast and getting pretty deep now :shock:

Hope to see you all soon, Next time with me on my ickle Cbr :)

Jin x

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Yep, as Jive said, I wimped out. The pace of the ride was a little quicker than I like to go on unfamiliar roads, so I kept getting further back and was eventually holding the other guys up. So what with shivering under layers of clothing, numb fingers, possibility of getting lost on the North circular (despite having ridden the route at least two other times) and the thought of a ride home in blizzards I called it a day at Buntingford. The call of a pint in a warm pub also had a great deal of pulling power. (wish I hadn`t bothered, I lost at cards) Good to meet some new faces and for feck sake "ROLL ON SUMMER" I`ll never moan again about sweating in my bike gear.......promise.

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"ROLL ON SUMMER" I`ll never moan again about sweating in my bike gear.......promise.


Too right mate!!! I remember picking my bike up in March last year and riding round in the cold thinking how awful it was... Summer comes round and I am stood at some show near Manchester with TC and a few others and I forced myself to whinge as little as possible about the onset of severe heat exhaustion!!! Roll on Summer!!!!!

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Yep, as Jive said, I wimped out. The pace of the ride was a little quicker than I like to go on unfamiliar roads, so I kept getting further back and was eventually holding the other guys up. So what with shivering under layers of clothing, numb fingers, possibility of getting lost on the North circular (despite having ridden the route at least two other times) and the thought of a ride home in blizzards I called it a day at Buntingford. The call of a pint in a warm pub also had a great deal of pulling power. (wish I hadn`t bothered, I lost at cards) Good to meet some new faces and for feck sake "ROLL ON SUMMER" I`ll never moan again about sweating in my bike gear.......promise.

Even WITH muffs.... I knew I done the right thing. Think I would have turned into a flesh coloured icicle under layers of outer clothing. I really don't do cold well, I should know this by now

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sorry i missed you lot :oops: ,but i had a look out for the metro :crybaby: next time maybe :cheers:


Didnt take my advice huh! :P

98hornet wrote:

look out for me too ,ill pop over to that one,see ya there


vicki wrote:


May I suggest you ask for someones mobile number so that you can ring when your there.... there have been plenty of meets where we've all been in the same place, but somehow missed each other


Maybe next time :wink:

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Just realised how rude I was on Sunday ... I was so wrapped up in the other groups I was chatting with I only really spoke to yorbandit from TMBF!

Sorry for my ignorance to all that was there, it shan't happen again :oops:

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sorry i missed you lot :oops: ,but i had a look out for the metro :crybaby: next time maybe :cheers:


Didnt take my advice huh! :P

98hornet wrote:

look out for me too ,ill pop over to that one,see ya there


vicki wrote:


May I suggest you ask for someones mobile number so that you can ring when your there.... there have been plenty of meets where we've all been in the same place, but somehow missed each other


Maybe next time :wink:

vikki,i did try

heres what i wrote earlier

ok can someone pm me there number and ill meet you there, and maybe you could then introduce me to the others ,vikki hun you up for job?i know im new here lol

see i did i did,next time,next time

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