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I've got a theory test tomorrow, and I'm booking my DAS on the weekend, I do have a concern though. I've been hearing a fair few stories from people about instructors raising their voices / getting really irate with students. Is this common? All I know is that if someone tries that with me through a loud intercom while I'm stressed (inevitable in the beginning seeing as It's something really new and fairly dangerous), I'm not exactly going to react well to any stretch of the imagination. I'm not saying I'm unhinged at all, but I don't tend take any sh!t whatsoever and such an instructor may find his bike tipped into a ditch, and me walking the shortest route back to my car. I remember appreciating that my driving instructor was such a chilled out bloke, I could really do with a similar temperament to hold my hand through the bike training.

So, questions... Any experience with short tempered instructors? How were they dealt with?

Any motorcycle schools / instructors in South Wales I should steer clear of?

TA :lol:


I wouldn't worry about it till it happens :lol:

can't see there being that many bad tempered instructors,

it's how they make their living so you'd think they'd be fairly good at it :lol:

Just turn up ready to listen and learn and enjoy yourself!

good luck! :lol:


i heard those sorts of stories before mine too.........to be fair mine got proper narky with me but that was my first test and i did go through a red light so i think it was blind panic on his aprt pmsl!!

you ll be fine!!!relax and enjoy being out on the bike is the best advice anyone can give!


Those instructors who shout or lose their tempers are thankfully in the minority. The majority appreciate and realise that you are firstly inexperienced, and secondly on a very sharp learning curve and mistakes are bound to happen.

Where patience can sometimes be in a little bit of short supply is usually during CBT when the 16 year old tetostorone filled youngsters come along and think they know it all or want to show off in front of their mates or fellow students and don't listen to a word they are being told.

Those doing DAS are not usually a problem because they are at a different level and are willing learners, particularly bearing in mind the money they have paid.

If you do get a problem, then this is something that can be addressed later on as their are channels that can be used, but probably the best advice is in order to find the school that best suits your requirements, is give a few of them a call, arrange to go and have a chat where you can express your concerns and see how you get on.


I had three instructors over my CBT and restricted access and they were all excellent. Two of them really chilled out and took their time with me. The other was exactly the same over the radio whilst i was riding, but would be a bit more animated when off the bike and going through things. Some people may perceive someone who is trying to drive a point home as being angry if you're not doing something right. Just take it with a pinch of salt. Remember that you're the one paying them to teach you and if it takes you longer then so be it.

Im sure you wont have a problem at all, so good luck and ride safe :thumb:


I think the best thing to do would be to go along and speak to the training school so you can actually meet the instructor first. Have a chat and ask them what you should expect from the training. If they can calmly go over all of that and not rush through it (because they've probably told people a thousand times!) then they're probably fit for the job! And make sure you get on with them. If you can feel relaxed in this first chat then that's a good place to start.

You might have read a thread where I said my instructor was impatient with me. All I did was, at the end of the day when the other lad had gone home, have a quiet word with him and told him that shouting at me was making it hard for me to learn and please could he understand that I'm paying him to learn how to ride, not so he can bollock me when I get it wrong! But a quick chat face to face should sort that 'problem' anyway.

Oh and you'll also notice that people generally have said that although their instructors can be angry at times they usually seem nice as pie the next day!


Thanks for the responses! I think I will go down the route of having a quick chinwag before booking. I don't mind being shouted at if I do something really stupid or irrisponsible, I'm not in the business of treating roads like playgrounds anyway. I'm really easy to get along with but I am however perfectly willing to let someone know if I believe they're being an arse for the sake of being an arse :oops:, I'm sure it'll be fine though.

Theory tomorrow morning in Builth Wells, fingers/toes crossed!!!


From an Instructors point of view :wink:

I teach both Motorcycles and Cars :wink:

Take it as you wish, however if an Instructor " about instructors raising their voices / getting really irate with students. Is this common? "

It is because they lack the skill/experience to deliver adequete control/instruction during the lesson :shock: :shock:

There are a few about (we call them dinosours), remember as said previous, you are paying for this service, so ensure your Instructor is qualified and experienced enough to ensure learning takes place ok :D

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