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Posts posted by Joe85

  1. On 29/11/2022 at 15:58, Yorky said:

    In fairness it's not the police who are at fault. They only collect the facts as evidence.

    It is the CPS who decide whether or not to prosecute, and they always go for the easy target.

    The guy still had to appear in court and be tried in front of a jury of his peers. 

    He was found guilty, which means the jury was unanimous in their decision.


    im not saying this right or wrong as I don’t know enough about the case, but I think it adds some useful context to the situation.


    I will say he was a fool for chasing them down after the fact. I don’t know what he hoped to achieve. It’s so far beyond the scope of reasonable force, too. 

    • Like 1
  2. 22 hours ago, Fiddlesticks said:

    Last night I noticed the gritter out. So I dug out the XCP and the low pressure paint sprayer that came with the compressor. Washed and dried the bike,  hammerite on the centre stand.

    The compressor worked well applying the XCP - much better than the manual spray trigger that came with the stuff. It took a while to get it set up right - sitting the bottle in a tub of boiling water to get it running freely first helped. Came out like a fine mist - very little used,  but it covered everything well.


    I purchased a can of XCP yesterday so will try it on the next application. 

    ACF50 for me today, though. Forgot how messy that stuff is. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 03/12/2022 at 07:22, MikeHorton said:

    I had the stealth fitted to mine as a freebie when I bought the Honda I renewed the subscription after year one gives good piece of mind and the 2 times I took it out without the fob I had a phone call before I got a mile from home! 

    Yeh I was surprised the new GS didn’t come with it. I was equally surprised to find out that you get a limited number of SMS messages a year from Datatool in the subscription. 


  4. First service completed. Rode to the dealer at 5degC (30 minute ride), toes feeling ever so slightly cold, so get the feeling they'll be close to falling off on the all day rides in France next week - so weighed out for heated socks!


    (Thank you, Paypal Credit)



    • Like 2
  5. Monster 821.


    Loved it. A lovely steppingstone to a supernaked. The Italians may have their flaws, but they don't half know how to make a good looking bike.


    • Like 3
  6. On 26/11/2022 at 17:25, veracocha said:

    It's a fantastic feeling taking a new bike out having just passed my test; a world away from my 125 which I loved. A bit nervous but within an hour you realise your training has stayed with you and got you where you are. Had one worrying moment when I hit some mud on the road down a country lane otherwise just a great feeling flowing through the Worcestershire countryside. Took in two motorway junctions, felt no different than when in my car so will make my way to Motorcycle live again tomorrow only this time on my bike. Great day. 

    Well done - it's one of thiose things you only ever get to experience once: Your first lone ride on a big bike. Feels amaszing, doesnt it?

    • Like 2
  7. Installed a Data Tool Stealth. Quite a good serves - £309 including 1-years subscription, and they come to your hosue to install it. Also the Heated Jacket Premium from Gerbing is top notch, has built in cable in the arms for you gloves to. Very clean set up and makes winter rinding very comfortable.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Fiddlesticks said:

    As in, did you get to your destination and think,  "why didn't I nip through the  traffic a bit more",  or "that was a bit silly".

    Ah, right - in that case never the former, occasionally the latter.

    • Like 1
    • I'll generally filter through any traffic, both motorway and non-motorway (although at far lower speeds than previous owing to the absolute f**king bus that i'm now riding around on).
    • I generally don't put a speed on it, and more of a feel. If it's standstill traffic i'll go at a speed where i feel i could stop if I see a gap opening up that and adjacent car can pull into, or someone threatening to pull out (You know, the glance in the mirror, twitch of the wheels etc). If the traffic is slow moving, then my speed will increase proportionally to it.
    • Plenty of sketchy moments and one wirte off from a lady who basically just drove into me emrging from a minor turning through traffic. 
    • 95% are considerate and make space for a bike to manouvre through. A small number are belligerent w**kers who take great satisfaction in holding you up.
    • Not really sure wht the last qustion means.
    • Like 2
  9. Push traps up against the wall. Rodents tend to scurry along walls rather than across open ground so pushing up against the wall will ensure they encounter the bait and will have to step across it regardless.


    Additionally, once you catch one or the trap triggers, relocate it to another area. Rodents are likely to avoid that route. 

  10. 12 hours ago, bonio said:

    Hope you got the BMW fireside slippers thrown in for free.

    Seriously though, nice bike.

    Not entirely sure it was a wise move. I like the S1KR, thisnk it's a stunning looking bike, however it's a tad to clinical for me, i rarely have the urge to just get out on it. When it's like that you know its time for a change. (Plus the full system i put on is just too bast*rd loud and i cant be arsed to change it back.


    So i went for a brand-spanking new GSA. After the tour in france earlier this year i knew i wanted one. Have a few trips planned next year so it makes sense. Plus there ist he added benefit of no chain maintenance.


    Maybe i'll regret it. I had my pants ripped down for the trade in price, too.

    • Like 3
  11. 19 minutes ago, Bender said:

    Which bit of six figures is incorrect 


    According to tax payers alliance 


    Mick Cash, the RMT’s former general secretary, took home a total remuneration of £163,468 in 2020, including £1,432 in car benefit. Steve Hedley, former RMT senior assistant general secretary, had a total remuneration of £94,016, including £2,945 in car benefit, in the same year. Former RMT assistant general secretary and now the union’s general secretary, Mick Lynch, had total remuneration of £118,450 in 2020.



    I'm presuming the less than 6 figures he quotes is take home after tax etc, but you still have to earn it to pay tax 😕

    Do you know what the Tax Payers Alliance is? (Hint, they’re not an alliance of taxpayers). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TaxPayers'_Alliance


    Have they cited their source? In fact, have any of the rags running these figures cited a source that isn’t the Taxpayers’ Alliance?



  12. On 09/08/2022 at 18:21, S-Westerly said:

    Total equality is absolutely unobtainable so by definition there will always be inequality unless you go down the Orwellian route of some being more equal than others. Enjoy.

    Are we just talking about wealth, here? Or healthcare, schooling, social etc? Because those things are absolutely obtainable. 

  13. 14 hours ago, Bianco2564 said:

    We will have to agree to disagree.

    From an outsider to trade unions its blatant hypocrisy from the union leaders, while criticising wealthy company bosses, they help feather their own nest with six figure salaries from the back pockets of the people they say they represent and care for.

    If they really cared for them they would give half their salary back to them, are they socialist or capitalist?


    I had to chuckle at your quote, I had to google it.

    Was it some statesman; Lenin, MLK, JFK? 

    No, Russel Brand lol.



    I’m beginning to think your understanding of hypocrisy is somewhat flawed.

    Lynch and the RMT are asking for a pay rise in line with inflation so their members don’t face a real terms pay cut whilst the franchisees syphon enormous profits out the railway and out of the country. That’s not hypocrisy. Lynch isn’t paid by the railway franchisees that pay the salaries of his members or their bosses. He is literally elected to his role by those that pay their membership fees (the same fees that are a fraction of the uplift required to enhance pay to match inflation) to represent their interests when collectively bargaining with the franchisees. They could do as you suggested, and bin off union fees (and unions) altogether and they’d still be poorer for it (and on significantly worse terms) - but that’s just weird and illogical. 

    You also know that the unions proposed to scrap bonus schemes and instead reinvest that money back into the railway, right?


    You can chuckle away all you like. Why does the fact that Brand said it make any less impactful? Because you don’t like him? Maybe I should quote the person that gave you the incorrect figure for Lynch’s salary ("six figures" - deliberately misleading… and utterly incorrect), since that’s what has you all hot and bothered, Although shame on you for having your pants ripped down by Piers Morgan of all people (the tosser).


    I get it, you don’t like the bloke and what he stands for, that’s fine by me, but a hypocrite he ain’t. Personally, I think he’s marvellous; has the Tories permanently tied up in knots (they don’t know how to deal with a working class bloke who can articulate) and represents his members interests brilliantly. Although, he and the RMT are avid brexiteers… so there are some flaws.


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