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Posts posted by NeilM

  1. The Marquez stand would probably be lisa and her mates proffered stand.

    We call them the Repsol twins :wink:

    They are both old enough to be his mother. ..lol

    It's quite funny really. Me the kids my mate all definitely not marquez and them 2 decked out in their repsol gear

  2. Where are you sitting Hoggs?

    We are in woodcote A this year.

    There's 4 of us with the kids so we treat it as a holiday.

    We camp in woodlands on site. It's the first year we have done the camper van thing tho.

    I finally relented and agreed. Lisa has wanted to hire one for years but me being a tight yorkshire man have always said no a tent will do :wink:

  3. First of all contact the council and explain what's occurred. See what their response is.

    As a last resort. If the goods are damaged the contractor will have public liability insurance so this is a route you may want to consider.

    I imagine though that the council will sort it out for you.

  4. Very strange happening today.

    Tescos in Batley.

    Some silly old bugger has cornered a member of staff in the mobile phone section.

    He starts on this political rant knowing full well the poor staff member had to realistically take it.

    For 5 mins while we were being dealt with by another member of staff all you could here was UKIP this UKIP that.

    And when the staff member mentioned he was a liberal the silly old bugger nearly keeled over...lol

    At least its being discussed I suppose.

  5. How about. ..

    This not voting if not fully understading.

    Let's extend this idea to the house of commons and house of lords.

    Prior to any vote. Members are required to sit an exam on said subject to ensure they fully understand and comprehend what they are voting about. ;-)

    Just a thought. ...

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