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Posts posted by NeilM

  1. Yeah sorry.

    Plenty folk can take me n taxis r 10 a penny round here.

    Just having a witter and a moan I think.

    Aren't a good patient as I don't normally get ill.

    Broken bones etc I can handle but this is stressing me out.

    Doing diet a world of good mind. 4 slices of toast a day since Thursday. Back to my fighting weight in no time.....lol

  2. Yeah that's a concern.

    Lisa (much much better half) been on to me mam who many years ago used to be a nurse.

    She's convinced I now have pneumonia.

    I'm going to try get in the docs in morning.

    It's only 200 yards away. But in know there is no way I can walk it n can't drive cos I don't know what planet I'm on...lol

    Either going soft or panicking myself.

    Feel really bizzare.

  3. After a bit of advice please boys n girls.

    So I began to feel ropey Tuesday night at work. Deteriated through Wednesday and attended the Dr on thThursday morning.

    He diagnosed a chest infection and subscribed anti biotics and rest.

    I was due to be on days this weekend but knocked on the dr insistance.

    Anyway since Friday I have got a lot worse. I am struggling to breathe and are very short of breath etc.

    Been stuck in bed now for 5 days n getting worse rather than better.

    Any suggestions?

    Home made remedies?

    Already doing the honey thing. R kids a bit of a tree hugger n swears by this £17 jar honey (broke me bloody heart)

  4. There are some very heartless people in this world.

    Due to the nature of my job I've always had cpr. First aid and emergency response training.

    Tango. You do get over it mate. Take the counselling offered it will help.

    On a much lighter note.

    20 year ago. Myself and several friends were in kings cross station. Cellar bar.

    Tea time on a Tuesday. Down for a match.

    Bloke falls down the stairs looking like he's had a heart attack. I jump (lot younger n fitter then ) over 2 railings in the pub to get to him.

    Proceed to give the initial slap.

    The responce being "jaysaas that's been a good sesh"!!!!.

    Not one other person in the entire bar had moved only the 12 or so northern monkeys. So called scum of the earth football lads....lol

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