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Everything posted by soll

  1. soll

    IT chat

    Unashamedly I am. My brother has a PS4, and we do swap from time to time. I was a major PS2 fanboy back in the day, and I recently got another PS2 console just to play some classics. I have Steam as well but I use it so rarely I may as well not have it haha. And I have Origin for Sims 2 basically, as it was the only one in the series I liked. Soll, if I add you do you fancy some Battlefront at some point? Not played it with others yet. Plus it would be good to talk to the chap I've been suggesting bikes to over the last year LOL send me a messag and add me, we talking xboxone i take it.... if you have GTAV or something you can join my mates and blow people up (normally each other)
  2. soll

    IT chat

    TF2 im on it. Star Wars BAttlefront - i can see it dying quickly, with just a hard core play it, its titan fall with george lucas backing. cod games are all kit biased. ill be reinstalling steam and tf2 tonite then.... steam: snekie xbox : snekie soll origin: ewwwwwww!!!!
  3. soll

    IT chat

    i challenge ye all to a CIV 4 match over the weekend of our choosing or maybe counterstrike ?
  4. soll

    IT chat

    Rant Machine with a gameboy in his draws..... this escalated quick
  5. Cock. Natural selection at its best, he obviously realised he was in the wrong as at the end hes shaking hands with the cab driver.
  6. soll

    IT chat

    gone are the days when you had to reconfigure your config.exe an autoexec.bat to get as much memory as possible to run particular games. gamespy was one i remember when playing star trek command 1,2 and 3 online.... I'm still in contact with these people. these days using mumble, MMORPG's coming out of your butts, my xbox one makes gaming so easy.... was cheaper than buying new PC for gaming. FAllout 4 is immense
  7. would that not be noob of the day?
  8. my caberg stunt is pretty good for comfort and ventilation ... problem with ventilation is the noise... now have ear plugs before i go deaf.
  9. Ride like the wind matey, never met you but never a good thing when someone passes before their time.
  10. soll


    been watching the new thunderbirds series ... thats basically the same with modern tech. all the scenery is modelled with only the characters as CGI..... i like it.
  11. does your bike jacket buckle up at the back and have some funky buckled mittens?
  12. its when she rings you standing below a street lamp sharpening a knife
  13. MInes all warpped up ready for hibernation..... will get started and wiped down once a week
  14. Speed is the easy part, controlling it is where people feck up. On your way to your mod 1/ mod 2 ask the instructor ro take you via a national speed limit.... easy. mod one is easy, when doing the speed tests, pull away, knock it in to 2nd and just average 15-17 mph around the bend and then just roll the throttle back as you straighten up, and then release as you enter the first gate for the swerve. its the rush of a 650 that normally catches u out
  15. soll


    vote for a motion to ban politic and religious subjects..... troops will be going in soon.....
  16. remember with every failure your one step closer to success. bad luck mate, but as other say .. next time you should have no excuse...
  17. was discussing these in my honda dealership last night while waiting for my forks to be sorted. there is one with a cbr fireblade body fitted to it.. looks mental found it http://www.hondagrom.net/forums/attachments/12362d1404759483-racing-fever-full-fairing-kit-racing-fever-full-fairing-kit.jpg
  18. might have to look at that gizmo Me too... I have a pinlock which is great but now the nights are drawing in I do notice it really does create loads of glare (which is why you're not supposed to use them at night I know I know) they have 80 of the damn things at laguna, so ill pick one up tonight
  19. soll


    peoples views are peoples views, just wish more people where strong enough to follow there own minds rather than be manipulated. as for changing picture on FB, got home late last night and couldnt figure it out so gave up.... beer and facebook is a bad idea.
  20. soll


    They already have http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/n ... ris-attack Thoughts and prayers to everyone who has lost someone in the recent attacks, both in Paris and Lebanon. well nostradamus did predict world war three would start in the middle east, start building bomb shelters and god help us all.
  21. soll


    Its a very sad thing, but if you look at history, a pissed of France is something that most people don't want. If there is a european nation that will step up in recent years its France.... and tbh I would think they will start bombing syria in retaliation..... UN says no testing of Nukes in the pacific, Frances say ok and does it anyway........ good luck ISIS, your gonna need it. hope the french smash them back under the rock they crawled out from.
  22. go for it... take your time MOD1 is not a race ... stop take a deep breath at each stage just to calm yourself....
  23. YOu post is very good, so good i want one.... I'll pm you my address so you can purchase one and send it to me.. cheers mate otherwise, don't believe your own hype, otherwise we will be watching a you tube video of you being smeared across the road
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