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Posts posted by Westbeef

  1. There's plenty of the muppets near me, speeding through an alley at 30-40mph when people regularly walk through it is not respecting the public. I get people just want a place to go mess about on bikes, and i know some biddies like to moan the second they hear a crosser anywhere near their house, but go find a field or something stop blasting along the pavement alongside the road.

  2. I would make my decision based upon where they were sending me, if it's right by Gaza or Syria I'd be a bit worried.

    On a side note, we've sent people to Beirut before and they came back fine :D.

  3. Driving is useful in some situations, like when I'm playing football and have to lug along all my gear or will be getting a shower at home afterwards. I also can't get my lad on the back of the bike yet! (Can't reach the pegs :( )

  4. The UK is the one of the worst for tracking people, there was an Edward Snowden documentary where he says a lot of about what is going on with this sort of stuff (The guy who leaked a lot of classified documents). He basically says everyone's being monitored, your laptop can be accessed and view you through the webcam, they can follow your movements via your phone, all sorts of stuff. I've linked the documentary info below, it's very interesting to watch if you can get hold of it somehow.

    http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4044364/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

  5. Thanks Gin :D.

    What did you do in the end DRZ I passed out before you left?

    I was sleeping in a field, isn't that what tenting is surely :lol:

    You kinda vanished into the darkness like a lady of the night


    I'm quite impressed I thought you were going to set off at 3am and ride home and I don't remember getting in my tent but I do know that's where I woke up :mrgreen:

  6. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for making me feel at ease with the ride out, I was bricking it a bit before we left (I was particularly worried about sending people the wrong way at a corner :mrgreen: ) but I really enjoyed it and the advise received was greatly appreciated, thanks. :thumb:

  7. I feel like this is the point where I should be making a "because you never ride your bike" joke, but I can't really seeing as you rode to the rally last year :lol:


    Come on now we have been through this before

    Any of you lot been to Europe on the bike yet ;-)


    How do you know I haven't got loads of tags and just not posted them ;-)




    Have you? :D


    No :lol:


    I used to ride mine around Europe until around the end of June :mrgreen:

  8. Off up to my son's this evening (collecting a few tags on the way) and then on t'rally Friday morning (aiming to arrive around noonish).


    See you all there (Gin - grab me when you arrive for the 'Rally T-shirt payment).


    Ollie - Do you want me to alert the AA that you are 'travelling' so they can be on standby?



    Might be wise if you take into account the Bandit too :mrgreen:

  9. What if I told you I'm 6ft 5 and 18 stone though? I would be lying if I did.




    *Gins gaze travels up.. and up.. and up.. From her comfortable 5ft3, she suddenly feels very much like the pipsqueak*



    It's cool, I'm lying I'm pretty average really and I know not to pick on short girls my missus is 5ft :mrgreen: .

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