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Posts posted by Westbeef

  1. Ello All,

    Ever since I had my off a few months ago I've really struggled in the wet/slightly damp with my bike, I still get all tense if I have to stop quickly in any conditions. I feel mostly OK in the dry so I thought it was just in my head as my confidence was knocked, but I still have 0 confidence in the bike and I think there's more to it.

    The rear end feels like it has 0 grip at all, before I came off it felt fine I didn't have any issues at all. I've tested it coming to a stop at slow speed using only the rear break and it slides quite easily. Roundabouts and tight corners also make my rear feel like its very loose(no anal jokes please). Obviously the first place to look is the tyre but as it was fine before I came off I wasn't sure, I'll stick a photo up of it's condition later to get your opinion, I think it's got plenty left and I keep the tyre pressures correct as I know that can have a similar effect. Is there anything else that could do this? Could over-adjusting my rear brake have a similar effect? My wheel was knocked out of alignment with my forks when I came off, could setting this back incorrect do the same thing?

  2. What are your thoughts on this? A lot of attention is being put on this, in particular regarding the upcoming England Vs Scotland football match. The FA are trying to say it's a political statement, when it's far from that. I think it is a persons choice whether they wear one or not, there seems to be a lot of people making a big outcry about the fact people should have to wear one. I disagree, people may have reasons to wear one, or reasons not to wear one and that's entirely their decision, it doesn't make them a bad person either way.

    Also the BBC seem to impose this on their TV presenters, and they have been wearing one since the 3rd week in October - over 3 weeks before Armistice day.

  3. There is a Roadcraft Nottingham video where he recommends the middle of the road for a lot of situations, particularly when the road is wet

    Found it:

    " onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


    That's interesting, but I couldn't on my way home. There's literally a trail of diesel on the commute home down the centre of the road. Someone with a leaky tank obviously takes the same route and you can see spots for about 4 miles continuously. I assume it is diesel, but it might be oil or petrol but I'm assuming my bike is going to react the same way on all of them.

  4. I'm only on a 125 so I guess my situation is much different but in the wet my traction is really crap. The back end never feels right, but in the dry it's perfect! It could be the tyres themselves, unfortunately my bike is limited to two options and I have the better of two evils. Maybe your tyres aren't good for wet weather?

  5. We're probably all guilty of over bantering you Beefy. But you know we all love you.


    I give as good as I get, so it's defo deserved :mrgreen:

    Say that again? Didn't quite hear you :mrgreen:


    Im a changed man, i don't engage in the banter anymore.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. Good work! Is the bike he's on a balance bike? Looks good, want to get my soon to be 3 year old something similar.


    Kind of, its got really wide flat wheels so it sits up on its own. He's not 2 yet so it was good for him to start on, he's got a proper balance bike for when he is a little bigger :).

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. Got the picture below off Mrs Beefy when I got to work this morning, he wouldn't let her change the channel and just sat there like that watching. I think he's on the correct path 8-) 8-) .




    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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