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Foxy Stoat seeks Pig

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Posts posted by Foxy Stoat seeks Pig

  1. I have read that MOD 1 is the hard bit but I think i was more confident of the MOD 1 because it was down to me, none else could interfere, with the MOD 2 it seems there are so many other variables to take into account. Life savers im doing but sometimes looking both sides instead of either just left or right, i feel safer taht way but not sure if i will get marked down for that?

    so much going through my mind. trying to anticipate the route or roundabouts he might take me on, impossible really.

    i might be overthinking all this. Got a whole week of this to look forward too :D

  2. It was a full on day. 9am – 4pm. Not sure how many miles we covered but strangely I don’t feel as confident going into this one as I did with my MOD 1 or maybe it just feels that way. Already I’m nervous. There just seem like so much can go wrong, me, peds, cyclists other cars/bikes.

    Felt like he was in my ear a lot throughout the day. I can only hope that is because he is training me to a higher level than the examiners expect to see (as he did on my MOD 1)

    I will be out practicing every evening after work this week.

    Maybe I’m being to had on myself, all will be revealed on Friday.

  3. Took it off, opened it up and the spring was dry as a bone. Lubed it up good and it's working better although doesn't fully extend as I would like it to, BUT the bike does engage gear now which was the problem. So for now its working, I guess only time will tell how long for.

  4. its probably just sticking

    get it on a paddock stand if you can and have a look


    Just had a look definitely sticking. Managed to pulled it about another 0.5cm with a screwdriver. It went in to gear no problem. So I plan to take off tomorrow give it a good clean and lube to hopefully free it up, unless its it just knackered?

    Would give it a go now but it's bloody dark out there

  5. This make for some interesting reading. My FZ6 was delivered in the week, been out as pillion......scary.

    So i cant go anywhere until at least beginning October (if...big if....i pass MOD 2 of course) So my timing seems more than a little off as i've missed the best part of year and soon be into winter. I really want to give it a go on teh bike but the car will be sat on the drive looking all dry and warm on the inside and might be just too tempting if its cold/throwing it down. Ice and snow definitely will be using the car.

  6. Just to conclude this story, I failed my Mod 1. Completely due to nerves, put my foot down on the U-turn bloody silly mistake and am furious with myself. On the other hand my instructor says my gears are pretty much where they should be now. Not great but not terrible either.




    Harsh. This one my only real concern with the MOD 1 test - nerves + U-turn. You will smash it next time!

  7. If it helps I used to half the distance when I was practicing and it didnt take to long to master, then when test day arrived the distance was doubled and I though I could do it in an arctic was very easy.


    This. I looked at the U-Turn lines on my training and said there is no way that is 7 metres apart, instructor just smiled and nodded at me as if to say yes it is now get on with it. so I did. Test day came and I couldn't believe how much more room I had, I was cursing him under my helmet. :D

  8. I’m always looking to save a few quid where I can (thrift is my middle name). I understand that Almax and Pragmasis chain are the best but come with a hefty price tag. I could pick up some 16mm galvanised mooring chain for around £16 a metre.

    I would only be looking to use these on days during the winter when I don’t fancy taking the bike and its left at home. Other than tha overnight it is parked in front of two cars and there is no possible way it could be taken unless:

    a) They hire a crane.

    b) They steal both cars first

    So I’m wondering if mooring chain would be sufficient? I have an anchor it would be looped around but I would need about 2.5 – 3 metres to have plenty to play with.

    Ready to be shot down in flames if this is a stupid idea but just looking for cheaper alternatives.


  9. Hi! Can anyone tell me how far apart the cones are in the figure of 8 exercise in the CBT? Also, is this exercise done solely with the clutch, or is there a little acceleration?


    CBT (although i guess this could differ depending on training ground size) and MOD 1 the cones are 6m apart for the figure of eight, 4.5m apart for the slalom and 7.5m distance between white lines for U turn.

    My figure of 8's on MOD 1 were all clutch control. Up to 2000k revs and all clutch control I don't remember the CBT much, all a bit of a blur really.......and it was only in May.

  10. Also, if like me, you have a young lad whizzing about on a twist & go telling you how easy it all is then just ignore him and concentarte of what you are trying to achieve......


    I had a similar experience myself and then out on the roads the youngster was totally different and lacking confidence as he'd never ridden on the roads before where I was more confident on the roads being a 20 year veteran in cars

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Same, this lad ran a red light. He wasn't so smug then after the bollocking from the instructor. I would have laughed but it was bloody dangerous so i was just glad he came through unscathed.

  11. From my limited experience so far i would recommend using a geared bike. I had zero experience on a bike before my CBT but I wouldn't fancy trying to learn the gears on my own, im sure it can be done but wasnt for me, had enough to think about first time i was out on my own. Also, if like me, you have a young lad whizzing about on a twist & go telling you how easy it all is then just ignore him and concentarte of what you are trying to achieve......

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