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Foxy Stoat seeks Pig

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Posts posted by Foxy Stoat seeks Pig

  1. I have heated grips installed which have wired directly to the battery. Which of course means that i know at some point i'm going to leave them on/accidently knock the switch and come back to the car park and find i have a flat battery OR some tool is going to switch them on 'for a laugh'.

    So is there a way to easily wire these to the ignition, reading up it seems i need a relay and a live wire, possibly the tail light? Willing to have a crack myself if its fairly straightfoward.


  2. Went out for a few miles very close to home (didn't fancy a long push home :D ) took it steady didn't go above 40mph. Very paranoid about any noise and have zero confidence in bike, well maybe 5% now.

    Got home and took the cover off and the nut is still as tight as when I left although I think I need to invest in a torque wrench. I'm probably going to give it a run out at the weekend. I'm not taking it to work tomorrow or Friday. Am also going to buy a spare nut and washer and keep it under seat. Will probably check the nut every day now for a while. :D

    Despite all this it felt great to be on the bike again!! Thanks all for your help. I do hope that is my problem sorted now.

  3. *disclaimer: RantMachine don't know shit*

    Well, if the washer is engaged with the splines, the nut is properly torqued, and at least one side of the washer is folded over the nut nice and snug, I can't see it being a problem! :thumb:

    *disclaimer: RantMachine don't know shit*


    All the above in place. My worry was the amount of thread still unused on the nut

  4. Parts have arrived so I've had a bash, I mean how difficult can it be to tighten a nut?? well read on for two issues I have come across.

    First issue, the folding tabs bits on the washer don't line up with the nut. the one to the left looks fine, the one to the right doesn't


    Also there seems to be thread left on the nut which is not being used. It looks like because the washer is in place means all thread is not used. if that makes sense? if the washer was not used then there is no thread on nut left to use. see pic below.


    Probably explained all that really poorly, hopefully the pics will help. Trying to get this sorted myself today before the pick up tomorrow you see. :)


  5. Yes not happy about the 50 I have to pay. But the invoice/warranty does clearly state return to base which i hadn't picked up on. They are trying to fix it for me trouble is I'm soooo impatient and therefore hate waiting. Added to that my other bike (cg125 now up for sale) is off the road. All in all a little frustrating.

  6. Bike is being picked up for repair and inspection on Thursday, not sure when i will see it again though. Can't come quick enough.

    Not sure what is worse - having a working bike without a licence to ride it, or having a broken bike with a licence to be able to ride it. :mrgreen: both suck to be honest.

    I'm completely off the road now as if i want to swap my insurance back to the CG its another £35 admin fee, then will be another £35 to change back when FZ6 is fixed.

    Pretty fed up right now.

  7. Just keep at it i guess. I'm going thought the same transition. My FZ6 is worlds apart from my CG and i'm still getting used to it. Slow and steady as i went until my confidence improved. Shame the front sprocket dropped out after only 4 days of riding it :( . It's now sat on the drive looking very sorry for itself. Just keep at it, as i will when its fixed. To be honest it was just the same starting on the CG, now i zip about (legally of course) all over the place on taht no problem.

    No way i'm putting P plates on though.

  8. Further update.....

    I have got the front sprocket back in place(see pic)


    is it now just a case of getting a washer (that can be bent over) and a new nut? Cos I think I could manage that. :D Fixed for £20ish.

    Also do you know what size the nut is because I need to get a socket at the right size.

    I'm looking at this nut


    and this washer


    Would this do the job, assuming R6 nut is same size as FZ6 of course.

    Thank you once again. :)

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