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Posts posted by Gin

  1. yep doubt my cat would touch that as well and he eats anything that's going :wink:

    Mine will happily eat Quorn... and rice... and she'll give brocolli a go... and if there's a cat litter pebble on the floor she may give that a chomp too :| I swear she's a Labrador in cats clothing.

  2. Each of my work colleagues who drape their wet towel on top of the clothes rack rather than actually on a hanger, making all the clothes on the rack damp with their body damp.

    I started just throwing their towels on the floor, I'm now upgrading to putting them straight in the bin.

    Do you mind if I ask what do you do for a living?


    Office monkey :) (product management to be more specific)

    We have a shower room that's used by a mix of people who cycle in, run in and for some reason some people who get the bus in and feel the need to shower here rather than at home. From what I've gathered from casual questioning it is the latter group who do the towel draping.

    In true office politics style I've followed the agreed international process:

    Stage one: put up a terse note

    Stage two: sent a company email asking for a bit of politeness

    Stage three: chuck items on floor in disgust

    Stage four: place items directly in bin

    For anyone who thinks I should just have a go at those directly involved, I did identify one culprit and had a word.... they subsequently left the company. I must be scarier than I think I am.

    This is so British and I love it! :mrgreen:

  3. Each of my work colleagues who drape their wet towel on top of the clothes rack rather than actually on a hanger, making all the clothes on the rack damp with their body damp.

    I started just throwing their towels on the floor, I'm now upgrading to putting them straight in the bin.

    Do you mind if I ask what do you do for a living?

  4. You have every right to sue a cyclist (or pedestrian for that matter) that causes damage to your vehicle.

    ... Wish I'd known this 7 years ago :roll: Whole bike right off that I took the price of cos I was only on 3rd party, fire and theft and was told that as it wasn't another vehicle involved, there was nothing to be done.

  5. Many clubs will offer try dives in the pool (we get try divers most weeks and many join the club).

    If you wan to know more please ask. Where are you based?

    Thanks for your detailed reply (and actually to everyone who's replied so far, thank you so much, I have carefully read each post and I really appreciate all of your thoughts). :love:

    I am based in MK at the moment and think there's a club up by the M1, but I do need to double check. :?

    I think I will likely start with BSAC just because I'd quite like the weekly activity and community of it. :) It's been a long while since I've had the routine of knowing one night a week I'm out doing a hobby and I miss it (Will also be picking up rock climbing again as I really miss that!)

    Also, it's a lower cost upfront and as there's been a huge amount of change in my (and Jays) life recently, we have other upcoming costs which will take priority! :D

    However, once I feel comfortable enough, and once I think we're likely to do a holiday outside of the UK, I will definitely do a PADI course too, if nothing else than to add a bit of diversity to my training.

    Much like with Fireworks, I really enjoy the chance to work with as many different teams as I can as I ALWAYS learn something new from them; I never want to get comfortable in hobbies which have a level of risk. :shock:

  6. If only the politicians could resolve brexit as easily as us lot! They should make it compulsory for mp,s to be bikers.

    Mc Vities digestives rule!😁


    I dunno, think of the discussions about chain driven vs shaft with the Liberal equivalent of belt drives. Then you've got V-twins (the best) Vs horizontal twins or triples or (gasp) 4 cylinders or even singles. Oh and the real weirdos with 6 cylinder 2 wheeled buses aka Gold Wings. :shock:

    I think a parliament of bikers would be probably more sensible (couldn't be less) but it would still be pretty disputatious.

    As to biscuits - chocolate Hob Nobs.

    Oh Hell no! Don't you throw us liberals in with the belt drive oddballs! :lol:

    I think it would more be arguments over helmet life cycle (Had it 4 years?? Oh you Have to replace it!), counter steering and finally, the dreaded Nodding debate!!

  7. Though bikers may have a certain stereotype, this forums pretty, wonderfully, diverse.


    Quite right, believe it or not we actually have people on here that like malted milk's :puke:

    To be fair, I do quite enjoy a Farleys Rusk when I get the chance. But you do get odd looks when you buy them without being a parent!

    Might go to the shops at lunch and treat myself to a pack of Crunch Cremes. Them dipped in hot strong tea is Heaven! :love:

  8. Sans, I agree completely and I do normally call it out, in a polite friendly manner and offer to show them round my bike and all the gear I wear.

    It is natural for people to build a prejudice in their head, especially when they have very little contact with the party that they see the bad habits of (i.e. me looking at BMW drivers and assuming their going to cut me up without indicating!).

    Just needs more conversation around it all.

    This is starting to sound like a ride out to prove how polite bikers can be on the roads :lol: Lots of stopping at zebra crossings, giving way to people trying to pass, helping old ladies cross the road :mrgreen:

  9. :stupid:

    We have a thread going at the moment.

    Welcome to the forum, looking forward to seeing you at future meets and ride outs. :wave:

    P.s. The only ride I will be going to is one where I can stream an EU flag behind my British made motorbike.

    Though bikers may have a certain stereotype, this forums pretty, wonderfully, diverse.

  10. Same as others have said, time and place for that and it just gives us a bad name :roll:

    I also feel bad when you can tell their in a group, and the riders behind are desperately trying to keep up.

    I've been that second rider before and it's horrible, trying to dodge traffic because the person in front knows where there going and is meant to be leading you.

  11. The very drunk but very polite [strikeout]student[/strikeout] lady who approached me in the car park to say "Kawasaki all the way" and give my bike a stroke whilst commenting on how [strikeout]he[/strikeout] she loves them when they're green in colour :lol:

    Changed this so people can use it for anytime they meet up with Hoggs! :D

    Like the idea of this thread, looking forward to adding to it :thumb:

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